Mar 2015 Challenge ~ Mar 29th - Apr5th



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Had PT this afternoon. The Challenge Rest Day tonight is gratefully anticipated.

    Good night all you stepping, jogging, challenge-fulfilling friends! You are great!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Paula that sounds so encouraging. :*o:)

    Clara I know what you mean. That is what I am doing. Home fixes.

    Chris the wind is awful here. :s So will your daughter ever be finished? Not sure if mine will. :D

    Painted the ceiling, walked the boys. Went to a movie. Spent almost two hours picking our crown molding. Another couple painting it. Need to pick out more paint for the walls and the bathroom. Also going to a glass cutter to have glass cut for the sump tomorrow. My back hurts.

    night all

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Off today. doing taxes with DH this am, at least that's the plan. then maybe the museum with a friend. planning to do my jogging at the gym today. Yay!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Got 4 miles done this morning...have 13,658 steps so far. It was breezy and beautiful today!

    DD and I went shopping at Costco for the first time in years and years. She hated going as a youngster. Just whined and complained the entire time. Today she was amazed at the money she could save by joining the club. She and her hubby joined and go their official cards with their pictures on them!! We are going back tomorrow with a list. It was so funny to watch her! Egad!

    We have Bean for a puppy sleepover, and we will walk in the morning. Then I'm hoping to go out by myself for some more miles.

    I hope you are all having a great Friday!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    What a nice feeling Friday, Chris. B)

    I was going to give myself an extra rest day, but decided I'd just do one set. Then thought, maybe I'll just walk around the house and see if I can do another, and did. Then thought, well might as well just power through the third set, and now I can barely lift my arms.

    Thanks for being here, y'all. You are the key to success!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Just a thought...what about doing last weeks workout next week?? Then this week's workout week after next??? Think about it... :#

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Chris that would be great for me. Especially since I have been so busy with my gym room that I have not done any this week. :/ Well maybe a little. But not enough.

    I and hubby did get the trim up and walls painted. The walls are almost white. They look white unless you put white next to them. B) And the ceiling is finally done. After 15 years of living in this house. Muahaha. Still have to caulk and then some minor painting. Lots of cleaning. I plan on getting rid of some dvd's & vhs's that I never use. Might rerrange some equipment. Next month I will find a new area rug.

    Paula that is fantastic. You did awesome. high five!

    Chris I still hate Costco. I always buy way to much. I am glad you had a great experience there though. I used to go when we had kids. I hear their gas is less than anywhere else in town.

    Clara great day. :)

    Got my glass ordered. I hope it is correct. It was almost $60 for them. I am still raising the amount of vodka I am dosing each week. The fish will be pickled soon. :) I was told the tank should be done by the 12th. Then delivery.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Well I was kind of bummed by my lack of progress today. Hubby got the trim up. It looked great. DH kept saying he wanted to strip the floor. I wanted to get to cleaning everything off. After lunch he took a nap. So I started on my cleaning. All the weights were covered in a fine layer of sheetrock dust. As were both weight benches, the lower walls, the treadmill, everything. So I got started. Had to keep rinsing my cloth, and mopping. But when in the mood........

    Well he came down and took over. I will admit I am glad he cleaned the floor. But also pissed. I had to quit what I was doing. Now it is late and I really wanted to be done. :'( I hope I can get back into the mood tomorrow. Really wanted a rest day. :( OK done venting.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    I just wrote a ton and didn't hit POST!!! ECK!!!!

    Shelley I was sayin' something snarky about boys getting in the way but can't remember it.

    So now all the humor I had written down is gone and the yawns are heavy upon me! I managed 8.52 miles for 18,596 steps today. Went back to Costco with the kids because they had a list. SIL was amazed at the prices and what was available and the large quantities. It was pretty funny. DH stayed with Bean. It was a nice day with the kids.

    DD is on Spring Break next week. Hope we can have a little fun in there. Her paper got very positive feedback from her professors which is very cool! She's close to sending it to her committee and then she will defending it.

    I'm in serious search of my pillow now.

    Tomorrow, my friends.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Chris it is the thought yhat counts. I know you understand.

    So glad you managed some good deals at costco. DD must defend her paper? Egads, that is pressure.

    Well in search of my pillow. Have a long day tomorrow.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    claram5415 wrote: »
    Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!

    And a Happy Easter to you also. :)

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    Happy Easter. My team won 3 of 5 matches. My doubles and I won our 2 1/2 hours match 7-5 & 7-6. Very tough match but very satisfying.

    Hope everyone had a great Sunday! Back to the challenge tomorrow.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Happy Easter back at ya! I ate colorful bell, orange and my treat for the day!!

    I managed an hour by myself this was a struggle getting out the door. I didn't want to go then I told myself it was only for 30 turned into an hour plus...I was happy. I picked up Bean at 1:00 and DH and I took him over to the school for a couple of hours. I have 10.59 miles for 21,287 steps so far.

    Tomorrow I will get out there first thing unless the weather takes a nasty turn. It actually rained a little today and the wind was cold and fierce!! Then DD and I are meeting with her best friend for lunch. I'm hoping to get more miles in after that but maybe not. I'll just have to see how the day plays out.

    I hope you all had a great day and not too many bunny ears!! :o

    Tomorrow, my friends!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Chris, I'm heartbroken to have missed your pithy comments about boys being in the way. Your wisdom always makes my day! :laugh:

    Kathy, Congratulations with your winning ways! Hope the shopping is going well. You need outfits need to reflect your success. :bigsmile:

    Shelley, I hope you got your rest day, and clean dumbbells (make Rocky do them), and colored eggs or bunny ears. You deserve a treat for all your hard work.

    Clara, Happy easter to you.!

    Rest day for me yesterday.

    I did my PT workout this morning and collapsed the rest of the day. It's so confusing to schedule pain meds, workout and sleep. Need to do the 2nd set of PT tonight. Don't know if I'll get to challenge before collapsing again. Might be another rest day - kind of.

    Hope you all had a nice weekend.
