First NSV.....

Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
Went to the pool Saturday, and it was the first time I have not been in a size 20 swim-dress in 10+ years. It was a size 14, and super-cute! I was very self aware for the first hour until..... a very wonderful, thin lady came up and said, " I love your swimsuit. Me and my friend were talking about how cute it was. I told her thank you very much, and told her where I got my suit. If that wasn't enough to put me on cloud 9! She than said she wished she had a butt, and legs like mine to show off in a swimsuit. I told her I wished I had her flat tummy, and she looks great too!" We giggled, and walked away, only I felt 10-feet taller, and very proud of my curves! This is first time someone other than my husband, or my friends had said something about how great I look in years, and she didn't even know I've been working at it!


  • 63hanson
    63hanson Posts: 154 Member
    That's amazing to have an NSV in a swimsuit!! Congrats and I bet you rocked that suit!
  • Enygirl210
    Enygirl210 Posts: 27 Member
    How completely AWESOME! There's something completely uplifting of getting rid of the skirt! Congrats!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Thanks! It really was a wow I'm doing this moment!