Welcome to my challenge

spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
After spending 3+ months moping about the extra 10-15 lbs I've gained and can't get rid of, I've had it and I'm ready to get it gone and back over this damn hump!

I have 40, well now 50 more lbs that I want to lose to be back at my Doctors standards and with this stupid plateau!


  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I would love to lose at least 50 pounds too. I'm not sure that would be enough to get me to Doctors standards but Its a start.

    Lots roll!
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    I've been faithfully logging for a couple weeks now but given my track record of being on and off this site I could definitely use a little accountability. Plus since this is a logging challenge and not an exercise challenge I can actually do it. The only exercise I can do right now is light yoga and walking since I have a back injury.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Def will be logging everything as I have been logging but I would like to keep track of measurements! I'm so in Hun!
  • neolexirocco
    Hiya... i'm hopeless at tracking so I'll join this challenge to motivate and keep me on track! Today is Day 1!!
    I usually work in kilograms but will convert to pounds for this group hehe...

    My happy Goal is 26lbs but ideally I should lose another 20lb on top of that for "doctors standards"
    My mini goals are every 11lb

    I lost over 70lb a few years ago with another 11lb required to be in my health weight range. I never got there... I had a tough 2 years and gained 26lb, most in the last year. So much of my happiness is focussed around my weight, I wish it wasn't the case but it is.

    I hope by being accountable to a small group will make me get focused again! good luck :)
  • mamadiamond13
    mamadiamond13 Posts: 15 Member
    It's nice to meet everyone! I'm very happy that I found your group. I'm currently trying to lose baby weight plus some. I had my daughter the end of February and I'm down 40 pounds since that day! I'm extremely proud of myself but I need the motivation to get to my goal. Plateau's really bum me out and I'm currently at one. Boo. Good luck to everyone! We can do this.
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    Yay! Glad to be here!!! I was just getting to the point that I needed a new push. I am .4lbs away from what was my original goal But, now that I am almost there, I need to keep going!!! I put on my smallest jeans yesterday, that I haven't worn in 3 years and I was so happy...now I am wondering where another 10lbs will take me :) I'm here mostly for my health...but also to feel great. I will be 35 next month and I want to feel 25 ;) Feel free to friend me!!
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    A little intro here: I am stay at home mom of 2 young kiddos who is also working on her masters part time while taking care of her inlaws. My youngest is 15 months old and i gained 50 lbs during both pregnancies which i lost after giving birth without much effort. But i am still a good 40 lbs overweight on top of that. I recently lost 8 lbs on a trip to back home without really trying to and was happy to have that boost. But after returning, i gained it all within the last 2 to 3 weeks. I am certainly not eating unhealthy stuff, we mostly eat at home and rarely ever eat fried food. I try to log every day but i am not very good at it. I am hoping this challenge and support from all of you will help me stay on track.

    So i have a question about logging your food intake. Do you guys measure or weight every bite and sip religiously or do any of you eyeball it? I just eyeball it and i think thats where my issues partly stem from.
  • idianaamtoofat
    Basically I'm going to high school in 13 weeks, and I'm going to lose 23lbs before then... I'm telling you I'm going to do it, and logging is totally going to help me! C: whoop whoop.
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    A little intro here: I am stay at home mom of 2 young kiddos who is also working on her masters part time while taking care of her inlaws. My youngest is 15 months old and i gained 50 lbs during both pregnancies which i lost after giving birth without much effort. But i am still a good 40 lbs overweight on top of that. I recently lost 8 lbs on a trip to back home without really trying to and was happy to have that boost. But after returning, i gained it all within the last 2 to 3 weeks. I am certainly not eating unhealthy stuff, we mostly eat at home and rarely ever eat fried food. I try to log every day but i am not very good at it. I am hoping this challenge and support from all of you will help me stay on track.

    So i have a question about logging your food intake. Do you guys measure or weight every bite and sip religiously or do any of you eyeball it? I just eyeball it and i think thats where my issues partly stem from.

    I'm a stay at home mom too!! I have 4 kids..but they are 17, 14, 7 and 2...not working on a Masters though :( (or any degree...maybe someday) ;) Congrats!!

    I think you need to measure!! I don't have a scale, but if something says half cup etc, I measure. For my meats I try to remember 4oz is like the palm of your hand...I might invest in a scale...I hear you can get them pretty cheap.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Hi all! I'm Tina, and I have lost weight using this site, but due to stress (I'm an emotional eater) earlier this year I plateaued and even gained a tad bit back. The stress is lessening and I"m ready to face this challenge and drop the last 33lbs I have to get to my ultimate weight goal. For this challenge, I want to lose 13lbs, which will bring me down to a healthy BMI again. I hit that in April, then gained back about 10lbs.

    I'm a married part time working mother of 5 (ages 25, 23, 20, 17 and 15) and we hosted an exchange student from Germany this year. He leaves tomorrow and we're sad about that. The youngest 3 are living at home with us right now although the 20 year old is only home from college for the summer and the 17 year old turns 18 later this month and leaves for the Navy next month. Did I mention something about stress?! :ohwell: Life goes on, right?

    I'm posting my stats and heading right to the gym.
  • Cinderellis
    Cinderellis Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for sharing some personal stuff - here is my story:

    I am a 46 yr old Grandma (step-son's boy :-)) and my daughter is ready to have her first baby in late July. My weight has been creeping up since I am hitting some menopause, and because I don't live close to my daughter and wont see the grand-baby too often= depression. I am working with my Dr to figure these issues out, but I know the key to my success in the past has been tracking with MFP and it motivates me to workout too! Late last year, I became AFAA certificed for group fitness instructor and am a zumba instructor part-time (full-time desk job in investment compliance), but only being a substitute doesn't push me to practice more. My goal is to complete my yoga instructor class in Sept and personal trainer in Nov. I know that I have to get myself fit and focused to succeed at this, so I GREATLY appreciate the accountability of this group! I am already more focused after joining this morning!

    have a great day!
  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    I had been logging on here everyday and finally losing weight. Well I stopped logging. Still exercising . I've been at a plateau for a few weeks I joined this group and logged in today I'm like 300 calories over goal no wonder I'm not losing. I have 30 or 35lbs to lose.