Spring Challenge RELOADED

In Case you haven't heard....Spring Challenge is RELOADED and in effect for the
next two weeks. Check it out..

Nutrition Challenge

Every Monday is now Meatless Monday and eat all the healthy carbs you want.

Tuesdays thru Fridays are now your controlled Carb days and you can pick which category you want to stick with...

the choice is yours...

1. 100 Grams - For gradual weight loss, or

2. 50 Grams - For quicker weight loss, or

3. 30 Gram - For dramatic weight loss.

Your Workout Challenge

In addition to your 30 minute walk/workout each day you may participate in the Ab and Squats Challenge. Ab Challenge is mandatory, however now to the end of the month Squats are optional. New Nutrition and Abs Squat Calendars were emailed. Check your emails for the NEW ones and disregard all previous information provided.