Today's WOD



  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Barbell Warmup
    3 Rounds
    10 Shoulder Press
    10 Back Squats
    10 Deadlifts

    Wall Stretch
    Stretch Shoulders on Band

    Then, max reps at 50% of 1 RM

    50 T2B for time
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    3 min DUs
    Alt tabata: OHS with pvc and duck walks
    30 second handstand hold
    10 kip swings
    5 bar dips
    10 pvc passthroughs
    10 snatch drops

    Squat Snatch
    3x1 @60% 1RM (75#)
    3x1 @70% (95#)
    3x3 @75% (115#)

    12 min amrap
    2 Squat Snatches @95#
    4 Bar Muscle Ups (scaled to 4 Chest to Bar pull ups)
    60 DUs (120 singles)

    Finished 4 rounds 78 reps
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Tomorrow we're doing Bring Sally Up I so excited for it
  • BigCupOTea
    AMRAP 20 of:

    Ascending reps starting at 1 of:

    Power Cleans (205,140)

    Muscle Ups
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Several skills I don't have yet on here, so this should be fun.

    Skills – Rings

    Ring Dips

    3 x 10

    “Treat Yo’Self”

    For time:

    5 Wall Walks

    15 Box Jump Overs (30/24)

    25 Ball Slams

    50 Med Ball Sit Ups

    25 Ball Slams

    15 Box Jumps Overs

    5 Wall Walks
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    So it was one of our member's birthdays today. He's turning 57; incidentally, that's also the name of this WoD.

    Walking Lunge Steps
    Wall Balls
    Air Squats

    Just go ahead and do 57 of each. Going into it, a gal who's about on par with myself and I were talking about the lunge steps and air squats not being so bad. I guess mostly we were thinking about this in comparison to the pull-ups, wall balls, and burpees, but somehow we got it into our heads that they would actually be easy. I got to about 35 walking lunges and then...

    I definitely went through all five stages of WoD-grief during this one.
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Jack (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
    20-Minute AMRAP of:
    10 Push Press, 115#
    10 Kettlebell Swings, 53#
    10 Box Jumps, 24″
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    So it was one of our member's birthdays today. He's turning 57; incidentally, that's also the name of this WoD.

    Walking Lunge Steps
    Wall Balls
    Air Squats

    Just go ahead and do 57 of each. Going into it, a gal who's about on par with myself and I were talking about the lunge steps and air squats not being so bad. I guess mostly we were thinking about this in comparison to the pull-ups, wall balls, and burpees, but somehow we got it into our heads that they would actually be easy. I got to about 35 walking lunges and then...

    I definitely went through all five stages of WoD-grief during this one.

    LOL!! That definitely sounds like a bear! I applaud you for giving it a go though!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    Shuttle run 50-100-200m
    Alt tabata: calf stretch and side to side hamstring stretch
    40m high knee runs
    40m butt kicks
    40m karaoke right
    40m karaoke left
    Bergener Hang Clean Warm Up

    Hang Clean:
    3x1 @ 60% (115#)
    3x1 @ 70% (135#)
    3x3 @ 75% (155#)

    Lurong Challenege Benchmark #3:
    5 Min Time Cap:
    10 Hang Power Cleans (@135#)
    20 Meter Sprint
    8 Hang Power Cleans
    40 Meter Sprint
    6 Hang Power Cleans
    60 Meter Sprint
    4 Hang Power Cleans
    80 Meter Sprint
    2 Hang Power Cleans
    100 Meter Sprint

    Finished in 4:34
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Haven't posted here in a while...oops!


    Warm up - 3 sets
    8 pistols
    10 wall balls
    12 situps

    I took a 10lb med ball to the face in my second set of wall balls. That was no fun. My neck still hurts from tensing up so much when it happened.

    Back Squat - 1x10 @ 65%, 1x8 @ 75%, 1x8 @ 80%, 1x8 @ 85%

    I did 105, 115, 125 and 130 lbs respectively and the 130 felt pretty heavy! lol!

