Trying to become healthy

robinred2 Posts: 59 Member
Today I start this journal. I am not crazy nor the only one who behaves and struggles with weight issues . I went to my oncologist today and found out everything looks good. I was so thankful and thanked God I am healthy. I have lost 30# from my highest weight. I come home and took a pill for appetite control and did my bible study for 30 minutes. then I weighed my beef and had a lo cal bun. I then like a robot ate peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate, another beef sandwich, not weighed. I now hate myself. I am planning to start anew tomorrow again......
I will be busy in the morning to clean my bedroom and the bathroom. I already have the bathroom grout cleaned and treated with sealer. I will strip the bed and remove mattress to clean under and wash windows. I will be busy until 2:30. Then my challenge will begin. Maybe I can plan to walk on my walker or play golf. This takes some effort as I don't like doing either. I am truly happy when I am loosing weight and wearing new clothes. Matching outfits for things I have bought at sales etc. I don't understand my desire to eat being a stronger pull than this. I have suffered from this compulsion for food all my life. Now even though I am so thankful to God for my health, I have to really fight to eat better. And too many times I like a magnet, am pulled to eat and eat and eat............................I am sure my diabetes is caused from this and if I continue this lifestyle will lead to more deterioration of my health. God gives me the knowledge and ability to eat healthy without overeating; but not a license to my gluttony. I have to do my part. I don't deserve anymore mercy; but I sincerely pray for just that. Even after writing all this; I want to get something to eat. I don't want to get up and do anything. Until tomorrow.............


  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @robinred2 Welcome to the Low Carb Group! What a wonderful report from your oncologist. You're taking the right steps to become healthy, and you've come to the best place to learn how to do it. I suggest that you go to the top of this page and click the link where it says "Start here! The LCD Launchpad." That will give you great information on how to approach this way of eating. You will be amazed that your appetite will definitely be under control and your cravings will stop as you follow the low carb, high fat plan. I have experienced it myself, as have the others who are in the group. This way of eating will be a mercy to you, and you surely do deserve it! After you go through those resources, feel free to ask any questions here on this forum. There are really smart folks who are very kind and eager to help. Again, welcome! :)
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Robinred2...I am right there with you. I have an unhealthy relationship with food...when I'm bored I eat, when I'm sad I eat, when I'm happy I eat. For me, I realize it's an emotional thing. This is my second serious attempt at low carb. The first time I did it a couple years ago I was successful and I felt renewed. Falling off the wagon is one of my biggest regrets. Now that I'm trudging ahead full force again, I just hope to learn from my previous mistakes and make better choices. For me, there were a few things that really helped...I planned my meals weekly and shopped accordingly. I made sure that I had snacks available that I could eat without feeling guilty and did not keep "bad" food in the house. If you live with others, maybe designate one cupboard just to your food so you aren't tempted by the food of others you may share your home with...or portion out your meals and once you've made your plate, immediately pack any left overs up and put it away. Your cravings will decrease if you stay on track...I promise. I also used a journal to just write my thoughts/feelings in...this was also a good distraction if I was feeling gluttonous after a meal...I could just write about it...or focus on my goals and write about them instead. When the urge to snack hits, maybe even just head right back here and distract yourself with the trials and tribulations of others so you know you are not alone.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    robinred2 wrote: »
    Today I start this journal. I am not crazy nor the only one who behaves and struggles with weight issues . I went to my oncologist today and found out everything looks good. I was so thankful and thanked God I am healthy. I have lost 30# from my highest weight. I come home and took a pill for appetite control and did my bible study for 30 minutes. then I weighed my beef and had a lo cal bun. I then like a robot ate peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate, another beef sandwich, not weighed. I now hate myself. I am planning to start anew tomorrow again......
    I will be busy in the morning to clean my bedroom and the bathroom. I already have the bathroom grout cleaned and treated with sealer. I will strip the bed and remove mattress to clean under and wash windows. I will be busy until 2:30. Then my challenge will begin. Maybe I can plan to walk on my walker or play golf. This takes some effort as I don't like doing either. I am truly happy when I am loosing weight and wearing new clothes. Matching outfits for things I have bought at sales etc. I don't understand my desire to eat being a stronger pull than this. I have suffered from this compulsion for food all my life. Now even though I am so thankful to God for my health, I have to really fight to eat better. And too many times I like a magnet, am pulled to eat and eat and eat............................I am sure my diabetes is caused from this and if I continue this lifestyle will lead to more deterioration of my health. God gives me the knowledge and ability to eat healthy without overeating; but not a license to my gluttony. I have to do my part. I don't deserve anymore mercy; but I sincerely pray for just that. Even after writing all this; I want to get something to eat. I don't want to get up and do anything. Until tomorrow.............

    Robin, my Dad has diabetes. Caused from a lifetime of poor diet. Diabetes has turned his arteries into strings of pearls (thick and thin parts). He had a quadruple bypass at 50, and has had an average of 1 to 2 heart attacks a year since then. He is in hospital probably once a month. He is so bad they can not do any more surgery, he is in agony most nights with angina, and he can't walk to the letterbox and back without being in pain and winded. The doctors can't give him any more medication, he is on the biggest dose of everything, and sometimes the drugs don't work or the side effects are too bad. At the moment one of his new pills causes his muscles to ache terribly. He is 64.

    The ONLY time he has felt better, and managed to drop some weight, and get his blood sugar under control is when he ate low carb (pretty much just meat and green vegetables and eggs and cheese). Unfortunately he lacked the ability, and the finances to keep it up (he's on a pension, he can't afford so much meat - and he won't take help from me or anyone else). I know, if he had made the change 15 years ago and been able to stick to it, he would be a hell of alot better off now. You have that chance, you seem to still have your health. We've all spent our lives eating rubbish and justifying it to ourselves with "I'll start again tomorrow" or "there's no real harm". But fear of ending up like my Dad (it breaks my heart) is what stops me from using those cop out self statements. You need to decide what's important. Would you rather make a choice now and stick to it while you have the chance, or look back in 15 years time sick and in pain and afraid of dying, wishing you'd done something for your health when you had the chance?

    I hope you find your reason to live a healthy life, for yourself and your family.
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    I think a major step to take is to ditch the buns (lo-cal or otherwise) and any other bread you have. Can't make a sandwich if the bread isn't there! ;) Plus, on LCHF there is really no need to weigh or measure meat. Just my two cents.