Kids and Keto/low carb



  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    edited April 2015
    My son (age 12.5) started eating low carb a few weeks ago. He made the decision himself and has done very well as he has seen DH and I eat this way for 2.5 years. DH makes his lunches and he takes things like deli meats, low carb chili, hot dogs in a thermos, carrots and ranch dip (in individual tubs), beef sticks, cheese sticks, moon cheese, fat bombs, occasional sugar-free snacky items like Jell-O sugar-free pudding. He also has been eating, or at least willing to try, more vegetables, though I don't think vegetables are nothing it does give him something to eat at supper besides meat.
  • winninglosing43
    winninglosing43 Posts: 33 Member
    I make my son what we call "fake lunchables" for his lunch. Basically I cut meat and cheese into little squares and put them in a small tubberwear with little slots for everything. Most of the time there are coconut flavored almonds in a spot, black olives, and a dill pickle. Sometimes there will be bacon we cooked earlier, pepperoni, salami... or beef jerky. He thinks its cool to take a "personalized" lunchable with just the things he likes. :-)

    To respond to the negativity of "forcing" a diet on a parents dont we all "force" (teach) our children to eat what we think is best? if I didnt believe this lifestyle was healthy I wouldn't do it myself. The lifestyle we should not be forcing on our children is high carb, high sugar, low nutritional value scientific experiment gmo crap that ensures one out of three of our children will get type two diabetes. More and more research has linked carbohydrate consumption to Alzheimer's, calling it diabetes type 3. Low carb/Keto isnt a diet for me, its eating healthy. Eating real food, the way we were evolved to eat over thousands of years. This is how responsible parents have fed their children for decades before media and marketing taught you to believe it was wrong.