Terrible run... and now I'm putting it off

StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
On Tuesday I was doing W5D1.

It went terribly.

On my program this was R:5, W:2, R:7, W:2, R:5

I got through the first run, 5 and a bit minutes of the second run and about 3 minutes of the final run.

It was BOILING HOT, I wasn't feeling great, my heart rate was insane from the moment I started.

Wednesday was a strength day, which I got up at 6am to do with no problems.

Yesterday should have been a run day, but I couldn't bring myself to do it :(

Now I'm sitting here at work trying to work out what to do tonight - it should be a strength day, but I'm thinking of just going home and getting on with W5 again - probably re-doing W5D1.

Anyone got anything to perk me up with?! This is the first time in C25K that I didn't complete the run and it's hit me a bit hard :(


  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I struggled with Week 5 Day 3 (20 minute run). It was a miserably hot and muggy morning. I went at 7:30am to avoid the heat of the day but still struggled. I continued on to week 6 this week. On Day 3 I thought about re-doing the 20 minute run of Week 5. As I was running though I felt strong and was able to finish the whole 25 minutes! Someone esle told me that a miserable run is usually followed by a good one. All of the conditions were better for me, the weather was cooler, the ground flatter, no humidity...it all worked out. Be confidant and give it a go. You can't finish by avoiding it and you know you want to finsh! What an accomplishment it will be for all of us former non-runners!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The irony is that every horrible bad no-good worst run I've EVER had was followed by the best one ever.

    Don't put off your great run.
  • Maybe try running at a different time of day? Personally I run in the morning (6am-7am time frame) as it tends to be cooler outside. Or if you have to do it in the afternoon/evening, maybe wait til after 7pm after the sun starts to go down? That's what I would do anyways.
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member
    The irony is that every horrible bad no-good worst run I've EVER had was followed by the best one ever.

    Don't put off your great run.
    This is so very true. Yesterday I had the worst run since I have felt like a runner, and today was my best run ever. Keep on keeping on.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Thanks guys. I redid W5D1 this morning first thing and it went great :)

    I won't be afraid of a bad run in the future!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    This is something you are going to have to come to terms with as a runner. This won't be a one time deal. You will have bad runs. You will have days where your body hurts, your breathing sucks, and where you just want to stop and walk back to the house or back to the car.

    You will have runs that will go so horribly wrong that you will quesiton your sanity and you will question whether or not you should keep going as a runner. The key is to keep going, becuase the good runs. The runs where everything clicks, where everything goes right totally makes all those bad runs worth it.