Muscles healing on this WOE?

KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
Rear ended pretty bad 18 years ago. Terrible whiplash left me with continuous headaches, migraines and neck pain to this day. I get Botox injections into my shoulders, neck, temples and TMJ areas on my face every three months. It's about 30 injections in one sitting (not fun but it helps). The Botox works to paralyze the muscles thereby keeping them from spasming and causing the headaches. I've been getting it for about fifteen years, and it seems to start wearing off at about a month and a half before it's time for injections again the last couple times (the muscles wake up and they are mad) Anyway, I went for my injections this morning. The doctor made several comments about how flared up my muscles are, and that it's been a long time since it got this bad. I knew they were because I'm the one who feels it, but I haven't done anything physical, other than walking, to aggravate them either.My question would be, has anyone gone through this type of healing? Would it be expected to get worse before it's better? I am truly hoping that is what's happening!


  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    This isn't the same thing, but I have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy in my feet and hands. Since starting this WOE it seems to have been in a constant flare. I'm not sure it's connected because low carb is supposed to help. I've wondered if it means the nerves are healing and therefore hurt more before they heal and hurt less. Like you, I'm hoping that's what's happening.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you @wheatlessgirl66 it would give us a story to tell about this woe, wouldn't it? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    OMG Karlotta, I was just over at another thread talking about how chiropractic saved my life after my car accident 14 years ago. I was off work for months, had physio forever, took painkillers for years, and still could not get rid of the constant headaches. I felt like my neck was not strong enough to hold up my head. I would go to work, then at my lunch break go across the street to the clinic where I would get placed in traction, and that felt good, but I was not cured. Then I met my chiropractor who has aligned my neck and spine, and I no longer have headaches and I can walk straight again. They thought one leg was longer than the other when I was at physio, but it turns out that my lower spine was so out of place that I could not help but be crooked. My spine is now straight and most importantly for me, I no longer have daily pain and headaches.

    I have to ask if you have ever tried chiropractic ? It has sure worked for me. I was nervous when I was rear ended last week, but I am now back to getting adjusted twice per week and I know that will help me immensely. I wonder if something can be done to alleviate your headaches and get rid of your neck pain ?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @kitnthecat, I tried a couple of chiropractors early on, maybe two years after the wreck. The first one just kept trying to pop my neck, unsuccessfully. He'd say to relax then he would twist and pull my head. After about four tries I made him stop. I was in terrible pain for about a month. So I went to a different one and got the same results. A physical therapist put me in traction, once. It felt really good while on it (dont recall the weight), but when he took me off the pain took me to my knees. It was blinding. So, I've never done that again. Even a simple massage will put me in the bed. I've learned what activities to avoid to keep from exacerbating the problem. I don't like getting the Botox, but it's the only thing that stops it. I, too, was on pain meds for almost fifteen years. I took almost a year and weaned myself off of them and have been off of them since Easter, 2014. They don't fix the pain. When you take them that long they actually made the pain worse for me. It becomes a terribly vicious cycle that I had no intention of getting into. It just happens. My doctors wife has many of the same issues that I do, so he has always been sympathetic to my situation and is watching for any new treatment that becomes available. That's how he started giving Botox, by giving it to his wife and then patients after he saw it helping her. Which was during the clinical trials for Botox. It wasn't even approved for use for headaches yet when he started giving them to me in 2000. Anyway, mine is a very long story. I am really hoping this is part of my body healing itself and I won't need Botox anymore! Thank you for your concern!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Best wishes Karlotta, hope you get better.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    Just throwing these out there

    Do you get enough Magnesium and Potassium? Magnesium helps with inflamation and potassium shortage can cause muscle cramping
    Do you drink enough water?

    There is also research that is showing adding Tumeric and black pepper also helps with inflammation.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @kitnthecat, your concerns and well wishes mean the world to me!

    @Kuranda10, I've been using a magnesium oil topical spray for a couple of years. May need to look for an oral supplement instead, and water is all I ever drink since that is my only preferred fluids. Thank you, too, for the research information!

    The main reason I put this out here was to see if anyone had heard of this happening to anyone eating this way? I will keep looking! Thanks!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    What about soaking in epsom salts ? That is good for sore muscles. The magnesium is absorbed through the skin.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Rear ended pretty bad 18 years ago. Terrible whiplash left me with continuous headaches, migraines and neck pain to this day. I get Botox injections into my shoulders, neck, temples and TMJ areas on my face every three months. It's about 30 injections in one sitting (not fun but it helps). The Botox works to paralyze the muscles thereby keeping them from spasming and causing the headaches. I've been getting it for about fifteen years, and it seems to start wearing off at about a month and a half before it's time for injections again the last couple times (the muscles wake up and they are mad) Anyway, I went for my injections this morning. The doctor made several comments about how flared up my muscles are, and that it's been a long time since it got this bad. I knew they were because I'm the one who feels it, but I haven't done anything physical, other than walking, to aggravate them either.My question would be, has anyone gone through this type of healing? Would it be expected to get worse before it's better? I am truly hoping that is what's happening!

    Karlottap I found this rather long article relating to your question helped me when I was in the phase of getting worse before better.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @GaleHawkins, my goodness! That was exactly what I've been trying to find, without success. The hot sweats I had at two weeks in are mentioned! Thank you, thank you! Explains so much for me. I'm realizing that I am going to have an unbelievable story to tell! I'm all in, no matter how long it takes! Good to know you did get better!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Glad it helped. I thought I was going crazy so I Googled it. 7 months in I still have strange reactions. It took me many years to get this way and I guess the reversal will take many years too. The old scar that became sensitive for a while boggled my mind because I think it must be 50 years old.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    What a fantastic article @Gale thank you so much for sharing. That's a bookmark for sure!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I bookmarked it too; thank you so much @Gale for sharing it. Really fascinating, and I hope that's what's happening with all of us. My neuropathy is definitely increased as well as skin problems. I've wondered what was going on. This explains it so well. Seems like we have to make sure we have the nutrients for healing.