3 Day Quick Fix



  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    SatiaRenee wrote: »
    @jpkrueger If I could afford it, I'd definitely give Shakeology a try. I read a great argument for how it is not that costly. All you have to do is not go out to eat as often. Ummm . . . I don't. I go out on very special occasions. Like my anniversary. And my husband and I won't go out to eat again until . . . I don't know. We bake our own birthday cakes and don't drink soda (90% of the time we drink water with that other 10% being my morning coffee and herbal tea) and I can't replace my expensive coffee drinks I grab on the way to work because . . . yeah, I make my own morning cup of coffee. But I could see the person's point. A lot of people look at the cost of something and immediately say, "I can't" instead of really thinking about and asking "How can I?"

    Exactly! I actually can't say when the last time I dined out was. It's been months!

    That and I did try the shakeology - I didn't care for the taste at all. I think part of my problem is, I don't want to have to mix/blend it with other stuff just to make it palatable. I can drink my whey just mixed with water and there is no funky aftertaste or need to add anything else. Maybe I'll try it again someday but for now? I'm doing great without.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Totally understand, @dkwi04 . I thought the chocolate one was a little funky tasting (and I looooove chocolate) but I can eat the vanilla plain. No funky taste. Though I love it with peanut butter or a little PB2 and a half a banana (to get my purple in). And I like all the vitamins...it's more of a nutrition shake than a protein shake. Then again, we are all eating so healthy on the Fix that we are getting tons of vitamins anyway. And if the whey is working for you, then that's what's right for you!

    Meanwhile I definitely can't go another day with this quick fix so I am back to good, tasty food tomorrow and I can't wait!!! I couldn't even eat my 6th meal....when I skip a meal, you KNOW things are serious :)
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Right now, the only thing that's going to save Round 3 from having not the best results is the 3 Day Quick Fix. I've been steadily gaining the past 2 weeks and I don't know that my clothes are especially looser. I have a couple of things that are getting loose but I hadn't worn them since sometime in Round 2 so it's just as likely I am only noticing now because I didn't wear them then. And I didn't lose any inches during Round 2 so I was really hoping I'd lose both lbs and inches this time through. But I have the 3 Day Quick Fix starting on Friday so I know I'll drop a couple of pounds then and Round 3 won't be a total wash weight-loss wise. I hope.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee you definitely will. I dropped 3 and that was just in 2 days of the Quick Fix.

    I found with my first round that I didn't drop much on the scale and didn't lose many inches. But with my before and after pics - there is a noticeable difference. My stomach is much flatter and that doesn't really get measured. My thighs get measured at the top but that's where I carry all my weight, in my hips and thighs, and they were definitely smaller lower down. So don't be discouraged, you can't work as hard as you do and not see results! It's just hard to see them sometimes.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I found the information. I might have to try this next week. Husbands on nights so it would be easier to do when he's not here as much lol. Not a big fan of fish though. So might try it with all chicken.
    This might be a stupid question but when you prep for it do you steam all the veggies ahead of time and just nuke them when it's meal time?
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I don't eat fish, so I just alternated between chicken and lean ground turkey.

    and I pre-cooked everything and just heated them up as needed.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger Yeah. I figure the 3DQF is a kick in the pants, like that final burst of speed in a marathon.

    @venuila I steam them a bit (not fully) beforehand and reheat. The meat I precook. Also, for the steelcut oats, I found that I could set it up on a very low flame, go do the exercise for the morning, and come back and they would be ready for me. Unless I turned it down too low but even then I just turned up the flame and started making my eggs and, by the time I was done cooking the eggs, the oats were ready too.

    @dkwi04 I am still grateful to you for asking that before because there was one day I simply didn't want more fish and being able to substitute it was perfect.

    I'm making up my 3DQF shopping list today and will do the prep tomorrow. Oh boy! (I'm not really all that eager for it but a few days of deprivation is worth it if it helps me get to my larger goal.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    the worst part is drinking the oil - YUCK! Although I did get more use to it towards the end, but I would be happy to never do that again LOL
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dkwi04 Did you ever try just drizzling it over the veggies. I mean, I know we're "supposed" to drink it but if it's really that disgusting for you, it's something to consider. Another thought is you could buy it in pill form: http://amzn.to/1IB4TGe
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    I so wish I could do the 3DQF but the amount of meat involved makes me want to puke just thinking about it. Glad you guys are getting good results!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    cupcake570 There is a vegetarian version so you could easily replace some of the meat with vegetarian/vegan choices. Where there's a will, there's a way. A veggie burger, tofu, tempeh, eggs (if you are not going strictly vegan/vegetarian) and I even found an image that's probably unofficial using Shakeo for the protein a few times.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Day 1 Round 3

    Okay. Let's face it. If I didn't do the 3DQF this round, I'd have gained weight. I don't know if I've lost inches. It's possible. But I know I've gained weight.

    Anyway, thank you @dkwi04 for sharing the tip that we could add one whole egg to the egg whites. I did that this morning and it made a lot of difference. Much more palatable breakfast.

    I'll keep you all updated on my progress and then check in on the results thread Monday. Woohoo!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Day 1 Round 3

    Lost 1 lb. Still above where I started this round but I will probably lose enough by the end of the 3 days to say I lost weight. I am more interested in seeing if I've lost inches this time around (since my last round I gained inches in my thighs and lost nothing in my waist).
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Day 2 Round 3

    Lost another 0.4 lb.
    Total loss: 1.4 lbs

    Still weigh more than when I started Round 3. Tomorrow I take full measurements including before/after pics so we'll see how things go.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Day 3, Round 3

    Total loss: 1.8

    If not for the 3 Day Quick Fix, I would have ended this round having gained weight this round. Glad I did it but I don't feel that's the best way to see overall success on this program and I am understandably disappointed.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Satia, I'd feel similar. It's disappointing to work that hard and get less than desired losses.

    I'm not losing but admittedly, have strayed from the plan the past few days. (No junk! Just extra nuts and a Quest bar when hungry but just 1/day max). Still loving the workouts though!

    What do you think is going on?
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    :( I am sorry that round three was so disappointing to you. But you have come so far - celebrate your TOTAL success not just the past 21 days!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    DKW is right. To go from using a walker just a few years ago to doubling up workouts and craving exercise is more than impressive! And you're doing it on your own.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I'm on day 9 of round 2 and started the 3 day quick fix today. I don't have the containers but have all the info to do it.
    I thought I was going to be super hungry doing it but so far I've had three meals and I'm sooooo full. I must say I am not a fan of the steel cut oats though. Bleh!!! I think it's the texture that just makes me want to gag.
    Enjoying it otherwise though. Hopefully I see some results. Scale hasn't moved since I started round two but I did lose an inch or two.

  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Well, yesterday was interesting. I definitely felt fuller than I usually do in a day. It seemed like a lot to me...according to mfp it wasn't that many calories and honestly I only got 5 of the 6 meals in. Probably not a good thing but I was full!! I was debating last night giving up on it. Not that it's hard, it's a lot easier than I thought it would be. I just find it boring and would like a little more of a variety, and I'm missing my protein shakes. Ha. But I'm keepin at it, half way there!