Making Strides in May!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    lol Scott... that is my day every single day!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member

    sloth3toes wrote: »
    Mihani wrote: »
    “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C.S. Lewis” This has become my stay-sane during days I really don’t think I can do it anymore. Because there is hope, right? We don't have to do everything today.


    I have a feeling this is many people who deal with the public/clients!!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mihani, I have figured out my own way to simplify, and it may be opposite you and Karrie a bit, but I am finding that I eat more during the day, so I'm am sort of going with that. Medium breakfast, big lunch, afternoon snack, and very small dinner. That seems to be working for me right now (ie. 2-3 days, lol). I'm going to keep your "keep it simple" mantra in my head this week.

    Is it only Wednesday?!!?

    B - OSG oat/raspberry bar, banana
    L - big salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, a bit of feta, tamari almonds; orange
    S - apple with pb
    D - swiss chard with tomatoes and navy beans
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing some good thinking this week. We're figuring stuff out. It's all good!!

    Mihani, I think your proposed meal plan sounds great - I think I need to jump on board with you. I caved last night (for no good reason, either, which really ticks me off) and had some pretzels and hummus. And then I had some more. And then I had some more again. WHY!?!?!?!?!?! I gotta quit that *kitten*!

    I was just realizing today that I've been attending my strength training class for 10 weeks. I have only missed 2 classes. I missed one Monday (chest & arms) because I was sick, and I ended up staying home from work that day. And then I missed one Friday (legs & core) because I knew my knee wouldn't be able to handle it. I am very proud of myself for being so consistent with it!! And my improvements are easy to see. Today I was doing lat pulls of 130 lbs. 10 weeks ago I was doing either 80 or 90 lbs (can't remember which). Wow! Things aren't really easier, because when it gets too easy, you move up your weight, but I guess I'm not as incapacitated afterwards as I was in the beginning. Even though I feel the burn, I'm recovering a lot more quickly!! So that's my NSV for the day/week. :smiley: One I am very proud of.

    Looking forward to my run tomorrow. I'm aiming for something between 3km and 5km. But I'm going to listen to my body and stop earlier if need be... I have to say that I really missed my Zombie missions and I'm just a wee bit addicted to them!! It's gonna suck on race day when I'm not allowed to use my device - earbuds are not allowed. :frown:

    I hope you all have a terrific day!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Today I was doing lat pulls of 130 lbs. 10 weeks ago I was doing either 80 or 90 lbs

    Uhm... I don't know if you should be very proud, or I should just be very embarrassed. I do 3 sets of 95 lbs. I feel weak. :o


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Lia, simplify is my mantra too. I've been meaning to try some of those glo-bar recipes. How are they?

    Karrie, I am totally in awe!!

    Today was good. This week I'm totally into sprouted grain toast with mashed avocado and a little sprinkle of pepper in the mornings. Going to have to nip that though, and get back to smoothies. Lunch was a subway veggie sub because for whatever reason the idea of packing up a lunch this morning seemed beyond my abilities. I made a wonderful stir-fry for dinner though, with brown rice. It had broccoli, kale, shrooms, red and yellow pepper, yellow squash, zucchini, snow pea pods. Nom.

    I have some work to do and I best get on it, already after 8:00 and I want to be in bed by 9:30.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My goals:
    Limit grains (to see how I feel)
    lift weights more consistently
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Sabine's back! :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Sabine's back! :)

    I've been lurking. :wink:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited May 2015
    NewMe9597 wrote: »

    I was LOL over the “shirtless mafia” that was just awesome. I hate to see that happen when people are really looking for support and a helping hand.

    I ripped off that term 'shirtless mafia' from Sabine. She owns the copyright on it. :)

    I also screwed up my previous post above. Somehow, my post wound up as a 'previous quote' inside the quote. I didn't seem to have an edit option on my home computer... all my computers are Flintstone age.... so, I'll see if I have that option here.

    Yep, I have it on the laptop. But, I didn't seem to have it at home. Further investigation will be required. Freaking computers.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2015
    Mmm - that stirfry sounds wonderful!!

