Any other "used to be fit" peeps in the house?



  • beka456
    beka456 Posts: 18 Member
    I was fit and active all through my 20's and upped a bit more after having my eldest daughter. And then the "but's" started to happen! Now I'm in my 40's, single mum to 3 daughters, one at university and the other two under 10's. still growing up, me working full time....Gosh! I let myself go and now I want it back, leaner and healthier.
  • Nerakhate
    Nerakhate Posts: 11 Member
    Uh huh. I was 114 pounds when I first got pregnant, having never had weight issues before. I had a very nice four pack and toned muscles everywhere. I didn't lose baby weight before the next pregnancy a year later, yada yada yada found myself at 174 pounds. I've lost weight very slowly since then. I found myself at 148 when my youngest recently turned 4, so I figured "the baby weight" needs to go. It's so hard feeling invisible.
  • radicalchanges
    radicalchanges Posts: 10 Member
    Used to be fit, then went back to school and work continued full time, got married again and voila! I know it hasn't happened overnight. Was in denial for awhile and then I've been off and on diets since then. Food temptations from coworkers/pharmaceutical reps bringing in stuff, the free lunches and then good wine at night. Even if I packed something healthy I would eat the junk "so they wouldn't be upset that I refused" and then my salad and veggies would go bad. Having to say "no thank you" these days.
  • LisaT5826
    LisaT5826 Posts: 1 Member
    I was always skinny, wearing a size 2/4 until I got married. I gained weight, did weight watchers and was down to a healthy size 6. Had my son and was still fit after having him. The last few years have been a struggle. Got lazy about watching what I eat and exercising. My friend and I joined a gym and are holding each other accountable. This is helping me so much. I'm 45 and hoping to get healthier. Lost 3 lbs so far. It's not easy but I'm determined to stick with it.
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    Oh yes. Used to be on my feet all day (teacher), and swam in the morning and lifted weights in the afternoon. I always ate healthy food, but never really had to pay attention to how much I was eating. Working with a trainer, I found I could eat ~ 2300 calories a day.
    I quit my teaching job and now I am doing a much more sedentary job, making educational videos on YouTube.
    I've had recurring knee and other joint problems, and have been sidelined many times by injury. I do feel like my body has failed me a lot, long before I turned 40. But it was changing jobs and turning 40 that coincided with my putting on so much weight - 10 pounds a year for the last 3-4 years.
    I've GOT to reverse this trend! My first step was realizing that I can't eat over 2000 calories a day anymore. It's more like 1800. It's a big adjustment, but MFP is really helping.
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    Me too! Used to be VERY active. Black belt in karate, fitness instructor ... sigh... 2 surgeries later, new job and graduate school I have gained 35 lbs in the last 3 years and find myself totally sedintary. I have been on and off MFP but hope to use it now for accountability and to start loosing some of this weight. I have no clothes that fit me anymore and do not want to have to buy fat clothes. Add me as a friend. I started a 30 day walking challenge just to motivate me to get out of the house even when I really need to study. So yeah - I am looking for active friends who post regularly and to provide a support and accountability system.