Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, April 6th - 12th

Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good Easter weekend! If you indulged a bit, don't feel guilty, but it is time to get back to the grind.....

This week my goals are:

1. Proper morning hydration
2. Post to this thread everyday
3. Log my food six days (But be mindful what I eat on my day off)
4. Get to the YMCA two times (I -might- be able to go three, but want to hit two for sure, third day that I would go I might not be able to)
5. Make my 10 thousand steps every day
6. To blog once this week (on another site) (I have yet to meet this goal, ugh)
7. Go to bed by 10pm four nights this week

I am a bit bummed that we are expecting rain or snow every single day this week :(

How about you? What are your goals?

Weekly Mini Goal

Post what kinds of exercise you normally do. Then, choose an exercise someone else in the group normally does, and try it! Let us know how it turns out!


  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    My goals are:
    1 - drink a glass of water every morning as soon as I wake up
    2 - eat breakfast no later than an hour after I'm awake.
    3 - log my food everyday and be under calory
    4 - exercise one hour at least three times a day and smaller exercises for the other times, with one day off.(Hopefully once or twice swimming with mom)
    7 - post photos of meals and selfies as I'm exercising and sharing them on instagram with #GeekattheGym
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    edited April 2015
    Craftscout that easter event sounded awesome both checking out the history and the food

    Goals this Week:
    1: work on evening hydration
    2. Exercise this week
    3. Go to bed at 10 pm every night Monday through Friday
    4. No fast food places

    Mini goal:
    All I do is walk, But I'm looking forward to trying someone else's walk
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    It was so much fun, thanks! :)

    My goals are weird this week.
    1. Don't kill my knee.
    2. Go to yoga tomorrow, not kickboxing.
    3. Don't kill my knee.
    4. Try hard to get 8000-10,000 steps in.
    5. Don't kill my knee.
    6. Stop allowing myself to eat crap. Holiday's over.
    7. Don't kill my knee.
    8. Enjoy myself at the Gala this weekend. Drink, dine, and dance!
    9. DON'T KILL MY KNEE!!!

    Seriously, if you are a joint popper/cracker, you know that wobbly feeling you sometimes get in your knee and then you pop the joint, and all is good in the world? Take that same wobbly feeling, and make it too painful to pop your knee. Ugh. Every so often, my knee will feel like it's about to give out on me, and it's driving me insane. I need to get a brace, but I'm afraid I will waste money on one that is too small for me. I'm going to have to see if CVS will let me try one on before I buy.

    I'm really worried because a detached patella runs in my family. . .

    Anyway, on to more pleasant talk! Mini goal:
    Lol, if you need something different check out my list! I do a little of this and a little of that-
    Kickboxing cardio
    Water aerobics
    Bicycling (stationary, and outside)
    Weight lifting (just light stuff right now, 10lbs per side): bicep curls, overhead presses, tricep kickbacks, bent rowers, bench presses, oblique shrugs, and this ab twist thing
    Push-ups (working my way from wall push-ups to big girl push-ups, I'm on the counter now)
    Sometimes I just shake it when a good song comes on ;)

    I can't wait to see what others do!
  • shballa
    shballa Posts: 133 Member
    Since I bombed on my goal of getting to bed by 9:30 again last week, I am making it my goal once more.
    For exercise, I do walking, stationary bike, or Wii U Fit. I attempt the elliptical once in a while, but I can't do it very long.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    So, I didn't make it to yoga. My knee just wasn't up for it. If I can't get into Child's Pose because of the pain, that class would just be miserable. I also avoided my strength routine bits that rely on my knees and legs, basically just did my arms.

    But I got my 10,000 steps in on the treadmill tonight, by holding tight to one rail for when my knee went wobbly. There were a few moments when I had to grab both rails, but I kept going, even when I really wanted to stop at 8000. I'm kinda proud of myself for that.
  • DeannaCoersCarter
    DeannaCoersCarter Posts: 62 Member
    I'm new to the group but my goals are:

    1: Take a before picture so that I remember how this looked and can see the difference when I lose weight.
    2. Be under 1600 calories 6/7 days this week.
    3. To do Zumba 3 days this week.
    4. To drink water with each meal.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today went alright, ate under my calorie goal and got my morning lemon water and my steps in.

    Struggling with the sleep part....having my daughter here all weekend made me so tired from being up so late into the this morning I did not eat until I got to work at noon cuz I slept until I HAD to get in the shower....then after work I passed out on the sofa for an hour so I just ate dinner a little bit is 11pm and gonna have my snack and hopefully be in bed in an hour or so.....
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    That's a great idea, Deanna. I wish I had done a good set of photos back at 395. But when you weigh 395, getting your picture taken is pretty low on your list of things to do.

