Anyone Recovering from an ED?

I used to have issues with binge eating, overexercising, and restricting. I've since gotten over all of them (took years!), and have 31.6 pounds to lose to reach my goal (I am down over 100 pounds). I have recently been struggling with the urge to overexercise again to lose weight faster, but I know from experience it will just cause me to get unhealthy issues with food/exercise and then gain all of the weight back after I am unable to do my 2-a-days. So, I am seeking a buddy that is fighting their urges to lose weight in an unhealthy way, and who wants to instead do it the correct way. Its frustrating to me, because I used to [when i was overexercising] lose 1 pound per day, but now I lose 1-2 pounds per week (ah, so frustrating). I know that it's best though, so am looking for support! I would like to meet other people that are recovering from ed's!



  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I was self-diagnosed anorexic in high school and the last time I was on MFP, I slipped back into the habit of not eating if I was close to my calories or I'd skip breakfast, then eat a late lunch and skip dinner. I am afraid of going back again this time but at least I'm aware of what I did on MFP last time (3 years ago) so hopefully I won't do the same thing again. I would love a friend who has had similar struggles.