Marathon packing list

redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
What to pack for a marathon away from home? Weather will be cool - High of 66 degrees partially cloudy.

So far I have:
Marathon clothes
Back up marathon clothes
running clothes for pre and post marathon runs
the Stick
Long sleeve throw away layer
arm sleeves
compression calf sleeves
fuel belt with water bottles
light fuel belt
body glide
Shot blocs
protein bars
2 pairs of shoes

I am still not sure which fuel belt to use. I would prefer to run in the lighter one without the water bottles but the aid stations are 2.5 miles apart (I am used to water stations about every mile) and some runners have complained that the water provided is insuffient in race reveiws. I have people that could bring me water but not until mile 20 - 21. I have run long runs with water belt.

What should I do?

Anything else I should pack?



  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Marathon clothes - Check
    Back up marathon clothes - Why?
    running clothes for pre and post marathon runs - 26 miles isn't far enough?
    the Stick - Check
    socks - I count these as Marathon clothes, but Check
    Long sleeve throw away layer - June, shouldn't be that cold
    arm sleeves -See above
    compression calf sleeves -Is this for post race?
    fuel belt with water bottles -With water every 2.5 miles I wouldn't but if you have trained with them no reason not to
    light fuel belt -Why?
    body glide - If you need it absolutely
    Shot blocs - Do you need all these? I usually bring my own gel but you can get protein bars anywhere now
    protein bars
    oatmeal -Once again, you can get oatmeal anywhere, I wouldn't worry about packing unless you like some particular type that isn't available
    2 pairs of shoes -Running shoes and not running shoes?

    Things to add - sunscreen, hat (my head burns), Garmin, iPod
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    I think every 2.5 is adequate but if you need more fluids or are used to more then I get it. Hat? Probably part of clothes. Sunglasses? Looks like ya got it covered.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    As I was packing last night I realized my carry on was full of running stuff and I had no regular shoes or clothes!

    So only 1 pair of running shoes and 1 set marathon clothes. I can run 2 miler on Saturday and short recovery run on Monday in same clothes (hand wash in sink & air dry). Throw away layer is must as its a super early morning start in SF but I probably have something I can use in SF at my mom's. Ditching sleeves and oatmeal.

    Sunscreen- check!
    Sunglasses - check!
    Garmin & charger - check!
    hat - no thanks. they bug me.

    I think the water is just a mental thing for me. I can definately run more than 2.5 without it. I just worry about not having it when I want it but maybe gum?

    Thanks for the feed back and suggestions. I tend to be an over packer anyways and I am nervous.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    What is your goal time in San Fran?
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Not sure why you would want gum- I don't think I would want anything that interferes with breathing.

    You might be cold at the start. Of course it could be worse- it could be August in SF :tongue:

    I did a full just using water at aid stations, but run with what makes you comfortable. If you are going to stress about the distance between water stations, wear the full belt. If you find you have plenty of water/etc., you can always run through a few aid stations and drink from the bottles to "lighten your load."

    I'm with you on compression calf sleeves/socks/tights. Arms probably not so much.

    In addition to the stick, I love my moji 360 palm massager. It would be great to have on the flight home if you want to self-massage.

  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    What is your goal time in San Fran?

    I just don't want to run any slower than my first (and only other) marathon so 4:50. I am really not going try not to stress the time too much though. SF is my hometown and I want to enjoy it. I want to be able to stop and hug my friends and family and take a few pictures along the course.

    I am doing 2 marathons this year and treating SF as my "B" race. I am going to train for a PR and hopefully 4:30 for my second marathon in November.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I'm with you on compression calf sleeves/socks/tights.
    In addition to the stick, I love my moji 360 palm massager. It would be great to have on the flight home if you want to self-massage.


    Thanks! I have to look into this Moji! I'll have 6 hours of potential massage time on the flight back.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I was just going to add sunglasses and sunscreen to your original list, but it looks like someone beat me to it.

    I live in the Pacific NW so we have similar temps to San Fran. I did a marathon a couple weekends where it started out in the upper 40s and maybe got into the mid 60s at most .... I ran in a tank top and shorts. I like to run - and travel - light so I can't imagine lugging all those extra clothes and hydration belts and compression stuff with me. I did bring my own oatmeal though :) But pack what's going to make you feel the most comfortable and prepared; better to have it with you and not need it.

    Good luck with your race!! And have fun in San Francisco!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Post marathon update!

    I left the hydration belt and also accidently ALL my running socks AND sunglasses. I was bound to forget something. Luckily my mom had running socks I could borrow. I bought new sunglasses but returned them after the race because they fogged up and trapped heat making my face too hot.

    I did pack my own gels, bloks and protein bars. Brought back all the protein bars and I easily could have bought my gel and bloks at the expo.

    Weather was fabulous it was quite warm and very sunny by the time I finished. I tried to run in the shade when I could.

    Water along the course was more than sufficient and my mom brought me two little 8 ounce bottles at mile 21.5 (I drank/cooled off with one) and gave away the other one. She also brought me wet wipes which made me so happy! It felt so good to get some of the sweaty grimy road grit off.

    The stick was in my bag for the 5 hour flight home and I was able to massage on my way home. Best idea since the wet wipes!
  • Glad you had a great Marathon in SF. If you ever forget anything again, I suggest the San Francisco Running Store. They have everything you could possibly need, and the prices aren't bad either.