Apr 2015 Challenge ~ Apr 6th - Apr 12th



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Kat you look so beautiful. :) And we love your visits. <3

    Paula I keep forgetting to mention I am into conserving water. I shower every other day by choice. To many showers is bad for the skin. And my hair takes forever to dry. B) I plan my workouts in conjecture with my shower days. I do the ones that make me sweat the most prior to shower days. Glad you are feeling better. :*

    Chris what no yoga? I will wait for the story. o:)

    Clara have a great weekend. :)

    Took my darlings for a long walk with DD. It was a great evening. B)

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Lynnette, When you say "stormy weather" I hope you don't mean like the tornadoes in Illinois :noway: seriously frightening. Hope you get some nice clear skies & sunshine!

    Clara, Wishing you yummy foods and good health! :drinker:

    Chris, Yoga... stories... want to know how much water weight you loose in sweat equity. :sweat_smile: Here's an idea: water conservation! Save bucketfuls for your garden! :laugh:

    Shelley, Good job staying clean while you conserve. And how are your fish doing? Still drunk? Looking forward to their new digs? Everyone has names now, right? :smile:

    I fell asleep last night and had to do my workout early this morning instead. Then squeezed in a nap before the ParaTransit bus picked me up for PT. After PT took a cab to the blood lab ($$ but can't drive!) and a girlfriend brought me home. Dozed off. Then just work up & poof, it's time for evening workout. Sigh.... :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,435 Member
    Paula, I had days like that when I was working!! wake up and it was lunch time...*snort*

    Kat, walking is the best...I'm sending you motivation... :o

    As far as water conservation goes...did I tell you guys my DH worked (as of 2:30 this afternoon) for the water district?? Our monthly water bill is about $28.00. We live in a desert...green lawns are not a natural thing out here, yet everyone has massive green front yards. And they water them even if it rains! That kills me.

    Anyway...Got it done early this morning which was a good thing because today was my DH's last day at work!! His retirement started around 2:30 this afternoon!! And we celebrated with our DD, SIL and Bean and some very good friends. Good food, wine, beer and dessert!! A great time!!

    No yoga because DD miss placed a $300.00 check her uncle sent them as a wedding gift. They are going through their house and consolidating everything to make the library a kid's room. They have bags to be shredded, recycled, donated and trashed. She couldn't find the check anywhere and was in a panic. She was going through everything trying to find it. I went over to help and we were working through the computer room and had started on their bedroom when she found it down between the bed and her night table. Her panic was that she had just found the check stuck in the uncle's card from back in December...they hadn't deposited it. She had just talked to her uncle about it the night before...he said go ahead and deposit it...then she lost it...

    Well, I must go in search of my pillow because I'm to pick up Bean at 8:00 tomorrow morning...party over!



  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    So far have gone over calories but did get in a walk. Car trips make me eat more from boredom I think. Should do better on the way back as my sister in law will be along.
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    edited April 2015
    Paula I am due July 4th :smiley: Three more months lol
    Thanks Shelley :blush:
    Chris I need it! I at least feel like I need to get my daughter out so I try to do little walks with her. I'm glad your daughter found the check! That would panic me too.

    Today I went to a winery for my aunts birthday. They had music and we brought food (and I brought my water :wink: ) We had fun. Evie loved running around all over and my mom was there to help me with her haha. She has so much energy we take turns :smiley:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,435 Member
    Kat it sounds like a fun day!

    DH and I walked Bean this morning and I read all afternoon! DH and Bean took a long nap! It was great! I managed 6.69 miles for 14,619 steps today. Tomorrow we are going to a Home & Garden Show. The kids are going to upgrade their house...bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms...that should be fun. One of these days I'll start on the garage!!

    In search of my pillow now...

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited April 2015
    Kat, So fun to see you back :bigsmile: and an independence baby :drinker: exciting! Got excited for a minute there thinking you might live near us in CA, but sounds like there are wineries in NJ? who knew...

