First 5K, Color Run was FUN!

thadden674 Posts: 22 Member
Hi 40's & Fab Group! I'm new to MFP & the community message boards. Looking forward to sharing and learning from one another. I'm 40 and a recent health scare of a friend really woke me up! I've been walking for about a year, but didn't change my diet, with no progress on the scale I knew I had to step it up! About a month ago, I started cooking healthier and making better food choices. I'm feeling better and have lost a few pounds, I'd like to loose 20 lbs. Last week I joined a gym and found MFP, I love this app! What a huge help it has been. Looking for support buddies, because none of my friends are "there yet". Yesterday I walked my first color run and I had so much fun! I highly recommend it.