Apr 2015 Challenge ~ Apr 27th - May 3rd



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Clara hope you start feeling better. :#

    Shelley I'm sending you some mojo!! <3

    Okay...got 5.09 miles done with DH and Bean then I did our challenge twice then I did JM 30 Day Shred Level 1 Day 1. Now I have to go to the store to buy salad stuff because the kids are coming for BBQ this evening. I have 6.64 miles and 14,491 steps so far...it is only 2:13 here in sunny California! :p

    Back later.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Chris it was kewl of them. I have no idea if it is normal. I have never had that problem before. My sump tank is larger than most people use for their main tank now. Ridiculous! I shot a 96 today. So I qualified on the first go. :) Potted up lots more pots. Even put pansys in some beds. More still to do. Rocky dug out a cherry tree that died. That was an hour of digging, chopping, chain saw for him. 15 minutes of filling the hole in and cleanup for me. It is tough being me. B) Then we put a concrete table and 3 benches in the trees spot. Concrete slab to follow. Then I decided to dig out this green tarp that was buried in the yard. You might ask why it was buried? Well I had 1/4 truck of compost left over a number of years ago. I dug the ground down, laid the tarp in the hole and filled it in with the compost. It was not supposed to have stayed there. But then spring came and I planted a Canadian red rhubarb in it. Temporarily mind you. Well the rhubarb loved it! :p So we finally moved the rhubarb last year. And I finally decided to remove the tarp. Boy was that a chore. But the compost is now awesome rich soil. With grass coming next.

    Chris Thanks for the mojo. I better send some your way. Sounds like we both have 15 pounds to lose. I have been wanting to start using my DVD' s again also. Funny thing though. My daughter sent over 3 seasons of Game of Thrones! Muahaha. I also walked the boys. Have fun at your barbecue. :)

    Clara so glad you found time to join our pom pom group. I know it is hard to cheer on others when you are ill. Get better. Good luck with the MIL. :'( Hugs.

    Just finished cleaning some algae out of the tank. Getting hard to grab it since it is not growing as fast. It needs to just stop growing and start dying! Maybe I can shoot it! :wink:

    Kathy waiting to hear from you. Either way, hugs!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Great guns! Well done, Shelley! And shooting the algae is a fabulous idea...I need pictures though!!

    Managed 8.00 miles and 17,471 steps today! Walked w/DH and Bean then did our challenge twice then did JMs 30 Min. Shred. Then I went shopping for dinner and the kids came over for salad and BBQ and a movie. A terrific Saturday! They brought dessert but I'm not have any. I'll be sending all the goodies home with them.

    See you all tomorrow!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Great going Chris! I had raspberries today for dessert. I am thinking of doing some of KCM DVD' s. So many to choose from. I decided against shooting the algae, to messy! LMAO! That throne series has serious issues. Everyone keeps dying! Off with their heads! >:) I have loads of housework to do tomorrow. But I will try.

    Night now, where did I leave my pillow................

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning. Thank you for all the well wishes but unfortunately we did not win the playoff matches. But I'm very proud of our team we gave the #1 seeded team a good run....I think they were surprised because they were at least 20 years younger then us. :)

    We had a good day and really enjoyed the atmosphere of playoffs and can't wait unti fall ALTA season to begin again. After the match our tennis center director took us out to one of our favorite Mexican places and we celebrated with Margaritas, great food and lots of laughs. :D

    USTA summer season starts in 3 weeks. Again thanks for cheering us on.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Kathy glad you gave them a run for their money
    Off to a crayfish boil
    They are low in calories just have to watch the drinks and sides
    Saw some places that would work for MIL
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Kathy that is AWESOME!!!! Your team really progressed from the fall I see. Sorry to hear about the loss but I bet the energy surrounding the play offs was cool.

    Chris you and I are in the same "up" boat :s We can do it!!!! btw Raspberries are the BEST ever!!!!

    Shelley yard work is exhausting but such a great burn with pretty results.

    Clara hope that cough is gone for you.

    Paula the gym at work added TRX to the boxing area. The squats were brutal and had my arms working too.

    Lazy day for me today. Good night.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lynnette I need to get back into my regular jeans! Trying hard. We CAN do it!

    Kathy you are an inspiration! You are so positive about your team and the game! I love it!

    Shelley...I'm pretty sure what Lynnette said is correct...I, however, can't verify it because...dun, dun, dun...I DON'T DO IT! Have fun playing in the dirt, my friend!

    Carla hope your dinner was fun and hope you find a nice place for your MIL.

    Paula I hope everything is going well.

    Walked with the boys this morning, went to lunch with a friend, did the challenge for next week, and JM's L1D2. It has been a good day! 7.12 miles and 15,555 steps today.

    Tomorrow DD defends her dissertation! DH and I will get all our exercising done in the morning then we'll drive DD to her campus and wait for her. We'll meet with some of her friends for dinner when she's finished. This day has been a long time coming. Totally proud of her!

    Well, that's it for today.
