Keto Friends Wanted!



  • thatdupeally
    thatdupeally Posts: 35 Member
    I'm still looking for Keto buddies too! 90lbs down.
  • brook0530
    brook0530 Posts: 18 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I'm a keto Pruver and would like friends doing keto!!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Would be cool to have more Keto friends. Trying to make it stick because, although I have lost 75lbs on a "normal" diet, I really do feel more satisfied on Keto. :) Daily logger with open diary!
  • gonesquatchin85
    gonesquatchin85 Posts: 8 Member
    Been on keto almost 3 years. Successfully have kept the weight off the entire time. Lately been trying to lean out a bit more and add lean mass to my frame by strength training. Been logging in the past month and religiously tracking my calories and macros.
  • wildgator
    wildgator Posts: 11 Member
    Add me! Been on keto 8 months and I'm down 68 lbs :)
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm fairly new to keto, and need to lose 50+ for my first goal. I'm a paraeducator (special needs) teaching preschool, and would love to make some keto friends that can support me through this journey! Feel free to add me!
  • MissHestaJones
    MissHestaJones Posts: 4 Member
    My day 1 is gonna be Tuesday. Please add me, looking for some shares and support! Thanks all :-)
  • xmikeyw
    xmikeyw Posts: 67 Member
    me too new day 1 , been stymied by cheat days
  • burmjohn
    burmjohn Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for some keto friends. Add me up!
  • Joyfulpsalm
    Joyfulpsalm Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me as I'm not sure how this works for adding friends. I'm so grateful to find this as I've only been on the coconut Ketogenic diet for 3 months
  • Adarah1981
    Adarah1981 Posts: 19 Member
    Starting back again in the next few days after 18ish months (went off to conceive/carry/breastfeed). Would love some keto friends!
  • Mom2Birds
    Mom2Birds Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ! Restarting Keto here, (45/ F) and on day 4. Feel free to send a friend invite but please just let me know in comments that you are Keto as well. Working on losing 80 or so lbs....down 5 so far :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Any of you are welcome to send me a friend request! The more the merrier! :smiley:
  • Nicole65
    Nicole65 Posts: 41 Member
    Just convinced my boyfriend to do Keto, so we're giving it a shot for a while.
  • sbrown2428
    sbrown2428 Posts: 4 Member
    Started eating LCHF in August, so far I am down about 25 lbs. having a hard time staying in ketosis. Need some helpful tips. Anyone please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • PearBlozzoms
    PearBlozzoms Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for keto friends. Add me :smiley:
  • rockstarjosh
    rockstarjosh Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hello, Group.

    I would like to add a few friends on here.

    I recently gained back a lot of the weight I have lost (minimum at 185 lbs, currently at 200 lbs). This was not due to being on or off was simply due to my carelessness with diet and responsibilities of a heavy semester courseload at a major university.

    I enjoy the theory of a ketogenic diet and can display tangible benefits of a ketogenic diet independent of weight loss. Even though some concepts I no longer apply in lieu of some scientific evidence I have been made aware of, I mostly enjoy it and use it.

    My macros are 60F/25P/15C, where Protein is tracked as a mass and proportioned instead of percentage. I follow Dr. Layman's research on protein synthesis as it applies to muscle growth and fat loss. It is kind of in line with a ketogenic principle, as he is sponsored by the meat and dairy industry, but I believe his science is true.

    My aims with food are to use it as best I can to refuel my body to become stronger, instead of satiating the hunger signals my brain is putting out. The more I can do to help my body do what it wants to naturally do anyways, the easier it is.

    I do not really care about the "hot topic" of a ketogenic diet, or proving anyone wrong or right. I understand that not everyone can eat meat all day long every day, because the food systems of the world will accelerate to an imminent collapse. I just have an aversion to a plant-based diet mainly because of the carcinogens that are associated with it, and the shortcomings of society to produce sustainable, healthy agriculture. Once they do that, then I might buy in, but for now, I have to stick with animal sources for food.

    I am here for new literature, new experiences, and further advancing my health and athleticism as well as that of others. I understand food and society quite well, and take a Darwinian approach to how we, as a society, have changed.

    If you feel that this is something you can relate to and wish to be friends, I would like to be friends with you.

    I live in Phoenix, AZ and am outdoors often (whenever I can!). Cheers!

  • LakinAleyse
    LakinAleyse Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I just started two days ago. I'd love to be friends with more ketos!
  • cas_sandra1
    cas_sandra1 Posts: 4 Member
    New to Keto. Had three babies ... 2012, 2013 & 2015 & excited about feeling fit & healthy again! Looking for ideas, support & other keto lifestyle friends to follow. Starting at 253.5