    It's been almost impossible to stay awake during the last 24hours. So wasn't doing workouts (except for lots of knee bends between yawns :yawn:). Finally this evening the effect wore off and I washed the dishes and worked out.

    Did my knee workout and the challenge and it's not even midnight yet!

    Chris, Hope you enjoy the show and how fun to do everything with your DH now. :laugh: My brain has switched so lawns are upsetting now. But it is so hard to change our thinking, they haven't got there yet. It's sad!

    Luv y'all! :flowerforyou:
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    edited April 2015
    I've been off most of the week and it has been so busy and a lot of eating out. Walking but not a lot of other exercise. Plus Ron took me out to dinner Friday to this wonderful southwestern restaurant...it was a great date night!

    Time to get back on the wagon and meet my birthday and vacation goal...
    May 26th! I'll let you know if I make it. And I found a cute maxi dress yesterday. Size wise I'm down scale wise I'm not but working on it.

    You all have been doing great!

    Congrats Kat...wonderful news.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    I have been very busy this weekend. Yesterday was poop scoop at the boys favorite park. So the boys and us spent almost two hours cleaning up. I know, with 4 dogs, that I sometimes miss them going. But I really would love to give those who never clean up after their dogs a piece of my mind. I hear excuses from I do not have a bag, the city cleans it up, to I cannot get it out of the leaves....and my favorite....the deer eat it! Really! >:) But I would hate to lose their park. So we help keep it clean. B)

    Did a couple hours of pulling algae yesterday. Rockys Hammer coral stung the inside of my arm pretty good. I have been applying anti itch cream to the rash. I noticed that the algae appears to be dying off. I think soon it will be all dead. :p Today I emptied my fresh water tank completely. It looks great all clean. :D Rocky put the new 100 gallon plastic container in our basement. We are filling it full of RODI water to fill the new aquarium when it comes. :) Pulled weeds and fertilized the garden beds also. Just stayed busy.

    Only did our exercises today.

    Yes Paula, everyone has names. :smiley: And they are all rather tipsy. Great going on your exercises.!

    Chris so glad you two made it to retirement. So wanting to do the same. :) Glad DD found her check. I know how she felt. I once used a check as a book mark. Muahaha, good thing it was not a library book. Still took forever to find it.

    Kat we had a winery in WA also. Never went. Now I wish I had. :)

    Clara I cut up apples for car trips. If not I eat lots of candy! :*


  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Happy Sunday ladies!!

    It was a sunny, warm day here. Lots of outside stuff got done along with my walk with hubby. Orientation went well yesterday and DD is so excited now. Rick and I kinda, sorta but not sure. I am super excited for this new chapter of her life but will miss her terribly.

    Shelley I don't drink a lot of diet soda but would love to drink NONE. The deer eat it???? Unbelievable what some people will say/do to get out of the responsibility of cleaning up after their pet. I need to scrape the glass again in my fishies home.

    Clara I hope your MIL is doing better. It is so hard to see them change like this. {{{hugs}}}} A wedding? Starting the season off early I see. So fun. Trip snacks have to be fruits for me otherwise I will down chocolate after chocolate. I have even gone as far as only buying goodies that hubby and DD like so I won't pick at them.

    Chris DD managed to stay in her bed during the storms, ;) She is 18 but has no issue crawling up on my lap or in my bed at times when she needs her momma. Love the Home and Garden shows, so many neat ideas.

    Paula just heavy, windy rains for us. Tornadoes tend to keep South of us but we do get a lot of water spouts on the lake. I could not imagine having to worry every Spring about tornadoes, YIKES! A workout is a workout no matter when it is done, good job.

    Kat glad to hear all is all. You just take care or yourself and that little one. Running will still be there after the baby. I bet Evie keeps you and mom on your toes. The little ones are so fun, like little firecrackers.

    Off to finish up my steps. Night night.

