


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Oh, and another factor, with having just stopped nursing, your body is figuring out all it's signals with stopping production there, too!! That is about a 300 calorie burn a day you were having before that you don't now. Add to that the hormonal fluctuations, and I think that is far more key to your stall.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Oh, and another factor, with having just stopped nursing, your body is figuring out all it's signals with stopping production there, too!! That is about a 300 calorie burn a day you were having before that you don't now. Add to that the hormonal fluctuations, and I think that is far more key to your stall.

    Funny I hadn't even considered that beyond adjusting my calorie intake accordingly....
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited April 2015
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Oh, and another factor, with having just stopped nursing, your body is figuring out all it's signals with stopping production there, too!! That is about a 300 calorie burn a day you were having before that you don't now. Add to that the hormonal fluctuations, and I think that is far more key to your stall.

    Funny I hadn't even considered that beyond adjusting my calorie intake accordingly....

    Yeah, I usually find that when someone else points it out to me, I'm like "Doh." whatever it is, because it is so part of my normal adjustments, I don't think of it as important. :)

    Especially since your body still produces milk for a while even after you stop nursing, so it has to get rid of that (water-ish?) weight, too.
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    Just throwing it out there, but for those of us with metabolic disorders, you can tweak everything and still end up stalled. Most of the time, your body just needs time. My stalls last 3 weeks on average, but I've stalled for three months and then had a large drop of 10 pounds over a week.

    I am on this eating plan for more reasons than weight loss though, so I stay the course and make tiny changes, because I love the way my bloodwork looks right now.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Do whatever you can to reduce stress. If you're doing intense exercise, switch to walking for a while.

    If you're at 20g/d carb, try 50-75g/d for a while. (Interesting fact nobody will believe: ketosis doesn't help weight loss. Try a moderate low-carb diet like mine for a lower-stress approach.)

    The calorie increase can help if you're at a big deficit. Believe it or not, it can also help by increasing your fat stores and leptin levels a bit. Obviously, increasing body fat isn't ideal, but if followed by a fast, it can get you out of a stall.


    You keep posting that increasing carbs from 20 to 40 or so isn't detrimental to weight loss, and might even help it. Because I seem to be in a stall, I'm actually thinking of trying an increase in carbs and fat. The weight I've lost, I lost when I was eating more than 20 carbs.

    Relatively high carbs works for me, but I'm a guy, so weight loss is easier. :)

    It also worked well in scientific studies comparing moderately low carb to LCHF. In one study, they found higher levels of cortisol associated with the lower-carb diet. There haven't been many studies, but the couple I've read suggest it's worth trying.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I think before anyone can figure it out, you must say what you think a stall is? You said you lost 20 lbs in nearly 2 months, but you've only been doing this WOE for 2 months. So, you've been stalled for a week? You had cheat days? Easy peasy. It's water weight that automatically goes along with refilling your glycogen stores, and will move again. Try this calculator. I find it to be pretty accurate for me, and so do many others in this group and the keto group. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    By the way, I'm one of the higher carb eating folks due to veggies, though nothing very high, and I'm currently slowly increasing carbs and calories because I'm at goal, and going into maintenance.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    wabmester wrote: »

    Relatively high carbs works for me, but I'm a guy, so weight loss is easier. :)

    It also worked well in scientific studies comparing moderately low carb to LCHF. In one study, they found higher levels of cortisol associated with the lower-carb diet. There haven't been many studies, but the couple I've read suggest it's worth trying.

    Well. So if that applies primarily to guys, maybe I'll give the increase in carbs a second thought. ;) Didn't think of that. I'm paying attention to the cortisol though.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Okay, going to scour your diary... Okay, which is more typical - Thursday and Friday last week, or Wednesday and Saturday through Tuesday? I see a *kitten* ton of veggies as far more concern, particularly the veggie burgers, than the dairy. The dairy has a decent balance of fats. How did you feel Friday versus the rest of the days?? And I didn't pay close attention to the water - are you having at least one 8 oz glass of water per each 8 oz of coffee??? If not, you might be majorly dehydrating yourself...

    Out of the past 7 days, Monday is the most "typical"--but your questions and comments are making me realize one important thing: The past 7 days have varied widely, and none of them have been on plan according to my original intent with this WOE. Gosh, I'm a hot mess! It's time to force myself to cook dinner every night and breakfast every morning.....
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I think before anyone can figure it out, you must say what you think a stall is? You said you lost 20 lbs in nearly 2 months, but you've only been doing this WOE for 2 months. So, you've been stalled for a week? You had cheat days? Easy peasy. It's water weight that automatically goes along with refilling your glycogen stores, and will move again. Try this calculator. I find it to be pretty accurate for me, and so do many others in this group and the keto group. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    By the way, I'm one of the higher carb eating folks due to veggies, though nothing very high, and I'm currently slowly increasing carbs and calories because I'm at goal, and going into maintenance.

