intermittent fasting in a work schedule?

So tomorrow im going to do my first intermittent fast. Ive done a lot of research on different types and think the Leangains model of intermittent fasting would work best for me. Im looking for others who have tried IF to give me tips or advice? ...esp on how to fit them into a work schedule? I cannot see going without breakfast. Im a morning person and honestly id rather give up dinner than breakfast. I was thinking eating at 8am and 2pm. That way it would be a late lunch at work? Or maybe I could stretch if I tried and have a late breakfast/lunch at work at 11am then dinner at 5/6? Any advice would be appreciated! its scary and intimidating because its so ingrained in us we "need" to eat often or we will DIE lol I know on keto ive been a lot less hungry so I don't think the transition will be that hard but I would like advice from real people! Thanks!:)


  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I have tried all different combos of IF. I tend to eat twice daily now, so you could consider that IF. I've tried varying my eating window to see how that would work. Mostly I skip breakfast and lunch, then just eat one meal while IF'ing. I do this once or twice per week during my work week, usually Tuesdays and Thursdays, with regular eating days in between. On Sundays ( but not today ) I like to fast all day, simply by eating supper Saturday evening, and not eating again until breakfast on Monday.

    Why not try fasting on your days off first to give it a try ? Or if you are not comfortable skipping breakfast, eat your high fat / high protein breakfast, then go to work fueled. Drink only water or coffee and tea throughout the day. Try just skipping lunch first, then try skipping both lunch and supper before you eat again. I would suggest you try eating two meals per day before you try longer periods of fasting. See how you feel....if you get dizzy or get a headache or feel sick, then eat....but otherwise, just observe how you feel.

    I really enjoy fasting, and I am now quite comfortable not eating while at work. I make sure I have a good meal the night before fasting. I drink some coffee with HWC, but most of the day drink only water. I keep macadamia nuts in my desk drawer just in case I get hungry, but usually do not reach for them. If I feel hungry but not in distress, I just drink more water. If anything, the longer I go without eating, the less hungry I become. On the weekends I like to do a longer fast, my longest one was 60 hours.

    Good luck, don't be nervous to give it a try. I find it gives me a real powerful feeling of control.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I've not tried this really, but do BPT in the mornings, and often do not snack before I'm doing a modified version. Honestly, if you work a traditional schedule, I think it would be easier to skip breakfast and lunch as you'll be occupied, as well as they are traditionally smaller meals. I think you should try it out with normal days between just to see what you like best. I switched from food to BPT a while back for breakfast and love it. Normally, I just end up wanting some kind of sodium in that period...