Breakfast Protein Shake Recipe

RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
Want to share my latest protein shake recipe! I’ve been doing whey protein since January, but have been increasingly uncomfortable with it and wanting to switch. Finally made the switch to pea protein, but that stuff is definitely not anywhere as tasty as whey, so on a suggestion from a friend (Thanks Julie!!) went to work trying to make the stuff drinkable with peanut butter and bananas.

This recipe makes 5-6 shakes, which is perfect for a weekday breakfast on the go. The cal count is between 250-300, depending on what liquid base you use and how many shakes you decide to make. I put mine in pint mason jars, so I made 6.

Also, I made two batches of these-one for myself and one that was significantly higher calorie for my fiancé, so I’ll point out what I did for his, in case any dudes read this and want to give it a go.

30 oz So Delicious coconut milk- sweetened if you want more taste, unsweetened if you want less cals (whole milk for more cals)
5 scoops Now Sports Pea Protein Powder
400g bananas (this comes to about 4 medium-small bananas, and the riper they are, the better your shake will taste.)
5 Tbsp PB2 (Or regular peanut butter if you want more cals. I also used White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter when I made my fiance’s, and his shakes tasted waayyyy yummier than mine, but then he gets to eat like 3000 cals a day and I do not.)
5 Tbsp Organic Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses (adds a good chunk of potassium)
6 scoops Organic Pure Stevia Extract (I buy the one from Trader Joe’s, it’s powdered and has no fillers/sugar alcohol)
8-16 oz of water, to thin out as needed

Stick it all in the blender. I found that it was easiest to do the bananas and milk first, then add in the other ingredients one at a time.

Warning- you’ll end up with about 80-90 ounces of liquid, depending on how much water you add. So unless you have a massive blender, you might have to do like I did and blend half the recipe at a time. I spent about an hour last night getting this right, but I think it was worth it, and it’ll be faster next time.

I pour the mix into 5-6 mason jars, stick em in the fridge, and glug it down in the morning, bam, nice and full before work!

Feel free to post suggestions/improvements!


  • leroyizzy
    leroyizzy Posts: 55
    Bump-ity bump bump!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    OO! I just looked at the macros on this, and it has almost a perfect 40/30/30 ratio.. perfectly balanced way to start out the day :-)
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Do you drink this all in one day? My only thought was do you need Stevia when you have molasses? Also do you need molasses when you have bananas? Maybe local honey for sweetness? No judgements just discussion. I love a good smoothie/protein shake recipe.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    Do you drink this all in one day? My only thought was do you need Stevia when you have molasses? Also do you need molasses when you have bananas? Maybe local honey for sweetness? No judgements just discussion. I love a good smoothie/protein shake recipe.

    I thought about honey as well, might give it a try. The pea protein is pretty-nasty tasting on its own, so yeah I definitely need the bananas and the sweetener. I personally am not a huge fan of the taste that the molasses adds, but I add it for the potassium it gives me- if I don't make sure I get at least 3 grams a day I get bad cramps at night.

    I will come back here with any changes/improvements... and you guys feel free to post stuff you try too!

    Thanks for the feedback!

    *Edit- Yep I toss it back every morning before I leave for work- keeps me nice and full for a good few hours.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I've never measured how much potassium I get a day. I should start paying attention. I do know I'm like you if I don't eat a banana every day I get bad leg cramps at night. Once I had ab cramps. I was told by a fellow exerciser that bananas don't have much potassium, but it must be just the right amount for me. It takes me about 2 days of no bananas to start with the cramps.

    I've never had pea protein, so that's interesting to know.