March 29/30

catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
So I am several hours ahead of you decided to 'share' the dates!

So how was everyones weekend?? Hope you managed to eat fairly healthy and got some movement in to exercise in whatever form you can do!

I started the 21 day FIX program...purchased it in the US when I was home. Interesting. Eating what fits in these little plastic containers...and doing the workouts. My BUTT ached yesterday after the 30 minute was the 'upper' body and I am sure I will pay for it later today at work!! As they takes 21 days to break a I decided to give this a shot and see what I can do in 21 days. Stay tuned!

Have a super duper week everyone!! Anyone got any special plans for the Easter weekend...that is if you celebrate it or have the time off? Any trips planned?


  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi Nancy, and anyone else who is lurking. The FIT program? I'll have to look that up. Sound like a great challenge for you! Let me know how I can support you!

    My weekend back after a luxury week in Boston was a little crazy. My Still's flared up and th fevers and chills were insane. They're still so random that I'm beginning to wonder if I have a systemic infection, but the fever breaking/sweats every six hours feels like Still's. I managed to get one long swim in on Saturday. Today was a bust--my little friend Skippy wanted to breakfast with us, and we took him and his dad out (veggie omelet, yum), but dad had already tipped back a few and he and Skippy kept arguing over foolish things, poor kid. Came home, Jim hopped into the shower and septic gurgled out of the toilet and onto the floor. When he wnt to the basement to try to
    snake the frozen line, more septic shot and sprayed all over him and the floor. The house filled with the smell of methane and sewage, so I opened window and doors to let the balmy 31 degree air in. Tried to help with cleanup and digging the frozen ground, both shoulders now completely inflamed and pinching nerves so I can't unbend my elbows. Tomorrow the septic guys will come out to the tune of at least $500. Thanks, brutal winter for your final blow.

    I still haven't been on the scale, primarily because of swollen legs. BUT... NSV.... Today when I put on my shoes, I was able to cross my ankle onto the opposite knee and adjust my shoe! I haven't been able to do that for two years!! So I know the scale will have good news once I get rid of some of this leg edema.

    That's my ramble tonight. What's yours?
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    edited March 2015
    This weekend was a pretty good one for exercise and such. I ate well and we had our only three show weekend and my body is feeling it haha. Those boots are not made for dancing. I have a workout plan scheduled for when the show ends. I am excited to see how it goes.

    Karen, that does not sound like a fun weekend at all! Hopefully things calm down a bit in your neck of the woods.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Oh Karen that sounds like a rough day! I hope the snow up there today isn't adding too much to your troubles.

    Nancy, that program sounds interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes for you.

    Zac, I loved the pictures you posted from your show a few days ago! It's great that you've already got workouts planned for when it finishes. You always seem so on top of things.

    I had a nice weekend here. Put together the chuppah for my wedding in 3 weeks, went to see Spirited Away at the theater in town that's doing a Studio Ghibli festival, and got a whole bunch of other things done around the house. Got a bunch of yummy, healthy things for lunch this week at work, and I'm excited to not spend money eating fast food!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    NorahCait wrote: »
    Put together the chuppah for my wedding in 3 weeks, went to see Spirited Away at the theater in town that's doing a Studio Ghibli festival, and got a whole bunch of other things done around the house. Got a bunch of yummy, healthy things for lunch this week at work, and I'm excited to not spend money eating fast food!

    I can't believe your wedding is just around the corner Norah! How exciting. I remember you posting a photo of your wedding dress on the other site ages ago! Congrats!! Dee got married too but she has not posted in ages...hope all is well with her! Married life can be busy!! (Been there and done that 3 times! Enough is enough! LOL)

    Karen....although you have bad weather/temps now, I am going to be soooo very jealous when your beautiful summer comes around! I hope you get to feeling better soon. You have to get ready for that next trip of yours!! happy the show has gone well and you have enjoyed it!!

    Cheers all.....
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hey gang, quick pass-through for me. Septic issue fixed (other than basement cleanup), shoulders covered in icy heat (and a long, Slow swim helped). I finally hopped on the scale--413--down from 432 at the start of spring fling, so that's 19 pounds lost. HURRAH. The swimming definitely helps.

    Wow... I'm so tired I've nodded off twice writing this blurb, lol. Goodnight all!!!!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Just stopping by to say hi, really quick. Been a rough couple of weeks.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    edited March 2015
    Yeah karen for your weight loss!! You will be in the 3's soon!!!!Don't rush out and buy new clothes yet. Treat yourself when you hit the 3's!!

    Sorry things have been rough for you Cari. Hope you have a better week. My friend who does astrology/tarots etc said that the solar eclipse that happened a couple weeks ago, really messed us up for a couple weeks!! lol Now we have the Blood Red Full Moon and an lunar eclipse to deal with soon.
