SL 5x5 on a Deficit



  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I spoke to the manager, and he told me they do have 500 gram (1 lb) plates, but they've been in storage for ages because nobody uses them haha. I'll make do with those. But I've gotten so out of shape in the past year that I've dedicated this week solely to practicing form and being able to hold different positions without collapsing under my own weight. Seriously, I cannot believe it was even possible to go from being fairly decent at yoga to this level of inflexibility. Apalling. Even bodyweight squats felt taxing up till yesterday. But the good news is that just three days in I feel my stamina increasing and the DOMS is becoming lesser. So this is my warm-up week; the barbell training begins Monday.

    @krokador I settled on 3 sets of 5 reps after reading Starting Strength and having a word with my trainer. I think anything more than that at this point is a little too ambitious for me.

    @MissHollyGolightly I was in a gym like that last year, but the shoes rule is just overkill. Probably don't want you tracking mud all over their sparkling floors or something. Pretty silly.

    Flexibility, unfortunately, is one of those things that you lose if you don't use. If you did yoga well before, it'll probably come back if you keep at it.

    The rules were funny because they're completely unenforced. They were posted above an out-of-the-way water fountain and I thought it was a joke. A lot of people use chalk, everyone uses their phone, some people come in with bags of their own equipment - I even saw a guy doing an insanity video on his laptop he brought in :confused:, most people don't change their shoes, some go down to socks to deadlift, etc.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    The rules were funny because they're completely unenforced. They were posted above an out-of-the-way water fountain and I thought it was a joke. A lot of people use chalk, everyone uses their phone, some people come in with bags of their own equipment - I even saw a guy doing an insanity video on his laptop he brought in :confused:, most people don't change their shoes, some go down to socks to deadlift, etc.

    The shoes rule is a good one. Especially during winter. And trust me, I've dug bits of gravel into my hands doing burpees, I'm all for people not bringing in outside stuff where I'm not expecting it! Now keeping them on I don't really care so much if people have socks. If you're risking breaking your toe it's your own damn problem. The gym has you sign a waiver when you subscribe stating they're not reponsible for any of your injuries (which I'm sure they are glad I signed, ROFL)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    @krokador I settled on 3 sets of 5 reps after reading Starting Strength and having a word with my trainer. I think anything more than that at this point is a little too ambitious for me.

    It's a good idea to start with what you can handle. No one said it has to be written in stone, either. If you're feeling really good one day (especially as you are starting out) you may want to actually go to 5 sets! Stepping outside the comfort zone is a good thing, as long as you don't overdo it :)
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    Lots of good info in this thread! I've been doing SL for about a month now and I'm on a 15% deficit (not that I've been can't binge twice a week and still lose...) Anyway, I've found I can only increase 5 pounds every other time, and even then I'm struggling on the upper body stuff. I have definitely noticed the start of muscle definition and everything feels firmer in general. Yay!

    Good luck wading through it. :smile:
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Good luck wading through it. :smile:
    Thanks! :smiley: