Diabetic Chat Group April 2015



  • gymrat9293
    gymrat9293 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi all. Yes I did have a great visit with MD office today. My A1C is 5.4. that is a normal non-diabetic number! I threw my BP medication to the curb and I can continue to decrease my insulin. The Nurse practitioner told me I look younger and keep up the the "excellent Work!" She actually gave me a hug on my way out. Her next goal for me is to get down to 150 lbs. Then we will discuss the other medications I'm on. Go me. I am ecstatic!. I updated the SS to have my new A1C on it. I copied this from my post on the NS boards.
  • linna62
    linna62 Posts: 988 Member
    congrats Donna on so many levels. This is the BEST news.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    linna62 wrote: »
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    We Diabetics have to be careful with our feet for sure.

    Diabetic feet lose feeling over time, one may develop neuropathy, and walking barefoot is a no no. Wearing good shoes is important to ensure we do not step on objects that can penetrate the sole of the shoe and/or cause any type of contact injury. We all know scrapes, scratches, punctures, and tears are hard to heal anyway for us. And, if we injure our feet, we might not feel it then the injury can become very problematic if overlooked.

    So true! I am learning. I have made myself wear shoes, as I always went barefooted. I have a problem with my legs below the knees.They bruise up and I am not sure if it is the diabetes or fluid retention bruising. I gets better with lotion or cortisone cream, but never goes away. It just kind of reappears. Does anyone else have that?
    Yes I do, not bruising but red discoloration. I also have battled foot ulcers. One started as a callous and the others as blisters. I don't feel my feet- although I have the sharp shocks. I use the thorlo socks for diabetics and my sandals are vionics. Daily care, lots of lotion and massage.

    Okay, that sounds a little like what I have at first. Maybe I am needing more lotion! And massage! That sounds good! Thanks, that is helpful!!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi all. Yes I did have a great visit with MD office today. My A1C is 5.4. that is a normal non-diabetic number! I threw my BP medication to the curb and I can continue to decrease my insulin. The Nurse practitioner told me I look younger and keep up the the "excellent Work!" She actually gave me a hug on my way out. Her next goal for me is to get down to 150 lbs. Then we will discuss the other medications I'm on. Go me. I am ecstatic!. I updated the SS to have my new A1C on it. I copied this from my post on the NS boards.

    You are really doing good and working it! keep going! You encourage us all!

    Val! You keep on with that loss for your bears! I can Bare-ly stand all this good news!!! ;)
  • gymrat9293
    gymrat9293 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Do we have a SS here like we had on NS, Just wondering?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015
    Try This One
    Diabetic Chat Spreadsheet

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    April 25, 2015 -157.2 Pounds Lost

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    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and only shows my loss since I joined My Fitness Pal :)
  • gymrat9293
    gymrat9293 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thanks roger, I saved it and then I was able to open it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    NutriSystem Forums
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    I know ... sad. I've not been a member that long, but gracious, I really hate they are closing down the Boards. :(
  • linna62
    linna62 Posts: 988 Member
    i need to ask jeff to update our spreadsheet. I don't think he's going to be here with us on MFP. :( His last email indicated he'd keep in contact via email after strolling around here a few days.

    After seeing the various groups I can see why NS shut down the forums. I knew having been there since 2009 that there were way less customers using them. Used to be an influx of endless newbies and in the past months that I've been active, not so many. They weren't revenue generating and I'm sure some of the antics that went on there (and we all know) were more of a liability. It's the history I will miss. Friends and roads traveled together.

    I'm having circulatory issues with my feet feeling like stones. I don't know how else to describe it. Going back to vascular doc on the 19th. Nothing much else to say, just life is too busy. Which I guess beats the alternative! Doing ok in maintenance. Sugars are stable and so is my weight.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hope you get a positive report, linna62. I have neuropathy so can relate. So far, however, no absolute circulatory issues.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I have started a new Group called NutriSystem Food Reviews. The Link is in my signature.
    linna62 wrote: »
    i need to ask jeff to update our spreadsheet. I don't think he's going to be here with us on MFP. :( His last email indicated he'd keep in contact via email after strolling around here a few days.

