Tell me. What was the best thing that happened today?



  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Yesterday I could finally get my wedding rings off - they'd been stuck on there for the past three years or so. At my highest, I was afraid I was going to have to get them cut off (the rings, not my fingers - haha). Now I can get them cleaned - they're filthy!

    Pretty soon you will need a guard! Keep an eye on them ;)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I woke up and went to the gym this morning. Before having surgery and losing weight, I used to pray that I would wake up. It's amazing to be healthy.
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    edited April 2015
    This morning's weigh-in has me down 125 lbs since my last pre-op weigh-in; only 41 to go to get to goal. I would say I'm in a damn good mood today. LOL
    That is SO good! Congrats! I am so happy for you! Oh and I love your Mabel avatar!
    I had to adjust my shoe strings! My feet are smaller!! LOL its truly the little things that bring joy to the journey!! :)
    HA! It really is the little things, right? Good for you!
    I'm officially on a regular diet today post-surgery! I had a third of a baked sweet potato with butter from Longhorn Steakhouse (no sugar) for lunch- not sure what to try first for dinner but I plan to take things slow. I had someone I hadn't seen in a while compliment me on my weight loss (38 lbs. lost as of today from pre-op clear liquids).

    Now if we can just get rid of all the rain down here so I can get out and walk in the evenings, life will be grand.
    Congratulations on being cleared for a regular diet, and the compliment. I am sure you're feeling awesome right now. Not sure where you live but here where I am (central Texas) we are thankful for the rain. The lakes are still pretty low. We will take what we can get before summer.
    Trayjay33 wrote: »
    Thanks for this thread, My family is doing well. My headaches are getting better, I accomplished a lot at work, I am at a plateau with weight loss but my coworker took long to say hello back because she didn't recognize me at first because I've lost so much weight and she said I keep getting skinnier & skinnier. Good times!
    Good time indeed! That is such an awesome post! Congrats!
    Aztec4Life wrote: »
    Fit into some old pants today that are 6 sizes smaller than pre-surgery. Also, today is one month since I had the Sleeve. Best thing I've ever done for my health.

    Thank you all for the support and good info. :)
    Congrats on the fitting into old clothes and your one month surgiversary!
    Kleona29 wrote: »
    It's only been a couple of weeks since my surgery and today has been the second day I didn't have to stop what I was doing and take a nap in the middle of the day. It feels so good to be getting my energy back.
    It does take a while, but you're getting there!

    badhair56 wrote: »
    went for two week follow up today, had sleeve on April 1st, no more bp meds -- WOO-HOO
    NO MORE BP MEDS!! WOOOO WHOOOO!! Congrats friend!

    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Yesterday I could finally get my wedding rings off - they'd been stuck on there for the past three years or so. At my highest, I was afraid I was going to have to get them cut off (the rings, not my fingers - haha). Now I can get them cleaned - they're filthy!
    I second what Joycie said, but I am sure that feels so good! *high five* Jen!
    garber6th wrote: »
    I woke up and went to the gym this morning. Before having surgery and losing weight, I used to pray that I would wake up. It's amazing to be healthy.
    It is amazing isn't it. And we're all so glad you're here with us. {{{HUGS}}}

    Congrats to you all! Have a wonderful Saturday, and keep looking for the wonder & beauty in life. - Lisa
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Lisa - you rock, Lady!
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks Jen! You're pretty awesome, too!
  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    My roommate stopped in my room over the weekend said 'Since your surgery, you really seem more energetic and social! I like the change!'

    When I got home from work, I stumbled on the curb and fell in the street. Instead of major injury (like every other time I've fallen), I was able to get right up and brush myself off. (My dignity is off in the corner sulking, but I'm fine!)

    Today as I was climbing the stairs I had to drop something so I could keep from mooning the same roommate (pants falling off).

    It's been a really good week. :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    My lowest weight was 222 and I got sloppy over the holidays and gained back 10. I lost 2 and then I've been bouncing between 225 and 230. I was told I was eating too little so I upped calories twice to no avail. I have learned how to do maintainence!! But anyway, on this past Monday, I reduced my calories. Monday the scale said 229. Today it said 227. So two pounds down in 2 days. Yes this could still just be part of the bouncing pattern I've been in since the first of the year, or it could be reducing calories is working. Either way, it was 2 pounds less than Monday, so I'm taking it as a good thing.