March 29-April 4 Chat & Accountability

beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
Hey guys, Happy Sunday!

Hubby and I got power rack built without any major incidents or arguments. He healf things in place as I read directions and did the screws. Hardest part was figure g out where to put it and rearranging parts of basement. The area I had my weights has too many low hanging pipes and beams do shifted to another part of the basement. It's in that part to stay as built it is tall enough you can't tilt it over and there's a beam between it and the stairs.

John I can't figure out how you did solo. At one point (putting on the top cross bars) we had kiddo helping hold pieces in place too.


  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Sunday Folks! Did a bit over 5K this morning with James T Dogg on the "Run as One" combined event for RWB TeamRubicon, and some others JTD did well gonna do a 6mi with him next weekend. Working on building him up to 20 mi. Got to work me up to that too. :)

    Kim I used a portable workbench to hold some of it in place while I attached pieces and built two halves, then used painter tape to in fig 8 wraps to hold crossbeams and pull it together. Takes patience.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Happy Sunday. Well, as happy as the day before having to go back to work can be. I'm not in mini-vacation mode but I still have two weeks of work. Grrrrrrr

    Not doing ANYTHING right lately. I've been drinking Cokes this weekend and I hate myself for it. I guess I NEED to get back to work where drinking water is my norm.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Sunday. Well, as happy as the day before having to go back to work can be. I'm not in mini-vacation mode but I still have two weeks of work. Grrrrrrr

    Not doing ANYTHING right lately. I've been drinking Cokes this weekend and I hate myself for it. I guess I NEED to get back to work where drinking water is my norm.

    Jen, welcome to my world! I remember we talked about this earlier this year. Do you remember we were talking about how people make great progress in the beginning and then after a couple of months a lot of people stop. Something ends up happening to many of us. Either we hit a plateau and get discouraged because things aren't working so well, or we decide we're kind of tired of being so strict with ourselves, or we just miss some of the old foods and we start to let bad habits creep back up.
    That's pretty much everybody I know.
    But Jennifer, just because you're normal doesn't mean you have to be a statistic. This community is full of people who get right back on the wagon and keep going.
    That's what you're made of! You've totally got this!

    "If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great."

    Tom Hanks as Jimmy Dugan in The movie: A League of their Own
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Carol, you nailed it. Darn you, being all logical!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks! Jen since Carol nailed it I won't belabor the point. Look around, Your blessings are many, stand up check the balance of your ruck, pull the straps tight and move out.

  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Thanks John. Hey, go ahead and belabor the point. :)

    Ok, some things I've been thinking about this morning.

    1. I'm dehydrated!!! I can feel it. it's amazing how when you get used to drinking a lot of water daily, once your stop that it becomes very noticeable. My lips and hands are very dry.
    2. I'm bloated!!!. I know I've gained wait because of my poor eating habits later but it's not just weight that's the issue. I'm also feeling incredibly bloated.
    3. I'm tired!!! Ok, not as bad as I was a couple months ago but noticing that I haven't been feeling as good in the morning the past couple of days.
    4. I've wasted the last two months. I haven't been walking outside now for almost two months. Walking at work, which has positive benefits, isn't the same as it's not cardio.

    Ok, so I need to get back to drinking water, eating fruits and vegetables, cutting out the sugars (hopefully I can keep the headaches away this time) and MOVE MOVE MOVE!!! October is going to be here before I know it and I don't want to let the Gunrunners team down! :wink:

    Everybody have a great day.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member

    This is from the Whole 30 but it applies to all of us.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Cardio...what's that? ;)

    Anyway, Happy Monday.

    Re-do of home gym project complete. Power Rack up, Pulley system attached (Lat pulldowns and lower row type pulley). Equipment re-configured. And initial work out completed. Plus I tested, still room for KB swings, deadlifts and a yoga mat if I move the bench back towards that door to the storage area. Overall more compact space than before, but quite useable - and much better organized and equipped. And even have a lead on a used ping pong table for my old strength training area - so win win for me and Kiddo/Hubby. Maybe getting them down there to play ping pong will lead to them using the weights too. That would truly be the win win!

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    If you want a quick (less than 5 minute) way to totally work your glutes at the end of a session, this one is killer. That purple band you see on the base of my bench is for this. Great metabolic finisher, for a critical area.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hello and Happy Monday!

    Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing.

    I'm struggling with getting back on track after months of medical issues, work stress and recovery from surgery. Put on a lot of weight so I'm spending more time getting down on myself than actually doing something about it... but I'm hoping this will be my week to get all together. :smile:

    Hope everyone is well and will try to check in more than one a year! LOL
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Good morning everybody. Another day to make the CORRECT choices. Just finished listening to Carol's latest podcast. She has new cohosts (her kiddos - hehehe). Fun show talking about the Gritty Goddess run she's doing next month. Poor Caroline though - we need some embarrassing stories about Carol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good Morning Happy Tuesday Folks!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    MG!!! You need to catch up. There are 3 of us now in Helena (ok, I am in Wolf Creek, close enough).

