Losing pregnancy weight

I had my 3rd child on the last day of 2014 and now on the mission to rid myself of the weight i gained.
I was 191lbs the day i had my son.
after fluid etc had gone i worked out i had gained 19lbs from my pregnancy,I then gained 5lbs purely due to eating everything i couldn't during the pregnancy.
I am now 12lbs down and only 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight I'm currently 169lbs
I'm soo glad to be getting back to where i was as even then i was 14lbs heavier than the start my 2nd pregnancy.

Is anyone else losing weight from a pregnancy.


  • algingher
    algingher Posts: 17 Member
    My son will be 1 on the 23rd but I since I had 3 babies in 4 years, I am trying to lost weight from my pregnancies as well. I just ordered Insanity today and plan to start it this coming Monday. Right now I'm doing a mix of Jillian Michaels until it gets here.
    I weigh 154 pounds and would like to get back to 115-120.
  • Henninem
    Henninem Posts: 3 Member
    I had my second in December 2014. Currently at 142-144ish & trying to get back down to 125. I'm always hungry & don't really lose much weight while I'm breastfeeding. Last time I had to train for & run a half marathon to get back to my normal weight again. Finding it difficult to find time to go run as my husband works a lot & the streets around our house are sooo hilly. As you can see, I'm all excuses...
  • Bleemama17
    Bleemama17 Posts: 1 Member
    I had my second baby in July 2014 weighing in at a whopping 165lbs! I am 5'2" and lost most of my weight from breastfeeding. When I stopped bfing I was 127lbs. I lost 8lbs on weight watchers. I am currently 119. My goal weight is 112-115. (Pre babies weight). I don't do any exercise besides walking 11000 steps a day on my Fitbit. Love that it syncs with my fitness pal and gives me extra calories! We can do it mamas!
  • Henninem
    Henninem Posts: 3 Member
    I'm down to 140 today & feeling pretty good. I've done well calorie & exercise wise the last week (except eating out for lunch & dinner last week - probably a 3000 calorie day (southern food with mashed potato & gravy & lemon pie & a huge greasy burger with fries & a soda). Starting to feel a little less flabby than before so the exercise is helping.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Still trying to lose weight from two pregnancies - one in 07 and the other in 2012. I was 223 after giving birth, got down to 160 in 2012, gained weight got to 172. Started this year at 191, now at 184. Looking to get to 160 to start.