
InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
First post in this group.

I intend to try again with a ketogenic diet. Only trouble is, I'm super picky with food. I don't eat eggs at all, no milk, hardly eat any red meat and I'm a little fussy with veggies! I'm just a nightmare all round really. I do love fruit though....which is unfortunate considering the amount of carbs in them..

Would love some ideas on cheap (I'm a single mother) and easy to prepare/cook meals (I'm not the best in the kitchen! Unless I'm cleaning it!). I've opened my diary despite it being awful so I'm ready for ideas, inspiration and support!

Thank you in advance for any help :smile:


  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I didn't use to be a red meat person either. Maybe focus on turkey, chicken, and seafood? I look for chicken on sale, and since you can eat the skin and all on low-carb, you can buy the cheaper chicken. I'm still in the habit of only buying boneless skinless breasts, but that's because I don't know how to cook. ;)
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the response!

    When I said I'm fussy - I meant it! Only seafood I eat is tuna. And I can't tolerate skins on meats - makes me gag. I definitely go for skinless, boneless cuts. If only I wasn't so picky!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I can tell you with complete honesty that I've only been eating this way since mid-January, and my taste buds and tolerances have changed completely. I eat foods I used to hate or used to make me sick, and I can stand foods I would have sworn I'd never give up.


    All of that being said, focus on the foods you do like. No matter what it is. If it fits this way of eating, you can eat it every darned day until it turns you stir crazy. Things I started with:

    Prepped Sliced Pepperoni or Salami (slap some cheese or cream cheese on it and you're golden) (can also make cheese crisp faux crackers to make "pizza bites" - Wild Oats Organic Parmesan and Romano Pasta Sauce is super low carb and very yummy)

    Cheese - hard or cream

    Butter - unsalted so I can control levels

    heavy whipping cream - mousse, coffee creamer, etc.

    sour cream - can add to anything

    broccoli - steam it, then slather it in butter and sharp cheddar

    chinese food - buffet - stay away from most sauces and fried items - meats/veg, etc.

    Almonds - in small portions - eaten with cheese are a great snack/meal

    Bacon - oh my, the bacon. I bought it in a 10 pound box!!! Heaven

    Pork Tenderloin - I like to roast it. leftover slices can be "fried" in butter with a slather of dijon mustard as a "crust" it's awesome.

    Any shredded meat. Top it with cheese, butter, sour cream, bacon drippings, etc. (Same can be done with chicken breast - you can literally top it with anything

    Taco Salads - your choice of lettuce - your choice of ground/shredded meat, your choice of cheese - top with some sour cream, a no sugar added salsa, and avocado for a great alternative.

    These are main things I started with, and I've added a ton more since then... Feel free to ask questions!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Thanks for the response!

    When I said I'm fussy - I meant it! Only seafood I eat is tuna. And I can't tolerate skins on meats - makes me gag. I definitely go for skinless, boneless cuts. If only I wasn't so picky!

    Oh, and as far as skins - I used to hate them. Passionately. I actually roasted them on the chicken leg quarters (has thigh and drumstick, etc.), then roasted them separately until crispy. My guy, who is only eating this way because I do all the cooking - and he adds his bread and Pepsi to every meal - scarfed them all down before I got to them!

    When they are crispy and salty and tasty, it was like eating a nutritious potato chip! I can't generally get them crispy enough while roasting my chicken, but I roast the chicken with them on to keep it from drying, then pull them off and do them separately after.

    A whole chicken or turkey is also awesome done this way.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    father keto pizza made with almond meal and mozzarella and cream cheese?
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Stupid autocorrect! Fathead pizza: search online for fathead older brothers older sons faux carb pizza. Sorry can't paste a link as using my tablet.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for the response!

    When I said I'm fussy - I meant it! Only seafood I eat is tuna. And I can't tolerate skins on meats - makes me gag. I definitely go for skinless, boneless cuts. If only I wasn't so picky!

    I'm fussy too - and have never eaten fat on meat until now - because I didn't really like it. But now I'm trying to eat it as it really helps with my macros.

    I find a difference in temperature helps/hinders. I can't stand warm chicken skin - but I can eat it on a cold drumstick. Flavouring helps this - but usually raises the carb count a little.

    I can just about stomach warm fat on beef and pork - but there is no way I'm touching it cold!

    I can eat hot bacon cooked in butter. But if I'm going to make enough for leftovers they HAVE to be heated through - or I'm not touching them!

