online body fat calculators

SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
Can anyone explain this to me?
I've been wanting to estimate my body fat as I try to diet and lose some weight. I used a tape measure and put the findings into several online calculators. They all came up with numbers close to about 30-35%. Then, I used the same tape measurements but replaced my age (33) with the age 23. The calculators now spit out a body fat of about 25%.
I know that people tend to lose body fat as they age as a general trend but I lift weights and I'm certain I have more lean mass than when I did in my twenties. I'd like to tell myself that my body fat is more in line with the readings I got when I fished the age bit how much am I kidding myself?


  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    All those measurements can be horribly inaccurate especially if you lift a lot. Many of them base things off of BMI which is designed for a populace and not the individual. The best thing I can recommend is to find a gym with a Bod Pod (most major gyms have one) and use that. It uses air displacement and is very accurate especially when accounting for things like age, height, and body build.
  • SmellyHippy
    SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks. Unfortunately the gyms use those handheld body fat readers. The only place in Alaska that has a bod pod is the college and isn't open to the public. I believe the hospital does a DEXA scan but it requires a doctors note and is pretty expensive.