Brand new to the Paleo Lifestyle- Need tips on not having to constantly be cooking!



  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I do my best to avoid the microwave...the one lady I work with used to heat things up in Cool Whip containers and stuff. Someone came and told me one day when they caught her because they knew I would really freak out and I was like NOOOOOOOOO and practically ripped her lunch out of her hand (we're friendly in my office so that's not seen as weird LOL)! OMG even if you do use the microwave don't temp fate with that!
  • samharmony
    samharmony Posts: 15 Member
    I try to cook a lot on Sunday so I have a good variety of food for the week. I'm always looking for new recipes so that I don't get bored with it, no one wants to eat the same thing everyday. Pinterest has been pretty amazing, as well as a few paleo sites on Facebook.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Sundays, I make all my food for the week, portion it out in my *glass* containers and stack it all pretty in the fridge. I used to use Glad-ware but the hubs became concerned after his mother came down with oral cancer.

    I digress.

    Anyways, I roast a chicken in the crock-pot almost every week and roast up a giant baking sheet of whatever vegetables that are on sale/look decent/are in season. I make a vegetable egg bake with zucchini or mushrooms whatever I have and then divide that up for breakfast.

    I bake a tray of sweet potatoes for when I'm in one of those moods where I don't know what I want. Sweet potatoes are a life saver for me.

    For salads, sky is the limit. Salads can be anything you want them to be! If you're tired of cold salad, wilt some spinach with bacon grease and use that as a base.
    I love homemade guacamole on everything. If you're bored with flavor try making some homemade mayo. That shiz is good on EVERYTHING. Especially roasted brussel sprouts, meatballs, pork, chicken, tuna...

    I got on a kick for a while with Pork Clouds (if you need some crunch) and homemade soup. Also tasty.

    If you like a real cookbook in front of you (I like to mark stuff and make notes etc.) I highly recommend Practical Paleo and the Well Fed books.

    It sounds like a lot to do but basically just efficiently stuff your oven and crock-pot with whatever you can and go from there!

    I always feel the BEST when I eat this way. And I always feel full when I eat this way. And you will feel awesome eating this way.

    You can do it! =D
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Eggs! In the morning, I throw eggs in a pan with whatever I have that looks good - spinach, sweet potatoes (I cook them ahead of time), bell peppers, chorizo...pretty much anything is good with eggs.

    Meatballs! You can make up a big batch of meatballs and then when it is time to eat, just mix up which veggies you steam/sautee/microwave.

    Slow Cooker! My slow cooker can usually provide 8-12 servings. I portion those out and freeze them in individual containers for lunches during the week. I'll usually have about 3 different recipes frozen so I can grab and go. (Chili, meatloaf, chix stir-fry of sorts)

    Stir fry! It's kind of like the eggs, but with different stuff

    Frozen Shrimp! Takes just a few minutes to thaw

    When I am tired or burned out, I will procrastinate cooking because of chopping up all the vegetables. But I've figured out a couple things, here: 1) no matter what my mood, when I start chopping, I get into a rhythm and actually relax and start humming. 2) If I know I'm going to be preparing a labor-intensive meal the next day and I have energy today, I'll chop up the veggies and just store them until then so that I don't have to bother with that part.

    I saw a lot of good suggestions in the thread above - good luck!
  • Cavewomancafe
    Cavewomancafe Posts: 27 Member
    Oh food! My favorite subject!! All of the above posts are great. To add to that, I suggest using Mark Sisson’s idea of the BIG *kitten* salad in the fridge. I make up a giant salad, bought a special bowl for it with a tight fitting lid, and we eat on it all week. Here is a post I did on it.

    Then I make up some salad dressings and home made mayo, oh so yummy, and throw together tuna or egg salad to toss on that in a pinch. Try to make a big dinner the night before and have that for lunch the next day. Crock pots can become your best freind.
    Boiled eggs….your best friend. I boil up a bunch on Sunday and snack on those all week.

    And the BEST cookbook with lots of great paleo cooking soultions and incredible recipes is Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan. I can not tell you how much I LOVE this book. Well fed two is great too. Here is the link to it.

    And to toot my horn a bit, I have a great primal food blog that runs deep. Check it out over here.
    Good luck and happy hunting! This way of eating is so much fun!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    @Cavewomancafe, I didn't realize until I looked at your page! Pretty cool I bookmarked it for later reading!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Stuff like meatballs, hard boiled eggs and baked sweet potato are easy to do in large batches and are delicious hot or cold. I also eat a lot of cherry tomatoes, baby carrots and radishes because they don't require chopping - just wash eat! :smile: I also keep bags of salad mix and raw spinach around at all times.

    One of my favorite on the go meals is a paleo-nicoise salad... just grab a couple of handfuls of salad leaves and a can of fish (tuna, mackerel or sardines packed in olive oil), then add some chopped veg, seeds or nuts, a boiled egg or whatever else you have on hand! It's perfect because there are endless variations to keep you from getting bored!

    Keep at it! You Can do this! It may take a few weeks or even months but you'll find what works for you!