    But mostly I add a fat - I eat a lot of mayonnaise with my meat. That I like :)
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the help guys :smile:

    Whilst I just can't bring myself to eat the skin and fat on meat yet, I'm good with adding cheese and mayo to stuff! Might try and stomach eggs - if I can find a way to make them taste less....well....eggy! Any ideas?

    Once again, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
  • darrellfrancis
    darrellfrancis Posts: 2 Member
    try and vegitable shake mix like Vega or other brands contain no milk. eat with grains and fruit. i lost 150 pounds doing this. do not forget Quinloa look on internet lots of recipties
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was a seafood vegetarian for 26 years, and HIGHLY lactose intolerant for > 10 years. My mom used to joke that I was a "Pesky-tarian". hah!
    Now I am eating bacon, pork, chicken, and turkey...and I can have dairy again without issue.

    Suggestions for less eggy eggs:
    Try the "I Breathe I'm Hungry" pancakes. They are very tasty. In fact, the site has a whole section on the "egg fast" and recipes with eggs. Maybe you will find something that works for you in all that.
    I am also quite fond of deviled eggs. I sprinkle paprika on top, although I have seen ALL SORTS of variants. There is a BBQ place here that did Mexican deviled eggs. Can't remember what all went into them, but I'm pretty sure japalenos were a part of it...maybe sour cream? I really don't recall. You can also top them with bacon.

    Also try:
    Tuna salad with extra mayo, dill pickle relish, mustard. Add onion and garlic powder for a little extra zing.
    If you want to incorporate other meats, try boneless chicken breast and pork chops. They can be very simple to prepare. Fry them in bacon grease, butter, or ghee. I recently (uhhh...a couple nights ago??) started cooking these and adding parmesan cheese on top for extra fats.
    Rotisserie chicken from grocery stores, if they have that sort of thing in your area, can also be great. It's kind of gross to take it apart, but worth it because it's full of flavour. Watch the ingredients, though, and try to get the ones that don't have sugars added. Makes great chicken salad.


    P.S. Regarding the poster above, the suggestions made do not really fit well into a low carb ketogenic diet. I checked out the Vega smoothie powders, and they are around 5-7g carbs per serving which would eat up my daily carb limit pretty quickly. Quinoa is awesome, but 1 cup of cooked quinoa has 39g of carbs and 5g fibre which adds up to DOUBLE my daily carb limit! Even if you go down to a mere 1 oz serving, the carbs are still up at 5g net carbs.
    Grains are pretty much a no-no on a keto diet because, despite the fibre you might get, the carbs are well over what you'd be able to have in a day.
    Fruits, while awesome, are pretty well into the sugar area, so most fruits are also off limits. You can have small amounts of berries like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, but I wouldn't munch out on an apple or banana.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Teneko wrote: »
    I was a seafood vegetarian for 26 years, and HIGHLY lactose intolerant for > 10 years. My mom used to joke that I was a "Pesky-tarian". hah!

    Sounds like my dad calling me "glutton-free." You should have heard him when a gluten-free pizza I'd had delivered had "glued and free" written on the side...
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »

    Sounds like my dad calling me "glutton-free." You should have heard him when a gluten-free pizza I'd had delivered had "glued and free" written on the side...


  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    How about egg salad with mayo and bacon? Top avocado with it and it's delish! Cracklin chicken thighs are the best chicken ever, the skins is so crispy, debone, flatten with meat pounder, fry it in a skillet with butter and garlic about 10 min on one side and 4 min on another on high heat, finger licking good! Add creamed spinach or any veggies and you're set!
    I love cod for fish, baked with olive oil, garlic and lemon or your favorite spices.
    Smoked salmon is the only salmon I like.
    Shrimp with zucchini noodles and bacon.
    Sauted mushrooms, portobello pizzas, eggplant Parmesan, the possibilities are endless!

    There are so many tasty things to create!
    Best of luck!
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    You guys are great - thanks so much for all the suggestions! :smile:
  • mkroberger
    mkroberger Posts: 25 Member
    I like eggs but don't eat them that much too because of time. Protein shakes are easy and yummy. I'll buy the LC ones that are on sale that week. I also eat the same thing pretty consistently. Chicken breast pan fried in olive oil, with seasonings and steamed broccoli and butter. Boring, but delish :-)
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    @darrellfrancis Did you realise that this is a low carb group??? ;)
  • eva_letsdance
    eva_letsdance Posts: 2,731 Member
    Simple breakfast or lunch ideas

    Ham stuffed with brie cheese and avocado

    Portobello mushroom stuffed with bacon, brie cheese, and oregano

    These two are most satisfying!!!!!

    I will try the cracklin chicken