Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, April 20th - 26th



  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Wow, I wish I could just give everyone a hug...unexpected weight gains, sleep problems, health issues aside, we are all doing something good for ourselves. I used to let these setbacks overwhelm me and I would give up. Checking in here helps me find the resiliency to keep striving to live healthier. I had a tough week too. I am stressed out about things I just shouldn't be, which just makes me more stressed. And my favorite stress reliever is food. So then I get more stressed out....

    Like craftscout, I journal a lot and meditate but it doesn't seem to be helping much right now. I do know I am not physically active enough so that should be my goal this week.

    GOALS: 45 minutes a day physical activity and drink more water.

    Be good to yourself everyone!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Italian: do you take nexium or losec? That could help a lot? I hope you get in to see the blood specialilist it is so frustrating to not have answers.
    Craftscout: getting.older just sucks, nothing works.right anymore. But great job at your event it's not easy but.sounds like you had a great plan, you deserved that pound
    Jltheis: when you get stressed out could you try asking yourself, (how is my stress going to change the outcome of this situation?) and then if you cant change the outcome with stressor can relax and you can work towards dealing with it and moving past it. It doesn't always work but it helps get past that way of stress thinking.

    Time to work make it through today and then this weekend and start new meds Monday, and I will walk a lot this weekend because my van is broken.down.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey jltheis - nice to see you back!!!

    HLaR- that sucks about your van, ugh....I cannot drive anymore do to health problems, but I remember when I was a driver how much it sucked when my car broke down!

    I take two medications for the acid reflux, but I still have attacks, esp if I eat too late or too much....

    My daughter comes home today for the summer....Lord have mercy on my soul, lol, seriously though, she is a VERY high stress point in my life, and this will be the first summer ever that I will be looking forward to fall....I love her, but she just has this way of causing me stress like no other person in my life.....
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Rain, rain go away....I want to go for a walk! I'd go anyway but my dog thinks rain is absolute torture and lays down and shows his belly. So I end up carrying him, get cold, wet and then I have to give him a bath ... treadmill here I come.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Let's see, how did my week go, according to my goals for the week? Not tooooo bad.

    1. Not giving in to cravings. Well, Friday was a really sucky day, and so I got my favorite Japanese food delivered for dinner. Not the healthiest, not the worst. I had my husband bring me home a 4 piece box of Godiva truffles, and then split them with him (holy cow, it was STILL 210 calories! Totally worth it, though . . .). Other than that, I pretty much stayed on target.

    We tend to eat out on weekends normally - yesterday I had Panera (the chicken humus power bowl and turkey sandwich pick two) and we found a new "fast food" place that caught my eye. The sign read, "The ULTIMATE Indian Crepe experience". O.o Huh? Do you mean dosas? Oh, yeah, they meant dosas. Filled with good stuff. Like Gobi Manchurian. And Palak Paneer. And pizza sauce and cheese. Seriously. It was all delicious (especially the sambal) and all vegetarian, which keeps the calories down. I think I am going to be going back today to show my parents. :)

    2. Desk continues to get cleaner. Bed got made all week. Dining table could be eaten at all week. Routines are continuing to be built. :)

    3. I skipped my PT yesterday. There just wasn't a good time when I could fit it in. I was on the run all day. But other than that, I did it every day!

    4. Did my arms strength training 3x this week. Did my new legs strength training twice.

    5. 6,885; 10,586; 10,244; 10,095; 10,340; 8,800; and 7,073 steps for the week. Total: 64,023. Hit my goal 5 out of 7 days.

    Mini Goal
    I tried to be more conscience of my hydration this week. I think that is partly what helped me lose 5 pounds this week. It's starting to get hot here, so I need to remember to up my water intake - drink even when I'm NOT particularly thirsty.

    How did everyone else's week go? Italian, don't stress too much. You can always come here and do a primal (virtual) scream if you need. Jtheis, did the rain ever let up? Nassi, keep up with the small victories! HLaR, geez, when it rains it pours, huh? :(

    May next week be calm, productive, and healthy for all of us.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Bright and sunny today...yard work was actually a joy to do as I got to soak up some sunshine. An okay week when I would rather have an outstanding one. My goals will be more challenging next week.

    Nice numbers, craftscout! Overall, your week sounds great.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    what a weekend the van cost a 1000 dollara then my sister dropped on us that she is moving out so there goes her share of the rent. I had 100 exactly to shop for the week and I was feeding 7 people per meal this weekend! Thankfully my freezer was full of pork and soups we will depend on them For the next month!
    So the y membership is off my list of to gets in May but good news is there will be room for my treadmill to come back to the living room.

    Looking forward to next week I need some good stuff!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited April 2015
    This week was not too bad....over all pretty happy.....

    |Nice work team lol

    HLaR - sorry about all that is going on with you, that really sucks!

    Craft - you sound like you are rocking!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    @HLaR79 - Well, hey and take a lot around at yardsales and maybe you can find some weights, and cardio is the exercise my dr always tells me to do (create that calorie deficit!)

    @Jltheis7 Oh those nice days are here..for now. Yeesh

    @craftscout - Sounds like the week went well overall!