April 12-18 Chat & Accountability



  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    Feel very human today so back walking to work!

    I LOVE the charge. I like that it tracks elevation, nothing to do for putting it in sleep mode. It is comfortable and I forget I am wearing it lol! I upgraded as I found that if you do a lot of serious walking with a flex that it can't keep up.

    Carol, idk about you but my number have been shameful for me this week. So I get to return to my routine and then I will starting trying to increase by 100 each day. My email for Fitbit is mometo3@live.com for anyone who wants to add me!
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    Hmr I looked at everything for the different models of Fitbit. I opted for upgrading to the charge as I wanted to track elevation and yet the charge hr and surge I was not interested in tracking heart rate. I also don't do much cycling to warrant a surge. The asset I saw to the surge is a larger display that shows multiple stats at once unlike the flex that just has lights. I do enjoy that the charge will work as a watch. It allows you to track multiple stats while cycling through the menu on the band as well. The charge and I assume surge as well have a stop watch function to track your exercise that is really easy to use and quicker than accessing the gps exercise mode in my phone. Hope that helps!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Carol - you never said what FB challenge.. Friend Kelly, she needs more friends! LOL

    John. Ok, not a FitBit user yet. I really want the Charge HR, as am an HR junkie. I also bike. After seeing the regular Charge over the Flex (Kelly's), now I know I will just skip the Flex. The Flex was perfect at the time for Kelly, and it did get her moving. She also outgrew it with her frelling fast speed walk she does. I can beat her on hills, but on the flat she smokes me! I will get one just as soon as I catch up with Kelly's new found lead expenditure habit. :smiley:

    Speaking of that. Kelly got an in with a certain Match Director, who then got her an invite to an invitation only Night 3 Gun match (which was full). So, not only will that be her very first 3 Gun, she is also doing it at night, and she has never shot at night either. Heck, last weekend was her first competition ever, and that was only pistol. Talk about jumping in with both feet and mine! Night shooting practice is on the agenda for this weekend. That is the one of the advantages of living out in the sticks.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited April 2015
    Great decision on the Charge Kelly. I'm a longtime Fitbit user. Had their original model, then a FLex and now a Surge. Which, Mark, they did just add cycling tracking (on the GPS capability). Hubby has a Charge HR. If I was to do it over, I'd just use the Charge HR. The Surge is big on my wrist, and if I wear too much without switching wrists, I get a little rash under the band. For cycling I will continue to rely on my Garmin. But the HR part and elevation tracking - plus the auto sleep part, make the Charge HR a really great fitness tracker. Hubby just starts the tracking in his phone app, if he wants a GPS map of his walks.

    Oh, and Heron all of them do estimate distance by steps - and you can customize your step length in the desktop dashboard. We often laugh about how many more steps hubby gets than I on same walk. I just take longer strides. So I get less steps when we walk together. I also tend to naturally walk faster (but still only around 3.6-3.8mph - remember I do not use walking as a form of "cardio" and so intentionally keep heart rate low) than him. So at times I pull ahead and then wait.

    Still not sure about PaleoFX. Carol knows that I now have a business trip to Dallas Wed-Friday. Toying with changing my flight back through Austin on Sunday morning. If I go, I have full days of seminars and workshops picked out, Hate there's several overlaps where I would have to pick between two speakers I really want to see. There's a BodyIo coaching meet up Friday night (and epic carb nite). And must find time to at least hook up with you guys for a bit. Would be busy but great weekend. Should make a decision in next day or so.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I drank a martini last night, slept poorly, feel like crap this morning. Funny I used to drink them several times a week. Now one drink and I feel $hitty. But it felt great to relax recap the week with hubby sipping my Titos vodka....you know the one made in Austin. Where I'll be going next weekend!

    Weekly weigh in today. Down 1.6 from my post vacation weigh in Monday morning. Still another pound to get to my pre-vacation low. Won't weigh again for about two weeks, as I'll be out of town next Weekend and only weigh once per week, the morning of CarbNite.

    Doing a CN reorientation post vacation, too. Which just means I'm skipping this weekend's Carb Nite, will go about 12 days ultra low carb. Typical reorientation is 10 days but I want to CN on Friday, so 12 days it is. Moving CN to Friday's for riding season. Mountain biking here with our rolling terrain, is short bursts of climbing (a minute or two) with decent recovery time between doing descents or flats. Kinda like natural, real world HIIT or intervals. So a Friday CarbNite will better support Saturday and Sunday riding, as the couple days after CN are ideal for HIIT type workouts. Burns out the available glycogen. After those couple of days, glycogen is already starting to deplete and that type of work out is an unnecessary stressor.
  • AngelaLastname
    AngelaLastname Posts: 41 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Great end to the week with two huge victories. Thursday night my good friend was over for dinner and we have Melissa Joulwan's old school italian meat sauce (very delicious!), asparagus and pasta for her and hubby and zucchini noodles for me. I knew the sauce was perfect for bread dipping and had her bring garlic bread... and managed to resist even when close to the end she says "I'm so full but this bread is so good!". Friday managed NOT to dive into chocolate when two mistakes I had made a couple weeks ago and been unaware of were discovered. Completely take it personally and want to consume a chocolate bar to console myself... but didn't! It helps my co-workers all know about my challenge.

    Even started more activity! Wednesday starting raking the front yard which I hadn't done in the fall, and today picked up garbage/debris for 3 hours around the track (we are the new owners of an old go kart track). Gorgeous days both of them!

    Now just to get through my SIL birthday out tomorrow and whole30 is looking good.

    Jen - don't go anywhere! That was one of my greatest mistakes. It made my slip into a dive off a mountain!

    Can't wait to hear about the feedback from paleo FX! And John enjoy your vacation :)