BF% question, Fat/Nonfat dairy, and lifting question

LoLoGB Posts: 97 Member
Hi all- I got a three in one here for ease of not doing multiple posts

1- my weight has gone down but my BF % has gone up 1.5 points from 28% to 29.5%...wth??

2- I eat non fat Greek yogurt for breakfast. Some say so full fat, others say non fat. With opinion and actual real backing/research- which should it be?

3- Inches wise my thighs and butt have gotten smaller (thank you Squats!)- but my belly (huge trouble zone) and back fat rolls haven't decreased in size at all. Ideas on why and how to fix?

142.5 lbs
SL 5x5 - 3 days a week
30 min LIGHT cardio (stroll outside) - 2 times a week



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My thoughts:

    1 - you'll only get as accurate as 5% outside a DEXA scan, hydrostatic weighing, or Bodpod. So you are still within the margin of error, and may not have changed at all actually.
    Besides, when you go in a diet, you lose LBM. Water weight. So that means less fat, less weight, but less LBM too, could easily have BF% go up even if lbs went down.

    2 - Depends on if you want to designate your own fat calories. When eating enough it's not as bad a chore to still have enough to get some good fat in you want. If having trouble getting calories in, no non-fat versions of stuff.

    3 - Can't spot reduce, can't spot measure. You may be losing in other spots. And stomach is traditionally that first added and last to go spot.
    Best you can do is have the muscle underneath strong so it carries well.