23 days, but who's counting!



  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    Wow Dustin! Awesome job so far! You're gonna do great!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi Dustin!
    Mine is a bit of a story. Had sleeve on 4-26-2010. Weight was 281 on day of surgery. Lost to 208, was a total of 110 pounds from pre op weight. Suffered with terrible GERD for far too long and gained back to 267 in the summer of 2013. I think the slider type foods were more soothing. Somehow I got control of my tool and began to lose. I converted to RNY on Jan. 20, 2015, and weight was 231. GERD is better since I don't vomit bile anymore, but I still HAVE to take Prilosec and Zantac two times a day and Carafate four times a day. Weight is now 208 and am in a pause (expect these, they happen). I know this surgery will get me closer to goal than the sleeve ever did.

    I wish you all the best! Btw: I am from south Mississippi and have used y'all too, lol! Great pre op weight loss too!
  • Trayjay33
    Trayjay33 Posts: 122 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery Dustin. You will do just fine and keep us posted with all the new wonderful changes that go on in your life. I had revision from lap band to gastric bypass and some days are better than others but I don't regret it one bit. I'm almost 6 months out now and time flies by so quickly. You will be postop before you know it. Take care!