  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Chris I got a walk in today so your motivation worked :wink:
    Paula haha thanks. Yup still here in Jersey. There are 3 that aren't too far from me. I've even done runs at 2 of them lol.
    Shelley that sounds painful! I think the wine tastings are fun. And at this one almost every Saturday they have music and you can just hang out.
    Thank you Kathy! Great job on being down size wise. It's always nice to know something is working :smile:
    Thanks Lynnette I'm trying. I keep telling myself that. And she sure does keep me on my toes lol. She definitely is so much fun I try to enjoy it all while I still can. These past 3 years went so fast.
    I'm glad everyone had no problems with the storms
    Today was really nice again. We got some family pictures then went out to eat. When we got home I walked my daughter down to Rita's Water Ice for a treat. It was about 1.5 miles round trip. Also I just got an email my new fitbit was shipped Friday. I'm getting the charge HR - had the Force and sent it back for the recall in November. I miss it! I did get the gearfit to try and don't really like it. So I'm ready for that :smiley:
    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,435 Member
    Kat glad to hear you got your walk in today! I wish I could run with the grandpuppy, but my knees are really cranky. Good job!

    Lynnette I went from drinking a 6-pack of diet Pepsi a day to drinking zero soda ever by making a deal with myself that I would drink 12 ounces of water before I could drink 12 ounces of soda. Pretty soon...no soda craving. I am a coffee addict, however!

    Shelley wasn't what the Hammer coral did like someone using a stun gun on the person cleaning their bathroom?? :# Egad!!! Hope your arm is better...

    Kathy good work going down a size! It's got to be all that running around the court chasing that fuzzy ball that's getting you there!

    Paula good job on the knee exercises and the workout! Way to get it done in the dead of night!! The Home and Garden Show never changes...the vendors seem to be the same every year but this year the kids talked to a lot of different vendors with a purpose in mind. Some of the salesmen were over the top though!! It kills me!

    Our weather was beautiful today. We got our walk in with Bean early this morning. We had him for a puppy sleep over. He is the best dog!! Then we took him back to the kid's house and left him with his peanut-buttered kong and then met the kids at the show. They were having breakfast with their friends in the same town as the show. I have 7.97 miles and 17,403 steps for today.

    I hope you all had a great weekend and that tomorrow is pretty darn good too!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Lynette we must give up all soda like Chris! Only had one today. Head does not hurt as bad. :)

    Chris I never counted how many I drink daily. But since soda was the only thing I would drink, I am sure it was alot. No coffee here!

    I worked in my gym some more today. Spent 3 hours hanging posters and going through VHS & DVD workouts. Boy did I throw out loads of them! B) I feel lighter! And I found a few I have never done, ok maybe more than a few. And there were two instructor ones sort of like zumba. They really looked fun. So it is my intent to start doing one on the days I do not go to the gym. And getting rid of the ones I will not likely repeat.

    Bed time.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Chris, How smart you are, putting water before soda. :smiley: And inspiring Kat!

    Shelley, OMG! Ouch!! Hope you recover! :sad: Congrats, on cleaning. How much lighter are you now?

    No workout for me tonight. Am bending my knee whenever, though. Figure as long as it hurts, I'm doing good.

    :yawn: pillow time - Paula
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    Tough Sunday for the team. We only took 1 of 5 matches. We were playing the No. 1 team in the division. My partner and I took a whipping 0-6 & 1-6. I'm told you learn more from your losses...well we learned a lot yesterday. :D

    I also aggravated a left foot injury...I'm limping pretty badly and having a problem putting weight on it. We have 2 more spring matches...my partner and I have next week off...good timing.

    Shelley - sounds like you had a really busy weekend. Gardening, your tank and exercises. Good job!

    Lynnette - same with you...exciting time for your daughter.

    Paula - good job with the knee. My friend is having a time getting her mother to therapy. She's missed the last 3 weeks. She believes part of it is depression.

    Have a good Monday everyone!