    After seeing the various groups I can see why NS shut down the forums. I knew having been there since 2009 that there were way less customers using them. Used to be an influx of endless newbies and in the past months that I've been active, not so many. They weren't revenue generating and I'm sure some of the antics that went on there (and we all know) were more of a liability. It's the history I will miss. Friends and roads traveled together.

    I'm having circulatory issues with my feet feeling like stones. I don't know how else to describe it. Going back to vascular doc on the 19th. Nothing much else to say, just life is too busy. Which I guess beats the alternative! Doing ok in maintenance. Sugars are stable and so is my weight.

    Hi Linna
    I am sorry to hear that Your troubles continue. Good Luck at the doctors!
    FWIW I disagree that they were not revenue generating :)
    Maybe not directly but IMO retaining customers is better than having to keep adding more new ones to replace the ones that drop out. That is why many businesses have a retention department.

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    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal
  • gymrat9293
    gymrat9293 Posts: 1,400 Member
    linna62 wrote: »
    i need to ask jeff to update our spreadsheet. I don't think he's going to be here with us on MFP. :( His last email indicated he'd keep in contact via email after strolling around here a few days.

    After seeing the various groups I can see why NS shut down the forums. I knew having been there since 2009 that there were way less customers using them. Used to be an influx of endless newbies and in the past months that I've been active, not so many. They weren't revenue generating and I'm sure some of the antics that went on there (and we all know) were more of a liability. It's the history I will miss. Friends and roads traveled together.

    I'm having circulatory issues with my feet feeling like stones. I don't know how else to describe it. Going back to vascular doc on the 19th. Nothing much else to say, just life is too busy. Which I guess beats the alternative! Doing ok in maintenance. Sugars are stable and so is my weight.

    So sorry to hear about feet. I hope there is good news in the future.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    linna62 wrote: »
    i need to ask jeff to update our spreadsheet. I don't think he's going to be here with us on MFP. :( His last email indicated he'd keep in contact via email after strolling around here a few days.

    After seeing the various groups I can see why NS shut down the forums. I knew having been there since 2009 that there were way less customers using them. Used to be an influx of endless newbies and in the past months that I've been active, not so many. They weren't revenue generating and I'm sure some of the antics that went on there (and we all know) were more of a liability. It's the history I will miss. Friends and roads traveled together.

    I'm having circulatory issues with my feet feeling like stones. I don't know how else to describe it. Going back to vascular doc on the 19th. Nothing much else to say, just life is too busy. Which I guess beats the alternative! Doing ok in maintenance. Sugars are stable and so is my weight.

    Sorry about the circulatory problems. But good that your sugar and weight is stable! That is a great victory!! Keep us informed after you see the Doc- I hope all goes well! Jan. :)
  • linna62
    linna62 Posts: 988 Member
    thanks guys. I've had a big struggle to keep my life afloat this week and in order. A positive attitude will see us through the hard times. It's graduation week for my son and I'm taking some time off after today, MD ordered and self chosen. I need to be with my family.

    Roger I don't disagree on a small scale but I guess from the big picture is what I was referring to.

    It is sad for a lot of reasons that the NS forums are gone. I had to stop reading over there as one person who is particularly annoying and always kissing the *kitten* of corporate was running a don't be mad at NS thread again. I won't miss!
    I also visited the refugee forum and just don't see that as viable for me. I like it here, mainly because big brother doesn't block me yet and I enjoy that we have NS folks and others who give a great perspective and help to those of us who are maintaining. I invited a new diabetic friend but don't see him here yet. He's not on NS but I encouraged him to join this group as he's a diabetic looking to be with like minded.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    linna62 wrote: »
    thanks guys. I've had a big struggle to keep my life afloat this week and in order. A positive attitude will see us through the hard times. It's graduation week for my son and I'm taking some time off after today, MD ordered and self chosen. I need to be with my family.

