Over 50, Depressed, and Gaining Weight.



  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    nmcknny wrote: »
    SweetTooth, life has a habit of interrupting :/ Exercise would help me but I just can't seem to make myself do it--the weather is lousy for walking.

    Here in the U.P. of Michigan the weather is lousy for much of the year. I generally do pretty well with getting out there anyway. Just have to be dressed for it.
  • Sapphires4me
    Sapphires4me Posts: 93 Member
    When my daughter went away to college about 8 years ago I struggled with anxiety and depression. I have never had either of these but her moving away did it for me. That is also when I was going through the worst part of menopause and recently divorced. I went to my doctor and told her everything that was happening, even cried through the entire appointment. So my advice -- work with your doctor to get you through this. The course of treatment will be different for each and every person.
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    I am new to active posting and reading in this group. I found a program that works and am working on the discipline to stick with this life change. Hang in there and let's encourage one another! It is definitely tougher after 50 but I am having more success than I did in my 40s.