

  • fitntoned001
    fitntoned001 Posts: 28 Member
    SW (for the challenge) 150
    CW: still 150
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Congrats to everyone who lost, stayed the same and posted a message (loss, gain, whatever!). It shows that you're committed to this life change.

    I, sadly, went back up 2 :embarassed: to 232 (start weight was 232.6; last week was 230). I guess it's not enough to THINK that I want this, to POST that I want this - I need to actually DO this.

    I'm optimistic for this week thanks to the small kick in the pants from all of you who were successful (2 pounds or not).

    Have a great week!
  • Moonflower83
    Moonflower83 Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry for the late post - I totally forgot it was Tuesday.

    Progress so far:

    May 28: 156
    June 4: 155
    June 11: 152
    Next week's goal: 150

    I dropped 3 lbs this week, managing to make up for the previous week's 1 lb loss.

    I feel that I was trying far too hard the first week - which made the 1 lbs kinda disappointing. Yes, it was a loss, but considering the effort I put in, I expected so much more.
    Last week I was easier on myself in terms of exercise - I was consistent, but not as intense. Instead I focused on portion control. I split my meals in 2, and would wait and hour or 2 before having the second half.

    It's nice to see the scale go down, but I don't really trust what I'm seeing. It doesn't seem to line up with my efforts. I've started taking my measurements to get a more accurate idea of how my body is changing. So far, no change. lol

    It's great to see lots of people still posting - it's hard when the results aren't what you're aiming for, but keep going everybody, we're gonna get there!! Without this group, I wouldn't have half the focus I do.
  • drrozzy
    drrozzy Posts: 30
    Last week 181.5
    Current 179.5

    Made the 2lb mark, but thought it would be more because I walked and exercised.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Seems like many of us are on the same page - I'm weighing in tomorrow b/c I was away last night and not able to get to my scales. But I'm honestly not expecting a good change.

    I'm with prayaas - many reasons why - but the bottom line is not enough right choices.

    It seems to be a tough time of year for everyone.

    BUT I keep telling myself that I've had many years of eating what I want; with the consequence being low self-esteem and losing out on special moments with my family (hiding behind clothes instead of being in the water swimming - for example).

    So this week I'm going to keep up the exercises (which is honestly the easy part for me) and focus on the right food choices (which is the hardest part for me). I will post my weight tomorrow - despite how embarrassed I might be.

    Wow talk about getting hit between the eyes with the truth!! I actually came to the group today to drop out. I have a ton of stress going on right now and have gained 3 since joining the group.

    I am going to hang in here, post my weight this coming tuesday and try like mad for a loss by then!

    Thank you for your post!
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    June 4 weight: 177.0
    June 11 weight: 171.0

    I don't really think I've lost 6 pounds in one week. I had a lot of water retention and some of it was water weight. I was down to 169.0 in May.

    Trying to stay focused on making the right food choices, exercise more regularly and no overindulging on the summer treats.
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    So glad to see the losses this past week - and am feeling motivated by your successes. Keep sharing - and insights into what works for you will help others who may need a kick in the pants :wink:

    I'm having a better week - and am tempted to step on the scale - but will hold off until Tuesday.

    See you then!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Seems like many of us are on the same page - I'm weighing in tomorrow b/c I was away last night and not able to get to my scales. But I'm honestly not expecting a good change.

    I'm with prayaas - many reasons why - but the bottom line is not enough right choices.

    It seems to be a tough time of year for everyone.

    BUT I keep telling myself that I've had many years of eating what I want; with the consequence being low self-esteem and losing out on special moments with my family (hiding!! behind clothes instead of being in the water swimming - for example).

    So this week I'm going to keep up the exercises (which is honestly the easy part for me) and focus on the right food choices (which is the hardest part for me). I will post my weight tomorrow - despite how embarrassed I might be.

    Wow talk about getting hit between the eyes with the truth!! I actually came to the group today to drop out. I have a ton of stress going on right now and have gained 3 since joining the group.

    I am going to hang in here, post my weight this coming tuesday and try like mad for a loss by then!

    Thank you for your post!

    Hey nobody needs to drop out because of a bad week! :flowerforyou: We all have our ups and Dow
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Had a hard time with previous post....Continuing here....

    What's the most important is to keep pushing and persevering! It will pay off at some point! Everybody that have been posting: Keepup your great comittement!! We can do this!!!:drinker:
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    "like" :laugh:
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Had a hard time with previous post....Continuing here....

    What's the most important is to keep pushing and persevering! It will pay off at some point! Everybody that have been posting: Keepup your great comittement!! We can do this!!!:drinker:

    Thanks!!!! I am hangin in hoping to at least lose the 3 by tuesday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Well I wish you to succeed on Tuesday! And even if you don't by then, it will be for next Tuesday :wink: