Squat 30 Day Challenge

mamadiamond13 Posts: 15 Member
I thought I would share this with everyone since I've almost completed the challenge and can say with confidence that it works! When you start, you're going to think "there is no way that I can do this." But you can! Today I am up to 220 squats at one time and it's really not even that hard. It works your muscles so well! The site I'm posting also has a 30 day crunch challenge which I'm starting tomorrow. Let me know if anyone else wants to do either of these! I'm on day 25 of the squat challenge so I know other people can do this!



  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    So what's the deal just squats with no weight just start off doing as many as possible and try to up it everyday??
  • mamadiamond13
    mamadiamond13 Posts: 15 Member
    Yea you don't do any weights. You just do the number of squats that it says to do for each day. You do them once a day all at the same time. You will notice such a difference in your muscles!
  • AMike98
    AMike98 Posts: 63 Member
    going to give the squat challenge a try!
  • I started yesterday. was surprisingly easy...however, a tad stiff today! Lets see how I go tonight hehe
  • mamadiamond13
    mamadiamond13 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm glad a few of you are trying it! I'm on day 28 today and feel AMAZING. I am so excite about the progress I made in just thirty days. When I started, I figured there was nothing to lose if it didn't work but I can definitely tell that muscle is replacing fat. I'm going to continue after day thirty and increase by five squats each day. I want to see what I can accomplish in 60 days! Keep it up, let me know how you're doing with it!!
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    I haven't started as I'm going on a mini vacation starting Monday but I might start it while I'm there as I won't have Internet for 4 days yep that's right 4 whole days camping in the woods with no wifi OMG I might die lol but it will give me an exercise to log while I'm there that and swimming and fishing and hiking :) getting out and getting active for my health!!!