June 10th Final Weight in: How much did you lose?

mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
The final weigh in is tomorrow June 10th. How much did you lose total? What did you learn from this group? What are you goals moving forward!! Does anyone have a suggestion for a new group? I'm thinking of doing another one but make it weekly challenges that way I will be more motivated to stay on top of things! When you are training 20-30 people a week along with working out 10 hours a week and taking care of all other family and friend obligations sometimes you get lost in the cross-fire!!

I sincerely thank each and every one of you who participated in this 12 week SUMMER transformation contest and I hope each and every one of you has learned something in the process! Have a great SUNDAY and continue to grow stronger every day and improve your quality of life!!

Money, and Possessions mean nothing when you feel less then awesome; the only thing that matters is that you LOOK and FEEL Great!! When you look and feel great ; wonderful things will continue to come your way!


  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Here is my Final.

    SW: 215
    End W: 212.6 (-2.4lb)

    Body Fat 24.4% - 22.6% (According to Bio-Electric impedance by OMRON Handheld and Foot Sensors)
    Waist 38-36

    I am stronger on most lifts Cardio is getting easier every day went from level 10 ---> 16 on the elliptical I'm now doing sprint intervals at 9.5 mph / 4 mph walks 1 minute on 1 minute off.

    I have found great success lately in Drinking SILK AMINO ACIDS for breakfast with a Green Tea/Caffeine Pill and working out then coming home doing my GREEN JUICE and Protein powder waiting an hour then eating a small snack then I do lunch then dinner.

    Changes I've made during the 12 weeks

    Cut out Diet Soda mostly, Switched To Stevia, Added in AGAVE NECTAR, Make my own healthy green tea concoction, limiting dairy consumption, red meat down to 1-2 times per month, increased cardio, increased strength, increase energy, Switched to grass fed organic eggs, cut down on the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables, new spray to de-contaminate veges and fruits, increase my recycling efforts. etc.

    Lately My goal is to do an improvement each week and turn it into a habbit as you see i've done a lot of that!!
  • phyl88
    phyl88 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey Mike,

    Here are my stats:

    SW - 184
    EW - 173.8
    Loss -10.2
    Inches - 7.5

    I feel wonderful! I've learned that eating less and moving more does actually help you lose weight, ahhh, what a concept! All these years I thougt it was just an old wives tale. I also learned that having others cheer you on and cheering them on really does make a huge difference. I think most people love a challege, I know I do, so this came at just the right time.

    I'd like to thank you for your support and for taking the time to help all of these people that you will never meet. I am eternally grateful.

  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Ok I also have

    Thorsmom at -7.4
    Thinupgirl at -13.5

    So we are at 31.1lbs lost thus far. 153 More people to go if they all remember to post their loss!!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    My stats:
    SW:160 1bs
    CW: 156 1bs (down 4)
    Lost about 7" doing Chalean Extreme and running. :-)

    I've learned that working out daily (or almost daily) and including strength training makes me feel really good and keeps me motivated. I've learned that feeling sore pretty much daily is good and reminds me of my hard work and effort. I've learned that the number on the scale is not as important as how I feel mentally and that the stupid number can really mess with my head. I've learned that logging daily and staying accountable is the best thing for my success and motivation. I've also learned that I'm so active on the board that I don't always remember to post in these special challenge forums.

    thanks Mike for setting this up. Great results everyone!
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Great job. It seems like you found an award winning combination for success I'm so happy and excited for you!! Keep in touch going forward
  • Clemmi17
    Clemmi17 Posts: 50 Member
    171 cm tall
    Starting weight 93.8 kg
    12 week target 87kg
    12 week result 85.4 kg

    Goal weight 73kg

    So I've lost 8.3 kg which I'm really pleased about. It's a combination of following the 5:2 diet plan and more exercise. I've been away for 2 holidays over this 12 weeks where I gained weight on the first and remained static on the second but I got straighht back on track when I returned home.

    I have set myself a target of getting to 83kg by 1st August.
  • locababa
    locababa Posts: 13 Member
    start 239 present 224. total since start 54 pounds woo hoo!
  • mkkhoza
    mkkhoza Posts: 79
    SW: 212
    Current Weigh: 202