    I have passing thoughts now and then of getting on a scale; happy just watching the size. Hand tilled the garden yesterday and I can feel it today. :smile: Getting close to a ramped up shooting season. I was looking at some old video, and was surprised at how much I have lost. I really did not think I was that large.. what a shocker.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Okay, did something today I have never done before... while at the Mexican restaurant, I managed to get through the whole meal without any of the chips and salsa sitting on the table in front of me! Woo hoo! And I totally enjoyed the meal (and the company) without those darn chips.

    Definitely makes me think I might finally be getting back on track! LOL
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited April 2015
    Wow Stacy. Not sure I could do that if they were on the table. Which is why I typically avoid Mexican restaurants unless I'm on a CarbNite. Great job!

    And it's great seeing you back!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Good morning everybody. It's Wednesday and just another day. :)

    Stacy, kudos to you for keeping away from the chips and salsa. Like Kim, I wouldn't be able to not attack the chip bowl.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Wednesday Folks! Another opportunity to excel lies before us. Go ahead; grab it! Hold on tight! Don't let it shake ya! Ride that sucker til it's a broke pony, trottin ya down the avenue.

    Stacy - Good O lass. Welcome Home.

    Jen - No such thing as just another day. Today is WEDNESDAY! Today is the day before Thursday! Today is a gift, given by your creator to you, just as if he/she had handed it to you gift wrapped. Today is a gift given to us all by those who have fought for our freedom. You can make choices (good or bad) because they have come before us. This is not to mention the gifts of purpose. Like your job, your play, your friends, and enemies. The fact that you have them all are gifts in abundance on an exceptional one of a kind 1st day of April WEDNESDAY kind of DAY! Now I refer you back to para 1., Get SOME!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Stacy, that's some mad will power!
    By the way even though I haven't been posting I have been reading all you guy's post. I should've just post things as I read them.
    Things have been going well. I am not fully back to ULC but I've been staying in the 50-120g range on most day. Still walking and doing PT semi regularly. My knee is slowly improving and that was a relief. As long as there is progress no matter how slow is a good sign! This is really a bad time to hurt my knee as I have a lot of gardening. Things are ramping up.
    I am taking a online herbalist course and I've learned so so much. My teacher was an army field medic and he combines modern medicine sensibility and practicality with herbs. I love it! Plus he is no nonsense and has a sense of humor. One very very awesome thing he does is he goes to 3rd world countries and teach them how to use what they have to treat illness/ailments,(since access to modern medicines is so limited in impoverished countries) purify water and build dwellings. I mean how freaking awesome is that!! I am learning all about the human body and how powerful herbs can be. The best part is that he lets you download the classes so you can go back and listen to them repeatedly. If I live in Tx I would totally go to his on site classes. Last week we covered Nervines so cool! If anybody is interested you should check him out, he offers several online courses.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Thursday Folks! Sun is shining on another great day. Got your target in site? Roll in Hot!

    Heron bum on the knee but keep up the good progress. Sometimes the best progress comes from the de load. The herbalsist course sound very koo el .

    Looks like my Blood Glucose levels are returning to pre tobacco free. Fasted BG was 116 this morning, and Readings throughout the day yesterday were in the 70=90's based on how long ago I had eaten. I seemed to drop about 8 pts an hour. in the scope of normal work activity. The 1 hr Post postprandial were all back to <100 so this is a very good sign. The big change this week was supplementing with Berberine. Had read it has as good an effect as Metformin. So looks like they weren't kidding. Prev attempts with Resveritraol, and Ginger had no effect. (may not have given them long enough) The big number for me is that FMBG If it gets down below or near 100 I'm gonna be pretty happy.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Thursday folks!

    Yesterday I commented on my diary that it was a rare hit my macros day. Most of you know I have ideal amounts of fat, protein and carbs to eat each day ( and to be truly ideal each meal) from working with AJ, a nutrition coach. Yesterday my numbers at the end of the day were exactly in her range for the day. This is fairly rare, as I don't spend a lot of mental time or will power trying to be perfect. However, the weird thing is week in and week out when I roll up the week and figure out my daily averages, I'm usually about dead on for the week. Having a basic framework for what I eat, one that nourishes me, avoids cravings, and is clear and easy is how that happens. I know to focus on meats/seafood, veggies..meats/seafood veggies, eggs and bacon, bacon, veggies, meat. Simple.

    And I've learned to honor and listen to my body and give it what it needs, not always what it wants. It's a great thing. As is a mindset of will that make me healthier or not? And in this moment is that trade off worth it.

    Which is why I love today's Better by Dr Brooke quote:
    "Know which of your nutrition rules you can bend - and which ones not to break. "

    For me no gluten now unbreakable. With carbs early in day a close second.