Give me 5 reasons

Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
Today, a friend challenged me to state 5 clear, concise, specific reasons I want to lose weight. He feels that if we cannot come up with 5 good reasons as to why we want to do something, we'll most likely fail at it. (Thank you Helloitsdan!)

Here are my 5:

1) To control my diabetes.
3) To look and feel sexy again, especially in a swimsuit or dress.
3) To heal my liver.
4) To be able to wear high heels again.
5) To be alive in 2065.


  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    The one and only reason is health, do you really need 5?
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    1) To improve my lipid profile. So far, it's working!
    2) To improve my blood sugar control. Ditto!
    3) To lower my blood pressure. Yeah!
    4) Faster, longer runs. It gets a lot easier the less weight I'm carrying.
    5) To nudge my family to improve their diet.

    (Yeah, I like the aesthetic effects too, but you only wanted 5. :))
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    1. Improvement to my health and sense of well being
    2. Energy
    3. No longer having high blood pressure
    4. Feeling like I (might?) Be pretty again :) Seeing a glow when I look in the mirror!
    5. Clothes (enough said) and shoes!

    We only get five? Lol! I like this!
  • Jakiepaper
    Jakiepaper Posts: 57 Member
    1)Being able to play with my kids and go on the rides and not just walk around holding everyone's stuff.
    2)To be proud of myself and my accomplishments.
    3)To be in control of what I eat and not have what I eat control me.
    4) Smaller clothes are easier and cheaper to find.
    5) I don't want to have health issues.
  • tammi65
    tammi65 Posts: 20 Member
    Options be healthier 2.feel better about myself 3. Help my liver 3. Help with neuropathy pain from spinal injury 4. Look better 5. Be more active
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    1- to prevent the diabetes that runs in both sides of my family
    2- to fit my clothes again
    3- to help my chronic pain/inflammation
    4- to be a good example for my kids
    5- to feel better about how I look
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    1 - To break the cycle of binge and guilt
    2 - To be the sassy active old lady everyone marvels at
    3 - To inspire my family to follow suit and improve their own health
    4 - To match that image of me that I carry around in my head
    5 - To fight the system \m/
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    To end the family tradition of dying young
    pain management
    reduce the load on already broken/unfixable parts of my body
    be able to do things again without running out of breath
    to ride roller coasters
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I only need 2 reaaons and their names are Thomas and Sophie (my kids).

  • VartorTheBarbarian_
    So I can pull off the Norse or Greek demigod look at Halloween. :)
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    So I can pull off the Norse or Greek demigod look at Halloween. :)

    This is the ONLY reason you need. :D

  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    So I can pull off the Norse or Greek demigod look at Halloween. :)


    1. So I don't have to feel like a failure who can never follow through on a diet/WOE for the next 41 years of my life
    2. so I can wear pretty clothes that I really like, rather than clothes that just cover me eg an above the knee skirt
    3. so i don't get pins and needles in my arms at night, cutting short my sleep
    4. for my health in general (as 3 seems to indicate something serious that i probably can't bother the doctor with - what would I even say to him/her?)
    5. so i can look in the mirror and feel reasonably attractive again (and when that day comes I will spend the £92 or whatever it is these days to renew my passport as that is the worst "fat picture" of me EVER)

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I only need 2 reaaons and their names are Thomas and Sophie (my kids).
    That's beautiful Minties <3

    1. To stay alive long enough to implant plenty of love and joy into my grandchildren and to teach them to take time to smell the roses.
    2. To be able to run with the wind, and not die, or look like a ridiculous, fat old lady doing it.
    3. To be able to roll over in bed without having to hoist my stomach separately (I've practically achieved this one.)
    4. To be able to wear clothes I love instead of clothes that protect the viewer from heaving into a bucket.
    5. To be able to laugh in the face of western medicine practitioners everywhere, and know that I know better than they do about diet and nutrition and the consequences thereof.

  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I only need 2 reaaons and their names are Thomas and Sophie (my kids).
    That's beautiful Minties <3

    1. To stay alive long enough to implant plenty of love and joy into my grandchildren and to teach them to take time to smell the roses.
    2. To be able to run with the wind, and not die, or look like a ridiculous, fat old lady doing it.
    3. To be able to roll over in bed without having to hoist my stomach separately (I've practically achieved this one.)
    4. To be able to wear clothes I love instead of clothes that protect the viewer from heaving into a bucket.
    5. To be able to laugh in the face of western medicine practitioners everywhere, and know that I know better than they do about diet and nutrition and the consequences thereof.

    those are lovely and funny at the same time GrannyMay

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I only need 2 reaaons and their names are Thomas and Sophie (my kids).

    CAVEAT - please know that this is not a dig on anyone - but a reminder and a lesson I learned long ago that I hope you never have to suffer through learning the hard way yourself.

    Just remember that you need to be doing this FOR YOU, too, or you will never succeed long term. That is a lot of intention and expectation to set on the heads of two little ones. I know you meant this well-intentionally, but I can tell you as a woman who did so many things for, around, and because of my daughter that this is not fair to them. If you can't find something to do for you, you don't need to be doing it. You should be number one on that list. Then they are number two. Or number 1.b.

    This is a hard lesson it took me a lifetime to learn. I don't want my children to put someone before themselves as they grow and mature. I know that I personally I was always taught to put myself last. That's part of how I ended up here in the first place. I want to live my life in a wonderful balance so that my children NEVER have to suffer this way, wondering at their own value and describing themselves only in terms of their relations to others. We are unique individuals. A little more healthy selfishness in this world would make it all a better place. **end rant**

    HUGS to all - again, not meant as an insult to anyone. This is a just a horribly painful lesson I had to learn...the very hard way.
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    To not wear big knickers from Monday to Friday lol
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    RisiM wrote: »
    To not wear big knickers from Monday to Friday lol

    Um, maybe TMI here, but the only time I wear "big knickers" is my shark week/female time of the month. You can by sexy knickers at any size. I wore several sexy types at 300+ pounds (140 kg or so)... Just saying.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    1. Initially to control my IR and stave off T2 diabetes
    2. To lose the extra lbs I have gained back after losing them years ago
    3. To have increased energy levels
    4. To reduce joint pain and inflammation
    5. To ultimately gain some of the weight back in the form of a baby bump :)
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    We are unique individuals. A little more healthy selfishness in this world would make it all a better place. **end rant**

    Amen, sistah!! ;-) Couldn't agree with you more. There is nothing wrong with living your life in a "self-ish" way, ie: putting on your OWN oxygen mask first. I want to be strong and fit again because when I'm healthy I have the energy and the desire to give and do so much more for others. But ME first right now, THEN I will be capable of being the giver I thrive on being.

    I totally "get" the wanting to do it for those in your life whom you love...the kids "deserve" a mom who's not husband "deserves" a hot, sexy thing on his arm, etc. But what happens when life disappoints (as it so often does) and those who were so "deserving" of your thinness suddenly become the ones who've hurt you and you're angry with? "I can't believe I've done all this for YOU and this is what I get in return??" Yeah, no. Just like any other self-harming behavior (drugs, alcohol abuse, gambling, etc.), the motivation needs to be based on your own desire to be the best you can be for yourself.

    **ending MY rant** ;-)
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    1. to get control of my blood sugar
    2. to lower my blood pressure
    3. to not be embarrassed by the photos of me my daughter posts on Facebook
    4. to not wear size 2X clothes
    5. to maybe feel sexy again

    Yeah, I would like to be a good example to my kids, but that's not tops on the list.