I blew it!

yfoster6 Posts: 3 Member
I bought some m&ms on clearance from Easter and I think the first two times I had some, I ate one or two portions - - - figured that was o.k., then last night I thought I would have some more. I ended up eating the rest of them. There gone now so I don't have to worry about over indulging, however, it ruined my calorie goal for that day! I really hope I can start to curb this sugar craving. I have not lost weight yet, but I'm determined to get on track . .


  • SashaMaja
    SashaMaja Posts: 37 Member
    I'm going through a similar situation with the sweets. I hate to admit it, but I am being very sneaky about it because I don't want anyone here at home to know I'm doing it.
  • ritualsilence83
    ritualsilence83 Posts: 26 Member
    It took everything I had to walk past the discount easter chocolate. At least they are gone, don't dwell on it and keep up your hard work.
  • LJFJ
    LJFJ Posts: 73 Member
    yfoster6, I bought a limited amount of Easter candy and ate it all before Easter. It was there, so why not? Of course, that was before I joined this community (yesterday) and got some support. We're only human, after all. As long as the candy is gone, you're safe! I have some Lindt chocolates in the fridge and don't want to throw them away; it's the same as throwing away $$, but I decided to give myself a treat now and then. I've read many times not to rule out ALL "bad" foods in our diets, because then we'll binge on them (like my Cheetos!). So, I'm going to plan my daily meals around a one-piece (maybe two?) of chocolate and some Cheetos (not on the same day; at least, that's my goal). I'd like to find something other than chocolate and Cheetos to be addicted to, such as carrots. 'Asking too much? ;)

    I had a real test on Thursday. I was at the shopping center after getting my eyes examined for new glasses and went to the Food Court for lunch while waiting for a ride. I passed the Candy Emporium without slowing down (much) and had a somewhat healthy lunch (cheese quesadilla instead of burger and fries). And, when I was getting my prescription filled at the drug store after my doctor's appointment later in the day, I just stared at all the candy but didn't buy any. That's the doctor who told me to come here, and I'm sure glad I did.

    yfoster6, I expect to have a slip, too, but I have to realize that it will happen despite my best efforts; again, we're only human. I can't throw out the bad food here, as it cost me a lot of money and I can't afford to replace all the food yet. I'll have to do it as I can. For example, 1% milk instead of whole when I run out of milk; low-fat cheese instead of the full-fat stuff when I run out of cheese.

    You've encouraged me, yfoster6, for reminding me that I will have those moments, too, and I don't have to be embarrassed or feel bad about it. I can plan ahead for it, if I have the willpower to handle it at the time.

    I have a question for you, though: Did you eat the candy because it was an emotional eating episode or because it was just too good to resist? Is there a difference? I'm trying to figure that out.
