Mostly Full Metabolic Results Panel

KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
For those of you not active in my other groups, I wanted to include my lab results updates since starting LCHF... Waiting on two results - LDL particle size test and Iodine test (re: thyroid).

4/02/2015 247.6 pounds / 112.55 kg
4/08/2015 242.8 pounds / 110.36 kg
4/15/2015 247.6 pounds / 112.55 kg
4/22/2015 245.8 pounds / 111.72 kg
4/30/2015 245.0 pounds / 111.36 kg
5/01/2015 246.4 pounds / 112.00 kg

Yeah, seriously, only 85 ounces of water yesterday combined with a short four hour sleep, and not much else did result in the almost 1.5 pounds gain overnight. I have been all over the place this month, but honestly, I had an unexpected menstrual cycle the week of 4/15-4/22, if I remember correct, some hellacious stress with lab work and doctors appointments, did not track the entire month - kept only a loose count on carbs, but my water and sleep were so poor in April comparatively.

So for me, overall this is good - still technically down for the month, but a crazy yo-yo. I'm not ready to jump whole hog on the meat-wagon next month, though I'm going to focus on that as much as possible, but I'll have about $200 less per paycheck this month (and the rest of the year), so any excess meat purchases will be delayed for a bit...

Mostly my goal for may is going to be focused on water and sleep - and stress. Might start some yoga and such. But my endocrinologist was happy overall, said he wanted to use me as a "success story" for his diabetics to show how much progress was possible in only 3 months of LCHF eating...

My TSH stabilized with respect to T3, T4, Free T's, and all of that. According to my Endo, he said it was almost a perfect normal thyroid panel.

Magnesium was low - but I stopped my supplement several days before the test to see what I was "retaining." He said to stay on the supplement until we test again. Sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide - all maintained pre keto good levels. Selenium is in a good high/middle range place. All the rest of the CMP stayed mostly level or progressed positively.

Cortisol leveled out to in range.

Vitamin B12 levels almost doubled since the end of October, and are above the halfway range marker, but still are low as far as symptoms. Will continue to monitor and supplement.

Vitamin D3 is up 12 points since October, and up from 24 to 58 since 2011.

All blood health numbers (red, white, platelets, etc.) are level or improved slightly.

Total cholesterol is up, but that is due to LDL being up. Should have test back next week confirming that LDL particle size is the large, fluffy, not-scary-healthwise particles. All updates are from the end of October to now.

Triglycerides are down from 112 to 97. They were at 203 in early 2009.

HDL is up from 41 to 45. All time low was 29 in mid-2011.

LDL was up from 133 to 148 (calculated, again note on particle size). Actual test showed the direct rate to be 164, so calculations aren't always correct. My level this time last year was 118, and early 2009 was 135, so all around the same ranges. Looking forward to particle size report.

Fasting Glucose went up from 90 to 91, but A1c went down from 5.3% to 5.1%. Estimated Mean Plasma Glucose was down from 111 to 104, and I was told that was good numbers. Fasting Insulin level went down from 9 in May 2014 to 7.6 in end of October 2014 to 7.1 last week. Endocrinologist say that this is a great trend and approved the discontinuation of Metformin, due to treatment with positive results by diet. The drop from 9 to 7.6 was mostly medication, continued drop from 7.6 to 7.1 was 3 months of LCHF lifestyle.

So astounding positive report for my dietary changes. Looking forward to continuing trends. If anyone wants to see my actual labs, I don't mind posting. Some tests have annual results back to 2009 for comparison, and some are completely new...

Reference Dates:
Switched to LCHFMP on 1/15/15 at 262 pounds - started between 100 grams and 50 grams of carbs daily. By mid-February, to neutralize cravings and such, my average carbs were about 35 grams. Made the choice to drop levels again, just to see how it worked.

Switched to Keto on 2/18/15 at 248.2 pounds. Dropped to 20 grams of carbs daily, 25 or so NET if including high fiber veggies.

Low weight was 241.8 at the end of March - when I attended the Renaissance Faire and got severely dehydrated working out of doors 4 days in a row with limited water. Have been struggling to regain this level, but I know I have not gained "real" weight, because back in February at this "real" weight, I could not wear the same sized clothing I am wearing today, the same clothing I was able to wear at the end of March.

Looking forward to forward progress.


  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    This is great. Its so great to see medical improvements in addition to the weight loss success stories that abound. At the end of the day, in my opinion, it is these that are most important - and will help with overall health and longevity. Thanks for sharing!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    nill4me wrote: »
    This is great. Its so great to see medical improvements in addition to the weight loss success stories that abound. At the end of the day, in my opinion, it is these that are most important - and will help with overall health and longevity. Thanks for sharing!

    I agree feeling better and seeing it reflected in my medical data is a good feeling, but I just wish I could figure out this rash/sun thing. I got a bit of it Friday, Saturday I was fine, then Sunday, without having been outside since Saturday evening/no direct exposure Saturday or Sunday), I woke up from an afternoon nap with a rash flare up in all the sun areas with seemingly no trigger. Took some benedryl which killed the itch and made the inflammation drop some, but I still have some of it today. I'm so confused!!!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    For those of you not active in my other groups, I wanted to include my lab results updates since starting LCHF... Waiting on two results - LDL particle size test and Iodine test (re: thyroid).

    4/02/2015 247.6 pounds / 112.55 kg
    4/08/2015 242.8 pounds / 110.36 kg
    4/15/2015 247.6 pounds / 112.55 kg
    4/22/2015 245.8 pounds / 111.72 kg
    4/30/2015 245.0 pounds / 111.36 kg
    5/01/2015 246.4 pounds / 112.00 kg

    Yeah, seriously, only 85 ounces of water yesterday combined with a short four hour sleep, and not much else did result in the almost 1.5 pounds gain overnight. I have been all over the place this month, but honestly, I had an unexpected menstrual cycle the week of 4/15-4/22, if I remember correct, some hellacious stress with lab work and doctors appointments, did not track the entire month - kept only a loose count on carbs, but my water and sleep were so poor in April comparatively.

    So for me, overall this is good - still technically down for the month, but a crazy yo-yo. I'm not ready to jump whole hog on the meat-wagon next month, though I'm going to focus on that as much as possible, but I'll have about $200 less per paycheck this month (and the rest of the year), so any excess meat purchases will be delayed for a bit...

    Mostly my goal for may is going to be focused on water and sleep - and stress. Might start some yoga and such. But my endocrinologist was happy overall, said he wanted to use me as a "success story" for his diabetics to show how much progress was possible in only 3 months of LCHF eating...

    My TSH stabilized with respect to T3, T4, Free T's, and all of that. According to my Endo, he said it was almost a perfect normal thyroid panel.


    Looking forward to forward progress.

    YAHOOOO! Way to go Knit!!! Sounds great... Keto is good!

    This post made my day (well, evening)!

    Dan the Man from Michigan