Looking for friends with the same goals



  • reweldt
    reweldt Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome Soo,
    keep us posted. the eat clean diet works
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm 45 and fairly active (on the boards too) but struggling to lose the last 10 lbs. My problem is that I'm a big foodie so need to balance exercise with food. While I do a lot of cardio, I just recently started the StrongLifts program and am on my 5th week. You are welcome to friend me.
  • psymom3301
    psymom3301 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 43 in 6 weeks and I was 279 pounds and since August I have lost 89 pounds. I need to lose 50 more pounds to be at goal weight of 120 pounds. I love to hike, kyak and bike ride. My biggest issue is the fear that I will fail or regain. I love to smile and enjoy being around people. I want to be better in my 40s then my 20s.