    Well, my zombies chased me again this morning. I did a 5km run, with a 1km walk back to the house. It was fun and I was in a great mood afterwards. BUT. (uh oh...) My knee is pretty stiff now. I especially feel it when I'm walking up or down stairs. :frown: Now I don't know what to do... It's not pain, it's just stiffness. So THAT's good, at least.

    I've got leg day tomorrow, and so I've decided to take Saturday off, and I will see how it feels to determine whether I go for a run on Sunday - originally I was going to aim for 8-10km... I'll have to wait to see.

    And I never did go out and get a knee tensor, so I think I'll do that for sure before my next run (whenever that is...)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2015
    sloth3toes wrote: »
    Uhm... I don't know if you should be very proud, or I should just be very embarrassed. I do 3 sets of 95 lbs. I feel weak. :o


    :lol: Your pic made me smile!!

    I did 3 sets of 130. So I'm gonna be very proud!!! :blush:
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,314 Member
    edited May 2015
    This has turned out to be a trying week for me for sure. My dad had to go to the ER for the second time in 10 days (on Tuesday) for pain. My mother then had to cancel her overseas trip to see family (next week) and my oldest DD is utterly freaking out over finals and a new job. DH is out of town on business and I feel like all I am doing is taking care of parents, kids, DH and there is just nobody looking out for me despite my asking for help. I don't even care about Mother's Day this weekend because right now it means zipola to me. So excuse me for a moment *primal scream :D*. Okay, I am done now :# . Got to go get ready to take dad to Dr. follow-up from ER this afternoon then after doing dinner, etc... focus on little ole' me >:) .

    By the way, has anyone tried the walking version of Zombies Run?
    LOL, love the Mr. Burns triceps image!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yes Zooty, I have. You can set it to a constant speed and you can disable zombie chases. You still get the whole storyline and fun distraction from your workout, be it run, walk or crawl (or even lurch). :lol:

    I'm sorry things are piling up on you. I hope you manage to find some quiet time to yourself SOON before your virtual primal scream turns into an IRL primal scream...!! Good luck!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Whoa, wait, there is a storyline to Zombies?!?! I had no idea! I just thought it was sporadic zombie chasing, which actually scared me too much to try it lol. I love that, I'm going to have to look into it!! Love it for walking/running combos too. Sorry your knee is stiff, Karrie, but happy you're being super cautious of it. I think it's good it's not hurting at least!

    Zooty, I'm sorry you're just not catching a break this week. Maybe on Sunday you can ask for some help and receive it because it's Mother's Day at least?!?! Even a nice bath or movie or 5 margaritas would be perfect (I love that quote you posted, lol). I hope you get some time to yourself tonight!

    My back is feeling better, a lot less horrible, but I still haven't exercised except for some walking all week. I'm taking it super easy. I have a 3 hour drive on both Saturday and Sunday so I don't want to be a pretzel after emerging from the car. Went to see my massage therapist for my back and he said, duh, it could just be stress triggering it lately, because it shouldn't be happening. Anyone else have stress manifest into body?

    Scott & Karrie - you should both be proud!!! Those are both some huge and amazing numbers!! Woohoo :) I would say you guys are legit weight lifters lol.

    Mihani, did you make it to bed okay? I definitely have days where it is so nice to not have a packed lunch today! I packed ETL's Swiss Chard & Beans Italiano, and I had to choke it down. Veggie sub actuallly sounds kind of amazing.

    I've been doing really well with my small dinners this week and my weight came down a bit. I was just snacking too much at night and on nothing particularly nutritious, nor was I really hungry for it. Today, I've had a good day:
    B - Orange, coffee, canteloupe
    L - swiss chards/beans, more canteloup
    D - Sister-in-law's birthday dinner

    Sabine! We've missed you. How is everything?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning all! Plan going into the weekend, stay the course. Avoid alcohol. Get some outside time working in the yard and walking. Make a batch of the OSG butternut squash black bean burritos. I have some pretty big events coming up in June and I'm hoping it will motivate me to de-flab. I didn't gain much weight since I've slacked off but I lost all my toning which really sucks. It's so hard to get back! I'm going to start the 30 day shred again this weekend.

    Karrie, just wow! I'm so impressed with your progress.

    Zoot, hope things settle down and you can get some rest this weekend.

    Lia, I was up working until after 10:00, but I got to bed really early last night. Glad your back is feeling better. And oh yeah, my stress attacks my back and my shoulders/neck. Probably part of that is the hours and hours I spend at my desk though.

