30-Day Walking Challenge

betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
Is anyone interested in doing this with me? I know I need to increase my steps, so I am starting as a beginner.

Here is the link: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/the-30-day-walking-challenge/

My steps from yesterday were: 3,644

Would love some company!


    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm interested. Saw this earlier today and haven't had time to read it all yet but I'll check it out. I'm worried about the time it would take on a daily basis but I guess increasing some is better than not increasing at all. I have a pedometer that measures miles - I'll have to see if it measures steps also.
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2015
    6,009 steps yesterday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nice job - I tried to count mine but my little pedometer failed me :( I might get a fitbit but want to find out what one works with MFP?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited April 2015
    I found some info that might help me track based on miles. Since I average about 1.5 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill I have been doing 3,450 steps in the morning and another 3,450 steps in the evening. Maybe I can reach 10,000 in a day. It would be about 4.5 - 5 miles at 3.5mph.

    Walking Pedometer Steps Equivalents

    1 mile = 2000 average steps (range 1900-2400)
    1 block = 200 average steps

    Activity - Steps per minute

    Walking 3 mph - 100
    Walking slow - under 2 mph - 61
    Walking slow - 2 mph - 67
    Walking 3.5 miles per hour - 115
    Walking 4 miles per hour - 152
    Walking 5 miles per hour - 242
    Racewalking - 197
    Aerobic dance - 197
    Backpacking - 212
    Badminton - 136
    Ballroom dancing - fast - 167
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2015
    We went to Hershey Park on Friday, and I logged 19,000 steps. However, I was so sore on Saturday, I barely made 1,000.

    Sunday I forgot to wear my fitbit, so I have no idea what my steps were. Trying to get back on track this week. Based on the challenge, I need to complete 4,500 steps today.

    ReNae - I have the older fitbit one. I believe all of the different fitbits sync with MFP through the application. I love mine. Check on the MFP website for Apps - they have a list of the different trackers that sync with MFP.

    If you track on MFP with your phone, it will also count your steps.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    April Step Challenge
    1 - 4500
    2 - 4500
    3 - 4500
    4 - 9,000 (shopping)
    5 - 1,000 (Easter)
    6 - 3450 + evening ____ TBD
    7 - _____ TBD (challenge calls for a 'rest day' but I'll use Easter as my rest day - LOL)
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    I've been down with the flu Monday afternoon through last night. Back at work, but still not 100%. I'm going to use today as a rest day still, and then start again tomorrow with Day 8.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Sorry to hear you've been sick. Don't over due when you get back at it.

    April Step Challenge
    1 - 4500
    2 - 4500
    3 - 4500
    4 - 9,000 (shopping)
    5 - 1,000 (Easter) - rest day
    6 - 4,200
    7 - 9,000
    8 - 4,000 am

    I'm trying to keep things going. I'll really need to work at it over the weekend.
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    ReNae - you're doing a great job!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    April Step Challenge
    1 - 4500
    2 - 4500
    3 - 4500
    4 - 9,000 (shopping)
    5 - 1,000 (Easter) - rest day
    6 - 4,200
    7 - 9,000
    8 - 4,000
    9 - 4,000

  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    Ugghh - I forgot to wear my fitbit yesterday, and didn't realize it until the afternoon. Today, I am restarting the walking challenge.

    As of this morning, I have only 732 steps :s I better get moving to get to 5,000 steps.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    April Step Challenge
    1 - 4500
    2 - 4500
    3 - 4500
    4 - 9,000 (shopping)
    5 - 1,000 (Easter) - rest day
    6 - 4,200
    7 - 9,000
    8 - 4,000
    9 - 4,000
    10 - 4,000
    11 - 1,000
    12 - 16,000 (nice 4 mile sunday walk)
    13 - 4,000
    14 - 4,000
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    Yesterday, I made the step goal. I was 13 steps short - but I got up and walked around to finish it. Hope to make my goals the rest of the month.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    April Step Challenge
    1 - 4500
    2 - 4500
    3 - 4500
    4 - 9,000 (shopping)
    5 - 1,000 (Easter) - rest day
    6 - 4,200
    7 - 9,000
    8 - 4,000
    9 - 4,000
    10 - 4,000
    11 - 1,000
    12 - 16,000 (nice 4 mile sunday walk)
    13 - 4,000
    14 - 9,000
    15 - 4,000
    16 - didn't walk this morning - track meet
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    ReNae - you are doing awesome! I have a meeting tonight, but my boss and I went for a quick walk around our buildings. It was just 10 minutes and I added 1,000 steps. Hoping to make my goal today.

    1 - 3,600
    2 - 6,000
    3 - 19,200
    4 - 1,600
    5- 2000 (forgot fitbit)
    6 - 1,564 -went home sick
    7 - Sick
    8 - 3,000
    9 - 2,000 (forgot fitbit)
    10 - 4,000
    11 - 4,400
    12 - 500
    13 - 4,390
    14 - 5,616
    15 - 4,465
    16 - 4,342

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    April Step Challenge
    1 - 4500
    2 - 4500
    3 - 4500
    4 - 9,000 (shopping)
    5 - 1,000 (Easter) - rest day
    6 - 4,200
    7 - 9,000
    8 - 4,000
    9 - 4,000
    10 - 4,000
    11 - 1,000
    12 - 16,000 (nice 4 mile sunday walk)
    13 - 4,000
    14 - 9,000
    15 - 4,000
    16 - didn't walk this morning
    17 - still feeling under the weather so I slept in
    18 - driving to VA so I won't have many steps :(