    And that is why my initial question was where I can find GOOD info on stalls. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Okay, going to scour your diary... Okay, which is more typical - Thursday and Friday last week, or Wednesday and Saturday through Tuesday? I see a *kitten* ton of veggies as far more concern, particularly the veggie burgers, than the dairy. The dairy has a decent balance of fats. How did you feel Friday versus the rest of the days?? And I didn't pay close attention to the water - are you having at least one 8 oz glass of water per each 8 oz of coffee??? If not, you might be majorly dehydrating yourself...

    Out of the past 7 days, Monday is the most "typical"--but your questions and comments are making me realize one important thing: The past 7 days have varied widely, and none of them have been on plan according to my original intent with this WOE. Gosh, I'm a hot mess! It's time to force myself to cook dinner every night and breakfast every morning.....

    I don't think you have to cook every night and morning. I make things in batches (and I know you do, too, because you said something about crockpotting a bunch of chicken breasts once). Bake up two pounds of bacon over the weekend. Portion it out into individual baggies or containers. Always make a little extra, just in case of prying fingers or scrambling for dinner some night. Hard boil eggs if you like those... Take 1-2 a day. Make egg salad if you prefer it that way.

    A big dinner thing we do in my house a lot ALOT is make a huge batch of taco meat. It can be warmed up and used for taco salads (without shell but add sour cream, avocado, and extra cheese for me, please!), nachos or tacos for my fiance, etc. I season it myself, so I don't have to mess with flour or cornstarch or MSG or whatever in it. I partially drain it once (once the "red" is off the meat, but it isn't all brown (because my fiance won't eat it with all the 73/27 grease in the "sauce"), but that leaves a good little bit of the fat in the meat.

    I do chicken breasts the same. Pork loin/roast. Etc. I do basic seasonings, then toss whatever together. Chicken Caesar salads, just dump some fatty/yummy sauce or butter on mine, toss it in a stir fry (I'll make this in batches, too, and just maybe add a new veggie each night to retain the crispy bit or toss in some "smashed" almonds for crunch), or whatever. I just leave the rice of mine and feed it to him...

    I tend to buy whatever meat is on sale or clearance any given week. Buying covered wagon brand bacon gets me 10 pounds of irregular pieces of bacon for $20-$28. The flavor isn't always consistent (mostly just the salty factor, depending on whether an end piece or more fatty, etc.), but it is far from the worst bacon I've ever had. I've discovered Walmart has a ten pound tube of 73/27 ground beef for about $27, which is way cheaper than the $4-$7/lb for most of the other "cuts." Pork roast or loin I can almost always find for less than $2 per pound if I have freezer space. You can roast it with just salt, pepper, and garlic slivers shoved in it...or rubbed in dijon mustard...or plain the "fry" with mustard as the "breading" (OMG, this one was so freaking good, I was shocked at how butter "fried" the dijon to a crispy coating)... Then with the pork, I treat it a lot like shredded beef (for mexican presentations), or do a faux bbq of it, or for me just dump on butter/sauce, etc.

    LOTS of options...
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    My problem is that I'm not much of a meat eater historically and I STILL struggle with eating reheated meat.... so dinner one night and reheated for lunch the next day is about as far from fresh as I prefer to get. I LOVE taco meat--a taco salad for lunch feels so indulgent to me! And yes, I do use the crockpot, but beyond the first maybe second day it just sits in the fridge. I know it's wasteful, so I try not to cook too much ahead. And with the three little terrors (just kidding, they're angels!) demanding my attention from the time I get home until the time they go to bed, I often don't get to cook a real meal until after 8pm. Excuses, excuses. :tongue: I just need to rework some things to figure out how to do this right again. (It will also help if the baby quits his middle-of-the-night feedings and the 3-year-old quits her bedtime stalling.)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    My problem is that I'm not much of a meat eater historically and I STILL struggle with eating reheated meat.... so dinner one night and reheated for lunch the next day is about as far from fresh as I prefer to get. I LOVE taco meat--a taco salad for lunch feels so indulgent to me! And yes, I do use the crockpot, but beyond the first maybe second day it just sits in the fridge. I know it's wasteful, so I try not to cook too much ahead. And with the three little terrors (just kidding, they're angels!) demanding my attention from the time I get home until the time they go to bed, I often don't get to cook a real meal until after 8pm. Excuses, excuses. :tongue: I just need to rework some things to figure out how to do this right again. (It will also help if the baby quits his middle-of-the-night feedings and the 3-year-old quits her bedtime stalling.)

    What about cooking then immediately freezing? Then take out portions and heat what you need? Still most of the prep stuff done.... Just a thought. I understand the fresh factor, but my fiance is bad - as long as it isn't a science experiment or stinky, he'll insist on trying to eat it. BLECH

    But I find that taco meat tastes better with each hour the sauces blend. LOL But I honestly only portion out what we need each meal - so each set of meat is only cooked once and reheated once if I can help it!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Yes, I'm big on not reheating something if it won't be eaten right then. My husband, not so much. I hadn't considered freezing, as our freezer is usually full. But I will try to pick up some freezer bags and such on my next shopping trip so I can give that a try. :)