Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, April 13th - 19th



  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Fast food is so difficult. There is the smells, the memories, etc. what approach are you using to make it a healthy meal?
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Nassie: keep at it, :smile:

    Italian: I am going to get one I think and I am going to leave some meds at work! It's crazy I feel awful still

    Jlthesis: I used to go and promise myself to pick salads, only eat half the fries etc... Best bet is do your research Put it in your diary before you eat so your not shocked afterwards!

    For my goals I am drinking water eating my protein,

    Mini goal: smoothie for breakfast, salad.for lunch and fruit following dinner - hmm strawberries
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    Jlthesis: I used to go and promise myself to pick salads, only eat half the fries etc... Best bet is do your research Put it in your diary before you eat so your not shocked afterwards!

    There has been a couple of times when doing this made me decide it just wasn't worth it. I start with the kids' menu, or the value menu, or wherever the smallest amounts are. Salads at fast food places are just as bad as the burgers, and don't taste nearly as good as the ones I make at home. What I am craving when I go through that drive thru is salty, greasy french fries.

    The worst thing you can get at a fast food place.

    Even the tiny value one I get sets me back 300 calories. Which is 75% of a daily meal for me. *eyeroll* You have to REALLY WANT IT if you know how many calories it's going to cost you. ;)
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    craftscout wrote: »
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    Jlthesis: I used to go and promise myself to pick salads, only eat half the fries etc... Best bet is do your research Put it in your diary before you eat so your not shocked afterwards!

    There has been a couple of times when doing this made me decide it just wasn't worth it. I start with the kids' menu, or the value menu, or wherever the smallest amounts are. Salads at fast food places are just as bad as the burgers, and don't taste nearly as good as the ones I make at home. What I am craving when I go through that drive thru is salty, greasy french fries.

    The worst thing you can get at a fast food place.

    Even the tiny value one I get sets me back 300 calories. Which is 75% of a daily meal for me. *eyeroll* You have to REALLY WANT IT if you know how many calories it's going to cost you. ;)
    Dat cheese. Dos bacon crumbles. A salad SHOULD be healthy, but in any take away kind of establishment it is not. I haunted the Wendy's menu on my phone (and several websites) so I knew what I would be safe ordering the other night (the grilled chicken sammich and the side salad that I added stuff to when I got home). The frosty was avoided like the plague, but I still like them. I went in knowing what was going to happen instead of being shocked and disgusted when I got home and logged.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited April 2015
    I do not care for fast food too much, except for pizza. I have a couple friends that love it, and occasionally want me to partake.....quite frankly, it is not worth the effort to get dressed and go out for a burger when there are so many things that are better, lol, and when I do get a sandwich, I almost never get fries, they are so gross from most fast food places, I can make my own at home with potatoes in my deep fryer, that taste MUCH better. When I do eat fast food, it is only out of necessity if I am out and really hungry and that is the only thing in the area....I do not drive, so if I am in one area it is not easy for me to leave and go to another......

    I fell off the wagon big time last night.....when I got home from work I was starving and had an insulin I ate a bit before dinner, then ate dinner....and then my son came home from basketball and last night is the best TV night so I ended up eating snacks.....and did not log them.....ugh....I did not eat almost any of the pasta I logged but I still ate WAY over....and right now I have no scale so I have no idea what the damage, if any, is.

    Today for the mini goal I will be having lettuce, tomato and watermelon at brunch, and salad at dinner.....

    How is the mini goal going for everyone else?
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Veggies 5 times a day.... <3 I haven't had Swiss chard since I was a kid so had that this week and will be making a recipe with leeks this weekend. Goal met!

    I appreciate the ideas for fast food meals. I just avoid them but I would like to know that I could eat there and be healthy with my choices. I prefer to make my food anyway like some of you mentioned.

    Craftscout, isn't Flylady a great site? My grandmother would be so proud if she saw me clean my sink before bed and making the bed every morning. Lol!

    Have a great Friday all!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I tried to post yesterday and it didn't work. So here goes two days of posts lol

    Mini goals: smoothies, 1 veggie choice for lunch, usually boiled frozen veggies and yesterday we had carrots and peas at supper b today I plan on pita pit for lunch so load up on the veggies and I am not sure about dinner but I will likely stop and buy a salad and a pretty cooked chicken from.the store.

    Last night my husband and I went to the movies (furious 7,I cried) and I had some licorice and less then a quarter of his pop corn, it isn't as tasty now that I know what is in it.

    I am struggling a lot with exercise right now. I have to go get that ymca membership I am not sure what is holding me back maybe some fear of the gym

  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    jltheis7 wrote: »
    Fast food is so difficult. There is the smells, the memories, etc. what approach are you using to make it a healthy meal?

    It's more making sure that I don't binge. I went in there having pre-calculated for a snack(2 drumsticks and a fry) but in the end only got a jr snack(1 drumstick and a small dry). its still around 900 calories but I was able to make it work with my daily allotted calories and fat.

    Im just trying to learn to make better decisions even on days where I'm with friends and we are doing the rare eating out thing. I'm actually going to the city with my friends Monday and tuesday. This will be the true test.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I got almost 18000 steps today....I am beat though!