    I think I lost my fitbit... can't find it anywhere. :(
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited May 2015
    liapr wrote: »
    Whoa, wait, there is a storyline to Zombies?!?! I had no idea! I just thought it was sporadic zombie chasing, which actually scared me too much to try it lol. I love that, I'm going to have to look into it!! Love it for walking/running combos too. Sorry your knee is stiff, Karrie, but happy you're being super cautious of it. I think it's good it's not hurting at least!

    Zooty, I'm sorry you're just not catching a break this week. Maybe on Sunday you can ask for some help and receive it because it's Mother's Day at least?!?! Even a nice bath or movie or 5 margaritas would be perfect (I love that quote you posted, lol). I hope you get some time to yourself tonight!

    My back is feeling better, a lot less horrible, but I still haven't exercised except for some walking all week. I'm taking it super easy. I have a 3 hour drive on both Saturday and Sunday so I don't want to be a pretzel after emerging from the car. Went to see my massage therapist for my back and he said, duh, it could just be stress triggering it lately, because it shouldn't be happening. Anyone else have stress manifest into body?

    Scott & Karrie - you should both be proud!!! Those are both some huge and amazing numbers!! Woohoo :) I would say you guys are legit weight lifters lol.

    Mihani, did you make it to bed okay? I definitely have days where it is so nice to not have a packed lunch today! I packed ETL's Swiss Chard & Beans Italiano, and I had to choke it down. Veggie sub actuallly sounds kind of amazing.

    I've been doing really well with my small dinners this week and my weight came down a bit. I was just snacking too much at night and on nothing particularly nutritious, nor was I really hungry for it. Today, I've had a good day:
    B - Orange, coffee, canteloupe
    L - swiss chards/beans, more canteloup
    D - Sister-in-law's birthday dinner

    Sabine! We've missed you. How is everything?

    I'm hanging in there. The chaos at work took up a lot of my time, and, with spectacular timing, menopause went from PERI to the real thing this spring. So I've been primarily focusing my diet on figuring out what foods make that better and what foods make that worse. Yesterday I broke down and saw my PCP and got a very mild prescription for vistaril (antihistamine that I know helps me sleep) for menopause insomnia. I was just too worn down.
    I've upped a few supplements. And of course, doc wants me to consider HRT.

    All of this to explain why I'm focusing on lowering my grains: to see if I feel better with less starch.
    I've also cut out my week day wine, due to the insomnia.

    Otherwise, I'm hanging in there! Glad to see others are still here as well!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yes, Lia - that's why it's so fun - it truly distracts me from my run. Each run/walk is a mission. Mission #1, you are a newbie from another community who has been sent in to help Able Township rebuild. But your chopper is shot down as you're on your approach. So you have to run to Able from where your chopper crashes. Who shot you down? Why? I'm in mission 10 or 11 and I still don't know... It plays a clip of storyline and then one of your songs on your playlist and then another clip of storyline, then another song, etc. It really makes the time pass easily! And then there radio mode after the mission ends. That's when 2 DJ's from Able Township play tracks for you and fill you in on gossip, give you stories, tips for surviving the apocalypse. It's funny, goofy, campy, interesting - it really has it all!! :lol:

    Lia, you made me laugh with you tips for Zooty - nice bath, or a movie, or maybe FIVE margaritas. :lol::mrgreen:

    Glad your back is feeling a bit better. Keep taking it easy!!

    Mihani, you totally caught my attention with the OSG butternut squash black bean burritos - and I happen to have the butternut squash in my cupboard - I am TOTALLY making that for supper tomorrow night!! THANKS!

    My knee was feeling better last night, loosened up a bit. But then I put it right back into it's full aching glory after today's leg workout. But I actually pulled through like a champ. I did okay. So tomorrow's gonna be a rest day and I'll see how it feels for a run on Sunday.

    Lowering my carbs has really helped this week (except Wednesday when I had a pretzel & hummus binge - oops!!). I'm down 4 lbs since last weekend. Gotta keep that momentum going!!
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all! Work today is just...geez! Slow systems galore! Get to tackle a 4 page Economics paper this evening. I can't wait. :neutral: Want to get it done tonight though as I would really LOVE to have the weekend off to play outside in the dirt!

