2nd Time - so much easier

SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
So I've just started my second time around with a keto diet. Last year I eventually lost 35 lbs. over a period of about 5 months (once I started figuring out how to do the diet correctly). Unfortunately a series of life events led to me falling out of ketosis and along with it the will power to stay away from my nemesis foods. I gained back all of the weight over the next 5 months. I'm hoping that this time around I won't succumb to those foods if I happen to fall out of ketosis.

Last time I did the diet it took me quite some time to figure out how to do it correctly. I also had to do a lot of experimenting to figure out how certain foods reacted to the diet and with my weight loss effort. It was a great experience though and I learned a ton about how to "efficiently" do keto.

This time around it just seems so easy so far. I was able to get into ketosis fairly quickly and now have attained sustained blood ketone levels in excess of 3.0 for 2 weeks straight. I was never able to do that last time around without the addition of a lot of physical activity. I've lost about 15 lbs. in 2 weeks and if I can just maintain a 2-3 lbs./week loss rate I'll reach my goal weight much faster than last time. Last time around I was happy to just be staying above 1.0 for blood ketones. What I did figure out though is that with higher levels of ketones comes higher ability to avoid cravings and easily stick to my intake goals, but higher levels do not mean faster weight loss.

I tried to get going with the keto diet from January through February WITHOUT tracking what I was eating and found that I just wasn't able to get things going because I was most likely eating far too much protein. Once I started tracking my intake again everything just started working. So now I'm back to tracking my macros every day and have been sticking to at least 80% fat, sufficient protein, and some carbs from veggies/nuts.


  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Tracking seems to be useful for weight loss. I know I do much better (and eat fewer strawberries and more fat) when I track than when I try to wing it. Good luck!