    Italian, I hope things settle down so that you can get some sleep soon. :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Craft - that was one of the early mini goals of the year! I guess before you got here :(

  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    It's half term so I'm missing out on the obligatory school run 8000 steps a day.. which is annoying.. so my goal for this week is to;

    1. Get out for a walk everyday with the girls (though today is a write off because I have to clean the whole house before MiL comes round tomorrow!)
    2. Drink more water!
    3. Stick to my calories.
    4. Not be a hermit, accept the party invitation for Friday and not let self-consciousness about my weight ruin a good night.

    Craftscout that sounds AWFUL, so well done for getting your exercise in!! Hope it gets better soon.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    edited April 2015
    For the Mini-goal: My normal exercise involves cycling, walking, hiking, and some bodyweight strength training. This week I'll try "Sometimes I just shake it when a good song comes on" that @craftscout says she normally does. I'm normally pretty reserved and don't dance, so this should get some funny looks from my wife. Almost as strange/unexpected as seeing Christopher Walken dance in the video for "Weapon of Choice," and probably much more awkward...

    I went out to ride my bike yesterday, and had a flat. I guess the tires don't like sitting for 10+ years and they're probably dry rotted. I'm going to pick up some new tubes on the way home, and another patch kit because the patch kit I had had dried out glue.

    On the plus side, I walked most of yesterday for work (in 4½ to 6½ height areas and I'm ~6½ with my hardhat and boots on), and we went for a walk last night; so I got 17,548 steps (including a good core workout from bending over), and walked approximately 9.5 miles.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    Sorry I been MIA, I been having some stresses going on in my life and having issues with my teeth, today I had a root canal done. no pain while having it done, just sore around my gums right now and my mouth from being open so long, so I hope in a few days I'll be back to good.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Craftscout: the knee sounds so painful but way to go on the treadmill
    Italian: hopefully you get back on schedule quickly
    Deanna: welcome :)
    Nassie: I like your forth goal!
    ScrAgn: sounds like you might have some sort muscles tomorrow, but way to bring out the bike.

    My day was shot at home sick, I hate being at home all day because I want to eat all day! I didn't do a anything I planned on, I didn't even drink water! But the day is over and I am going to work tomorrow with my water and my smoothie and a bagged lunch!

    Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow
  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    So, yesterday I drank over 3l of water which was great, said yes to the party and bought a nice outfit online which was great... but then went over my calories by a LOT when the husband bought chocolate eggs home and my resolve went out of the window... which wasn't great :/ Not his fault, he bought them for people he didn't realise I already had bought treats for.

    New day, and planning out ALL meals in advance because I've realised that I can do really well until the evening meal and then lose all willpower when working out what to cook! I might also try starting my 'day' after lunch so the 24 hours includes tonight's evening meal, then tomorrow's breakfast and dinner - that way if I have a big meal/pudding in the evening I can just eat less the morning and afternoon after to stay under calories..? It's still the same amount of calorie per 'day' so it could work right?

    HLaR79 - Hope you're feeling better today!

  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Nassi, I'm not sure that's a good way to think about it, unless you also plan your biggest workout session for the evening as well. Remember what your body actually uses those calories for: energy. Loading up on energy in the evening, and then not doing anything with it except going to bed may mess with your body's metabolism. I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, just my two cents. :)
  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    Ah, that's a good point!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Thanks Nassie :smile:

    I am at work even though I forgot my bagged lunch and went out instead! I think I need to prepare my lunch the night before!

    I am having trouble with my water today I just don't want it and that's a bad thing, tells me I drank too much pop the last bit and I'm going to have to detox from it again! And make a Dr appointment because my sugars are not down enough so we will need to adjust the meds again! I do not want needles every day :(

    Hope everyone is having a good day
  • Losin_W8
    Losin_W8 Posts: 12 Member
    Well Easter went kinda like I thought it would. I tried at first to have small portions. But having some of the foods I usually limit myself on (because of no self control with them) made me go overboard. Once that happened I nose dived into eating some of the kids easter candy and more junk that was laying around. But Monday morning I picked myself up and dusted off. I've stayed under my calories so far...
    Goals for the week:
    (1) Drink more water throughout the day
    (2) try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night.
    (3) walk at least 3x this week
    (4) get my goal steps with my FitBit
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I've been working on getting more protein so that's definitely going to be a goal of mine. I've got to lose these last 30 pounds to hit 100 lbs lost by my 1 year MFP anniversary.

    1-Eat my alloted protein amount.
    2- Make sure to get my 8 glasses of water or more everyday.
    3- Bring more energy to my workouts. (Especially Zumba)
    4- Stick to my calories and my macros.
    5- Take some dang measurements. I never did that!
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    I haven't had a chance to go cycling the last few days due to 1st a punctured tire (and my repair kit had apparently dried out in the last 10 years...), next the storms in the area, and today I hit a deer on the way to work so I was getting other travel arrangements ready this afternoon so I can get to work tomorrow.

    I'm starting to get agitated & stir-crazy without any cycling; it is good that I'm getting accustomed to exercising, but bad that I'm grouchy without it.