    Zoot - hope your dad is ok. Sorry there is so much happening with the family right now. That has to be so hard. Sometimes I feel really thankful that I have work and I can get a mental break from everything happening at home. Your family is so lucky to have you there and available. I hope I can take care of my parents like you are. Despite all that is going on I hope you are able to find a tiny bit of "me" time on Mother's Day. Even if it is just a longer shower with some really awesome smelling soap! (gotta take it wherever we can get it!)

    Karrie - ok, now you have me hooked - going to have to check out this Zombie thing. Sounds like fun!

    Liapr - glad to hear your back is feeling a little better.

    Mihani - first - I am crying for your fitbit. That is just so sad. I would cry if I lost mine! Do share what are OSG butternut squash black bean burritos? They sound absolutely delicious!

    Sabine - meant to say earlier that it is nice to "meet" you! :smile:

    Sloth - hope all is well with you.

    It has actually been a pretty successful week on a lot of different fronts. First, while I didn't consistently log my food all week all but two dinners this week were all ETL, which, makes me so super happy!! I have been gradually increasing my water intake and trying to get outside daily - whether it is for a walk or just a few sacred moments on my deck to reflect.

    I have been giving a lot of thought to the conversation I had with my mom about school too. The more I think about closing this pursuit the better I have been feeling. I have talked about my struggle on here, back and forth - should I go, get my MBA and CPA or should I just get my 5 classes and then get my CPA, do I even want to get my CPA, do I even want to be in school? The thing is, I spent 11 years doing night and weekend classes to get my BS degree. When I finally finished that I swore I was forever done with school. 9 years later one of my life long friends tragically died in a car accident. It was a hugely emotional time filled with me doing a lot of reflecting and comparing myself to the successes of others. After she passed away, I spent a lot of time with other friends, many seemed so much more successful than me. I felt like I just didn't measure up and decided I was finally going to go for the MBA and CPA everyone kept talking to me about. Looking at this now...I am not sure I made that decision to go back for the right reasons. I really. just. hate. it. I don't like how grouchy I am. I don't like missing time with my kids. I don't like snapping at my husband. I don't like dreading the weekend because I know it is going to be filled with homework. So, I think I am going to drop it after I get through this class (2 weeks!!) and feel ok about it. I feel like I can say "well, I tried that and it sucked for me, so, on to something else!" I feel at peace with that. Finally.

    Ok, off to wrap up work. Will check back in later.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Laura, I can honestly say the first time I made these burritos I had serious doubts, but I stumbled on the recipe and had all the ingredients. I love these burritos. Love. Seriously. They can easily be made ETL'ish by keeping the oil to a minimum. You need a little bit for the squash to roast up nicely. I add a couple handfuls of kale torn into bite-size pieces when I add the rice and such and let it get wilted down. Nice addition. I'm glad you have come to a decision. That has to be a huge relief!

    Karrie, have you made the burritos before? They are awesome! I am becoming intrigued by the Zombies app myself.

    No sign of the fitbit yet. I kind of had a relationship with the judgy little piece of technology and I'm quite sad that he is still missing. And yes I call it "he"... thanks to Scott who named him Hal for me and made me think of it like a person lol.

    Sabine, I'm glad to have you back. I was actually going to message you the other day. If I'm remembering correctly you try to keep to a low glycemic diet. I've been reading a bit lately that tells me maybe I need to go that direction to quell the dratted starchy cravings. I'm interested in how that works for you (if I have it right that is you) and if you have any suggested websites/reading.

    Lia, wedding is soooooo close now! Have you made a final decision on the catering yet? I think it is so awesome you are going to have some vegan options.

    Zoot, hope all is going okay.

    As I mentioned, I have a couple pretty important events coming up in June, work related and there will be a lot of important people present. I don't want to feel blobby and uncomfortable, I want to feel strong and confident. So Jillian and I are going to get back to the 30 day shred and I'm going to go full on ETL starting Sunday. I've been ETL-ish for the most part, I generally am, but I want to get serious and get rid of the -ish. I have a beautiful dress that will be perfect for one of these events that I can't wear unless I get some of these jiggly bits firmed back up, so I have great motivation!