    4 rounds for time:
    25 Double Unders (or 50 singles)
    20 Parallette Pushups (or strict, or knees)
    15 Box Jumps 30"/24" (or 'x' inches)
    10 Toes to bar (or KTE/KTC/KTC w/ FIR)
    5 Turkish get ups 55lbs/35lbs (or 'x' lbs)

    Because I'm dealing with an injury (plantar fasciitis) as a result of the half marathon I did two weekends ago, I rowed 50m instead of jumping rope. Tried to work the negatives on the pushups (not parallette) as long as possible but had to drop to my knees. Step ups on the 20" box hurt my heel if I wasn't careful. I chose to do knees to chest with my feet in the rings because I'm too damn heavy to hang from the bar for even 10 reps without destroying my hands. Completely forgot how to do a turkish get up when I started them in the first mind just went completely blank (and my coach always demos them before we do them, so I had seen him do some less than 5 minutes before I started mine)...I stood there for at least 5 seconds trying to get my brain to engage. Finished the WOD in 20:03. Yesterday was not a great day for me.

    Fran on tap for today and I am not looking forward to it.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member

    Scaled to 45# thrusters and ring rows...finished in 6:01. Looking forward to making improvements!
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member

    Scaled to 45# thrusters and ring rows...finished in 6:01. Looking forward to making improvements!

    I'm excited to try Fran again, haven't done it since I've been able to do pull ups
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Kind of super excited! We worked a lot on strength today.


    200m run
    4 Front Squats
    200m run
    8 Front Squats
    200m run
    12 Front Squats

    8 minute time cap

    I hit it at L1 Rx weight, which was 80#, and finished in 7:21. Woot for getting to Rx levels!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up:
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: run 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension

    Group Warm-up:
    Jumping Jacks through the song 'Roxanne' with a burpee for every time you hear the word 'roxanne' - fun! and funny...

    WOD – Jackie
    For Time:
    1000 meter row
    45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
    30 pull-ups

    Compare to November 25, 2011

    EMOMx10 1 High Bar Back Squat - new PR today! :happy:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Kind of super excited! We worked a lot on strength today.


    200m run
    4 Front Squats
    200m run
    8 Front Squats
    200m run
    12 Front Squats

    8 minute time cap

    I hit it at L1 Rx weight, which was 80#, and finished in 7:21. Woot for getting to Rx levels!

    This wod looks like one I would love to do! Congrats on the Rx!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member

    Group Warm-up:
    Jumping Jacks through the song 'Roxanne' with a burpee for every time you hear the word 'roxanne' - fun! and funny...

    That sounds like fun!!!!
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    5 rounds:

    400 mtr run
    30 box jumps (18,24)
    30 wall balls (14,20)

    35 min cap

    I completed 4+51 at 18/14.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Kind of super excited! We worked a lot on strength today.


    200m run
    4 Front Squats
    200m run
    8 Front Squats
    200m run
    12 Front Squats

    8 minute time cap

    I hit it at L1 Rx weight, which was 80#, and finished in 7:21. Woot for getting to Rx levels!

    This wod looks like one I would love to do! Congrats on the Rx!

    Thanks! It was super hard at that weight, but definitely a good WOD. Congrats to you as well for you PR!
  • edlarry
    edlarry Posts: 1 Member
    First post, but been doing Crossfit for years.

    15min AMRAP

    200m run
    15 KB swings 53/35lbs
    25 duble unders
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: jump rope 2:00, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension

    20 Power Snatches (115/80)

    800m Run

    20 Power Snatches (115/80)

    Double unders in 2 minutes
    rest 2 minutes
    Max Double unders in 2 minutes

    I've been working my snatch form using only the 33lb bar and both my coach and I feel that after today, I am (finally!) ready to add some weight. No form correction today at all :happy: