sick, sick, sick.... is it what I ate last night?



  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    After the nausea. I think I was overdosing on caffeine, to be honest. I took my magnesium again last night (for the first time since this initial post), put cream in my coffee this morning, and ate yogurt again. The only things I did differently were 1) no almonds and 2) less coffee. OR maybe I was just fighting something that day....
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Yay for working things out.

    It could just be you were fighting something that day. Hubby will occasionally get a rumbly tummy and not realize it's anything until I'm throwing up in the bathroom the next day. I suspect my system is getting better at handling these things, because I'll randomly be nauseated for a day or two, then it will go away.