    Roger I don't disagree on a small scale but I guess from the big picture is what I was referring to.

    It is sad for a lot of reasons that the NS forums are gone. I had to stop reading over there as one person who is particularly annoying and always kissing the *kitten* of corporate was running a don't be mad at NS thread again. I won't miss!
    I also visited the refugee forum and just don't see that as viable for me. I like it here, mainly because big brother doesn't block me yet and I enjoy that we have NS folks and others who give a great perspective and help to those of us who are maintaining. I invited a new diabetic friend but don't see him here yet. He's not on NS but I encouraged him to join this group as he's a diabetic looking to be with like minded.

    Hi Linna
    I can can guess exactly who You mean.

    The more the merrier.

    The Big picture is that too many people do not seem to care about privacy and share everything.

    NutriSystem Forums

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    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal
  • gymrat9293
    gymrat9293 Posts: 1,400 Member
    linna62 wrote: »
    thanks guys. I've had a big struggle to keep my life afloat this week and in order. A positive attitude will see us through the hard times. It's graduation week for my son and I'm taking some time off after today, MD ordered and self chosen. I need to be with my family.

    Roger I don't disagree on a small scale but I guess from the big picture is what I was referring to.

    It is sad for a lot of reasons that the NS forums are gone. I had to stop reading over there as one person who is particularly annoying and always kissing the *kitten* of corporate was running a don't be mad at NS thread again. I won't miss!
    I also visited the refugee forum and just don't see that as viable for me. I like it here, mainly because big brother doesn't block me yet and I enjoy that we have NS folks and others who give a great perspective and help to those of us who are maintaining. I invited a new diabetic friend but don't see him here yet. He's not on NS but I encouraged him to join this group as he's a diabetic looking to be with like minded.

    Linna Please take care of yourself. No one can do that for you. If there is anything I can do, please let me know, even if it is only an ear to bend.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Linna, just thinking of you and hope your week is going better. Taking time off is so important and being with your family even more important. I wish I had done that so much more. Sometimes it is easy to get caught in the schedule, and forget commitment. Take care of yourself and have some meaningful days! We are so worth it!! :)
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Just checking in with you, too, Linna. (((HUGS)))
  • linna62
    linna62 Posts: 988 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    linna62 wrote: »
    thanks guys. I've had a big struggle to keep my life afloat this week and in order. A positive attitude will see us through the hard times. It's graduation week for my son and I'm taking some time off after today, MD ordered and self chosen. I need to be with my family.

    Roger I don't disagree on a small scale but I guess from the big picture is what I was referring to.

    It is sad for a lot of reasons that the NS forums are gone. I had to stop reading over there as one person who is particularly annoying and always kissing the *kitten* of corporate was running a don't be mad at NS thread again. I won't miss!
    I also visited the refugee forum and just don't see that as viable for me. I like it here, mainly because big brother doesn't block me yet and I enjoy that we have NS folks and others who give a great perspective and help to those of us who are maintaining. I invited a new diabetic friend but don't see him here yet. He's not on NS but I encouraged him to join this group as he's a diabetic looking to be with like minded.

    Hi Linna
    I can can guess exactly who You mean.

    The more the merrier.

    The Big picture is that too many people do not seem to care about privacy and share everything.

    NutriSystem Forums

    April 25, 2015 -158.0 Pounds Lost
    My Fitnesspal links
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    Roger's Useful Links
    Abbreviations commonly used
    NutriSystem Food Reviews Group

    Other Links
    I just visited a Ghost Town this morning
    NS Foods for sale Posts
    100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)
    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal

    Roger I saw the boards were still up this morning. Coach Mark found his way in.