Today's WOD



  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Wednesday's this week was a doozy, I'm still walking funny. I never thought there'd be a workout that made me wish we were doing Fran instead :)

    100 Thrusters for time (95/65)

    I made myself do it RX which was a huge victory considering last time we did this in October I only did 45#. Although if my coach hadn't counted out my last 4 sets of 5 for me, I might have laid down on the ground at rep 80!
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    Power Cleans (I'm still building up to actual weights, so I used just the 45# bar)
    Wall Ball Shots (14#)

    (Everybody else started at 21. I'll get there, dammit!)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Wednesday's this week was a doozy, I'm still walking funny. I never thought there'd be a workout that made me wish we were doing Fran instead :)

    100 Thrusters for time (95/65)

    I made myself do it RX which was a huge victory considering last time we did this in October I only did 45#. Although if my coach hadn't counted out my last 4 sets of 5 for me, I might have laid down on the ground at rep 80!

    Holy Moly!!!! We had thrusters in our wod today (50 total). I think they are the only thing worse than burpees... :)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    This workout sounds fun! I :heart: DLs
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Today's WOD:

    5 rounds for total time:

    75’ Shuttle Run in 25′ sections (25’, back, 50’, back, 75’, back)
    15 HR Pushups
    10 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters (95/65)

    Rest 1:1

    I finished in 21:15 and my first 3 sets of squat clean/thrusters were unbroken which tells me, I could have gone heavier. I only used the 45lb bar. Pre-wod was:

    5×3 “Pause” Front Squats (3 seconds at bottom), heaviest possible – go every 90 seconds

    I did 75lbs
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Today's WOD:

    5 rounds for time

    20 hand release push-ups (did mine on my knees)
    20 KB swings (used 25# KB)
    20 butterfly sit ups

    Took me 16:35 but i finished, damn it!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend...I'm gonna go have a big bowl of pho now!
  • lstewart_3
    lstewart_3 Posts: 807 Member
    today was Fight gone bad for me, but Barbara for the rest of the box. I missed the last class of the day so worked out with the foundations class. Managed 216 reps, not bad for my first time
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member

    This workout sounds fun! I :heart: DLs

    It was a fun workout! I forgot to mention I finished in 5:57, I did 30kg deadlifts, but I'm thinking about adding weight next time.
  • katmandou6
    katmandou6 Posts: 10 Member
    Today's wod was a modified version of Gallant.

    For time:
    Run 1 mile with a 20/14 pound medicine ball
    60 Burpee box jump (20 in)
    Run 800 meters with a 20/14 pound medicine ball
    40 Burpee box jump (20 in)
    Run 400 meters with a 20/14 pound medicine ball
    10 Burpee box jump (20 in)

    I did it in 29:15 and it really sucks to run with that big med ball!

    As a finisher, we pushed the sled a little bit. Love it!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Today's wod was a modified version of Gallant.

    For time:
    Run 1 mile with a 20/14 pound medicine ball
    60 Burpee box jump (20 in)
    Run 800 meters with a 20/14 pound medicine ball
    40 Burpee box jump (20 in)
    Run 400 meters with a 20/14 pound medicine ball
    10 Burpee box jump (20 in)

    I did it in 29:15 and it really sucks to run with that big med ball!

    As a finisher, we pushed the sled a little bit. Love it!
    Sounds like a killer!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Today's WOD:

    5 rounds for time

    20 hand release push-ups (did mine on my knees)
    20 KB swings (used 25# KB)
    20 butterfly sit ups

    Took me 16:35 but i finished, damn it!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend...I'm gonna go have a big bowl of pho now!

    Great WOD! When I was first trying to do "regular push-ups", my coach gave me a pointer that worked VERY well. Rather than doing them on my knees, she had me roll up to a plank and then plank down (working the negative). Within days I was doing regular push-ups no problem! Even now, if we have a high level of push-ups in a WOD and my arms are becoming fatigued, I do the "roll up" method and never use my knees anymore. :happy:
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    This is what they have planned for us today:

    Back Squat (5 x 1 )

    Go for a new 1RM

    Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

    EMOM 5 min
    15 Wall ball (20/14)

    Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

    If you trip, start over at 1.
    EMOM 5 min
    30 Unbroken Double unders

    I have yet to master the DU but I'm thisclose to getting it. =)
  • lstewart_3
    lstewart_3 Posts: 807 Member
    Today is a WOD similar to SEALfit. I am really excited!!

    7 min EMOM 1 Squat Snatch + 4 OHS 135/95
    4 RFT
    5 Curtis P's 135/95
    15 Pull Ups
    400 m run
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Today is a WOD similar to SEALfit. I am really excited!!

    7 min EMOM 1 Squat Snatch + 4 OHS 135/95
    4 RFT
    5 Curtis P's 135/95
    15 Pull Ups
    400 m run

    I had to google "Curtis P's." I love those complex moves!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Part A: 7 sets: 1 hang p. clean + 2 jerks

    Part B: EMOTM for 5 min:

    2 hang cleans at heaviest weight you lifted today (175#)

    2 min rest

    EMOTM for 5 min:

    3 push jerks at 80% of heaviest jerk today (135#)

    Wasn't super bad today
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    ours was a killer!

    1x30 unbroken bench presses

    150 DU buy-in
    30 strict pullups
    30 Burpee-deadlifts
    30 strict HSPU
    then 20/20/20
    then 10/10/10
    100 sit up buy out.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    ours was a killer!

    1x30 unbroken bench presses

    150 DU buy-in
    30 strict pullups
    30 Burpee-deadlifts
    30 strict HSPU
    then 20/20/20
    then 10/10/10
    100 sit up buy out.

    Damn! How did you survive? Awesome job!
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    ours was a killer!

    1x30 unbroken bench presses

    150 DU buy-in
    30 strict pullups
    30 Burpee-deadlifts
    30 strict HSPU
    then 20/20/20
    then 10/10/10
    100 sit up buy out.

    Damn! How did you survive? Awesome job!

    barely. i had to kip so i didn't RX it... oooh well :)
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    Part 1:

    4 sets of:
    20 KB swings
    10 KB squats
    10 KB rows (10 each arm)
    I used a 8kg kettle bell.

    Part 2:

    2 sets of:
    4 min: 400m run + burpees
    2 min rest
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Ok, today's WOD was cuh-razy.

    Strength: 5x2, 1,1 BS @ 100% of 3 rep max (I did 85, 95, 95lbs)

    Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):

    21 Double unders (I did tuck jumps)
    7 Pullups (jumping from box)
    3 Ground to Overhead (C&J 53lbs)