Binge eating for nerousness

I eat everything in sight when I am really nervous.


  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    yes.. me too. I try to do pickles.... pickled veg of all kinds. the vinegar makes me want to eat less, and I love pickles. Sometimes I feel sad that I am Dieting&*lifestyle changing, because eating has been everything for me. AND I am a foodie and love to cook. It\s hard to cound dishes that have 30 ingredients! Try deep breathing, hot baths and imagining how good you will feel tomorrow that you didn't give in!
  • sueatherbest
    sueatherbest Posts: 23 Member
    At least you're able to recognize the circumstance that you eat through. Understanding, acknowledging it will help you with a plan of action, make other choices, like choosing pickles over other binge foods. I used to start with sweets and then move on to salty until most of what was set aside for my kids to enjoy was gone. I don't keep that food (junk food) in the house any more, the kids can have that stuff while we're out of the house. I drink water, talk to myself (sometimes silently