Need friends and lots of motivation

Good day everyone Im feeling kinda down and stressed since I was diagnosed a few weeks ago.I guess its because of lack of knowledge.But I have been reading about diabetes quite alot lately but Im nowhere near fully understanding everything.So today I finally got my reading down to 120,first time since Ive been diagnosed.Feel free to add me as your friend.I need lots of advice and motivation.Dont want this condition to get the better.Plus my weight has been at a plateau for a week now .Do diabetics find it harder to lose weight?


  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member

    I've been dealing with high fasting blood sugar numbers, and am new with all of this also! Working on reducing my carbs and losing weight!

    I'll add you!

  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    The diagnosis of Diabetes can come as a shock to many people. The good news is that with a disciplined approach we can lead healthy and active lives. You've made a good start by trying to inform yourself. Information is power and you're doing exactly the right thing. If you haven't yet been allocated a diabetes education course you should follow up on this as soon as possible. Using a glucose meter to identify problem foods should be at the core of your self help efforts. One of the frustrating things about diabetes is that it is a very individual condition. The food causing me to spike may leave you totally unaffected. This is why regular testing is so important. Diabetes is a condition which must be taken seriously. The good news is that with discipline we can lead healthy and active lives. I wish you well on your journey.
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member
    I'll echo everything Robert said. One good site for education is
    Don't be afraid to ask questions, all of us lean on others to help.
    One thing to note, the same dietary strategies which help you control blood sugar can often help in weight loss and weight loss can help in controlling glucose levels.